3,580 research outputs found

    Melting of genomic DNA: predictive modeling by nonlinear lattice dynamics

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    The melting behavior of long, heterogeneous DNA chains is examined within the framework of the nonlinear lattice dynamics based Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois (PBD) model. Data for the pBR322 plasmid and the complete T7 phage have been used to obtain model fits and determine parameter dependence on salt content. Melting curves predicted for the complete fd phage and the Y1 and Y2 fragments of the Ď•\phiX174 phage without any adjustable parameters are in good agreement with experiment. The calculated probabilities for single base-pair opening are consistent with values obtained from imino proton exchange experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Required precision of mass and half-life measurements for r-process nuclei planned at future RI-beam facilities

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    In order to understand the r-process nucleosynthesis, we suggest precision required for mass and beta-decay half-life measurements planned at future RI-beam facilities. To satisfy a simple requirement that we put on nuclear model predictions, it is concluded that the detectors for the mass measurements must have a precision of 1sigma ~< 250 keV, and that the detectors for the half-life measurements demand a precision of 1sigma ~< 0.15 ms. Both the above precisions are required at the neutron richness of A/Z = 3.0 at the N=82 shell closure and A/Z = 2.9 at the N=50 shell closure. For the doubly magic nuclide 78Ni, a precision of 1sigma ~< 300 keV and 1sigma ~< 5 ms are required, respectively, for mass and half-life measurements. This analysis aims to provide a first rough guide for ongoing detector developments.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. in Proceedings of Int. conf. The Future Astronuclear Physics, From microscopic puzzles to macroscopic nightmares, Eds. H.M.J. Boffin et al., EAS Publication Series, EDP Sciences, in press (2004

    Thermal Phase Transitions and Gapless Quark Spectra in Quark Matter at High Density

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    Thermal color superconducting phase transitions in three-flavor quark matter at high baryon density are investigated in the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) approach. We constructed the GL potential near the boundary with a normal phase by taking into account nonzero quark masses, electric charge neutrality, and color charge neutrality. We found that the density of states averaged over paired quarks plays a crucial role in determining the phases near the boundary. By performing a weak coupling calculation of the parameters characterizing the GL potential terms of second order in the pairing gap, we show that three successive second-order phase transitions take place as the temperature increases: a modified color-flavor locked phase (ud, ds, and us pairings) -> a ``dSC'' phase (ud and ds pairings) -> an isoscalar pairing phase (ud pairing) -> a normal phase (no pairing). The Meissner masses of the gluons and the number of gapless quark modes are also studied analytically in each of these phases.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Melting Pattern of Diquark Condensates in Quark Matter

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    Thermal color superconducting phase transitions in high density three-flavor quark matter are investigated in the Ginzburg-Landau approach. Effects of nonzero strange quark mass, electric and color charge neutrality, and direct instantons are considered. Weak coupling calculations show that an interplay between the mass and electric neutrality effects near the critical temperature gives rise to three successive second-order phase transitions as the temperature increases: a modified color-flavor locked (mCFL) phase (ud, ds, and us pairings) -> a ``dSC'' phase (ud and ds pairings) -> an isoscalar pairing phase (ud pairing) -> a normal phase (no pairing). The dSC phase is novel in the sense that while all eight gluons are massive as in the mCFL phase, three out of nine quark quasiparticles are gapless.Comment: minor changes in the text, fig.2 modifie

    Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Psoriasis syphilitica

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    Verfasser machte klinische und histologische Untersuchungen über 6 Fälle von Psoriasis luetica und kam zum folgenden Schluss. Psoriasis luetica beträgt 2,7% der rezenten Syphilisfälle von sekundärem Stadium. Sie kommt von 3 Monaten bis 5 Jahre nach der Ansteckung zum Vorschein, bevorzugt Handteller und Fuszsohle, wo die Hornschicht der Epidermis phisiologisch gut entwickelt und am häufigsten einer mechanischen Reizung ausgesetzt ist, und wird sehr selten an Hand-und Fussrücken beobachtet. Die Krankheit kommt häufiger bei Mannern als bei Frauen vor und wird am meisten im 20.-40. Lj. angetroffen. Histologisch findet man Parakeratose, Wucherung oder Atrophie des Stratum granulosum und Akanthose. Gefässkapillaren, besonders in der oberen Kutisschicht, sind stark dilatiert; Zellinfiltration ist in der Papillar-und Subpapillarschicht deutlich zu erkennen. Infiltrierte Zellarten sind hauptsächlich Lymphozyten, Leucocyten, Plasmazellen, und Bindegewebszellen auch vermehrt. In Stachel-und Papillarschicht findet sich leichte Ödembildung. Psoriasis luetica gehort im allgemeinen zur SpÖt- oder