206 research outputs found

    Quantum Critical Point of the XY Model and Condensation of Field-Induced Quasiparticles in Dimer Compounds

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    The quantum critical point of the three-dimensional XY model in a symmetry-preserving field is investigated. The results of Monte Carlo simulations with the directed-loop algorithm show that the quantum critical behavior is characterized by the mean-field values of critical exponents. The system-size dependence of various quantities is compared to a simple field-theoretical argument that supports the mean-field scaling

    Absence of Meissner State and Robust Ferromagnetism in the Superconducting State of UCoGe: Possible Evidence of Spontaneous Vortex State

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    We report ac magnetic susceptibility and dc magnetization measurements on the superconducting ferromagnet UCoGe (with superconducting and Curie temperatures of TSC0.5T_{{\rm SC}} \sim 0.5~K and TCurie2.5T_{{\rm Curie}} \sim 2.5~K, respectively). In the normal, ferromagnetic state (TSC<T<TCurieT_{{\rm SC}} < T < T_{{\rm Curie}}), the magnetization curve exhibits a hysteresis loop similar to that of a regular itinerant ferromagnet. Upon lowering the temperature below TSCT_{{\rm SC}}, the spontaneous magnetization is unchanged, but the hysteresis is markedly enhanced. Even deeply inside the superconducting state, ferromagnetism is not completely shielded, and there is no Meissner region, a magnetic field region of H<Hc1H < H_{\rm c1} (a lower critical field). From these results, we suggest that UCoGe is the first material in which ferromagnetism robustly survives in the superconducting state and a spontaneous vortex state without the Meissner state is realized.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Random Bond Effect in the Quantum Spin System (Tl1x_{1-x}Kx_{x})CuCl3_3

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    The effect of exchange bond randomness on the ground state and the field-induced magnetic ordering was investigated through magnetization measurements in the spin-1/2 mixed quantum spin system (Tl1x_{1-x}Kx_{x})CuCl3_3 for x<0.36x<0.36. Both parent compounds TlCuCl3_3 and KCuCl3_3 are coupled spin dimer systems, which have the singlet ground state with excitation gaps Δ/kB=7.7{\Delta}/k_{\rm B}=7.7 K and 31 K, respectively. Due to bond randomness, the singlet ground state turns into the magnetic state with finite susceptibility, nevertheless, the excitation gap remains. Field-induced magnetic ordering, which can be described by the Bose condensation of excited triplets, magnons, was observed as in the parent systems. The phase transition temperature is suppressed by the bond randomness. This behavior may be attributed to the localization effect.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 12 eps files, revtex, will appear in PR

    Microscopic Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Single-Crystal UCoGe

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    Unambiguous evidence for the microscopic coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in UCoGe (TCurie2.5T_{\rm Curie} \sim 2.5 K and TSCT_{\rm SC} \sim 0.6 K) is reported from 59^{59}Co nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR). The 59^{59}Co-NQR signal below 1 K indicates ferromagnetism throughout the sample volume, while nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 in the ferromagnetic (FM) phase decreases below TSCT_{\rm SC} due to the opening of the superconducting(SC) gap. The SC state was found to be inhomogeneous, suggestive of a self-induced vortex state, potentially realizable in a FM superconductor. In addition, the 59^{59}Co-NQR spectrum around TCurieT_{\rm Curie} show that the FM transition in UCoGe possesses a first-order character, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction that the low-temperature FM transition in itinerant magnets is generically of first-order.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Transverse optical plasmons in layered superconductors

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    We discuss the possible existance of transverse optical plasma modes in superlattices consisting of Josephson coupled superconducting layers. These modes appear as resonances in the current-current correlation function, as opposed to the usual plasmons which are poles in the density-density channel. We consider both bilayer superlattices, and single layer lattices with a spread of interlayer Josephson couplings. We show that our model is in quantitative agreement with the recent experimental observation by a number of groups of a peak at the Josephson plasma frequency in the optical conductivity of La1.85_{1.85}Sr0.15_{0.15}CuO4_4Comment: Proceedings of LT21, in press, 4 pages, Latex with LTpaper.sty and epsfig.sty, 2 postscript figure

    Tilting instability and other anomalies in the flux-lattice in some magnetic superconductors

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    The flux-line lattice in the compound ErNi2B2CErNi_2B_2C, which has a tendency to ferromagnetic order in the a-b plane is studied with external magnetic field direction close to the c-axis. We show the existence of an instability where the direction of flux-lines spontaneously tilts away from that of the applied field near the onset of ferromagnetic order. The enhanced fluctuations in the flux lattice and the square flux lattice recently observed are explained and further experiments suggested.Comment: 12 pages, Latex file, no figur

    Phase Diagram of a Superconducting and Antiferromagnetic System with SO(5) Symmetry

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    Temperature vs. chemical-potential phase diagrams of an SO(5) model for high-(T_c) cuprates are calculated by Monte Carlo simulation. There is a bicritical point where the second-order antiferromagnetism (AF) and superconductivity transition lines merge tangentially into a first-order line, and the SO(5) symmetry is achieved. In an external magnetic field, the AF ordering is first order in the region where the first-order melting line of flux lattice joins in. There is a tricritical point on the AF transition line from which the AF ordering becomes second order.Comment: 6 pages, 5 postscript figures, RevTe

    Specific Heat Study on a Novel Spin-Gapped System : (CH_3)_2NH_2CuCl_3

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    Specific heat measurements down to 120mK have been performed on a quasi-one-dimensional S=1/2S=1/2 spin-gapped system (CH3_3)2_2NH2_2CuCl3_3 in a magnetic field up to 8 T. This compound has a characteristic magnetization curve which shows a gapless ground state and a plateau at 1/2 of the saturation value. We have observed a spontaneous antiferromagnetic ordering and a field-induced one below and above the 1/2 plateau field range, respectively. The field versus temperature phase diagram is quite unusual and completely different from those of the other quantum spin systems investigated so far. In the plateau field range, a double-structure in the specific heat is observed, reflecting the coexistence of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic excitations. These behaviors are discussed on the basis of a recently proposed novel quantum spin chain model consisting of weakly coupled ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic dimers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Density of states of a layered S/N d-wave superconductor

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    We calculate the density of states of a layered superconductor in which there are two layers per unit cell. One of the layers contains a d-wave pairing interaction while the other is a normal metal. The goal of this article is to understand how the d-wave behaviour of the system is modified by the coupling between the layer-types. This coupling takes the form of coherent, single particle tunneling along the c-axis. We find that there are two physically different limits of behaviour, which depend on the relative locations of the Fermi surfaces of the two layer-types. We also discuss the interference between the interlayer coupling and pairing interaction and we find that this interference leads to features in the density of states.Comment: 33 pages and 11 PostScript figure

    Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Fluctuations and Anomalous Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in UCoGe Revealed by Co-NMR and NQR Studies

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    Co nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) studies were performed in the recently discovered UCoGe, in which the ferromagnetic and superconducting (SC) transitions were reported to occur at TCurie3T_{\rm Curie} \sim 3 K and TS0.8T_S \sim 0.8 K (N. T. Huy {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 99} (2007) 067006), in order to investigate the coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity as well as the normal-state and SC properties from a microscopic point of view. From the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 and Knight-shift measurements, we confirmed that ferromagnetic fluctuations which possess a quantum critical character are present above TCurieT_{\rm Curie} and the occurrence of ferromagnetic transition at 2.5 K in our polycrystalline sample. The magnetic fluctuations in the normal state show that UCoGe is an itinerant ferromagnet similar to ZrZn2_2 and YCo2_2. The onset SC transition was identified at TS0.7T_S \sim 0.7 K, below which 1/T11/T_1 of 30 % of the volume fraction starts to decrease due to the opening of the SC gap. This component of 1/T11/T_1, which follows a T3T^3 dependence in the temperature range of - 0.1 K, coexists with the magnetic components of 1/T11/T_1 showing a T\sqrt{T} dependence below TST_S. From the NQR measurements in the SC state, we suggest that the self-induced vortex state is realized in UCoGe.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures. submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. To appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp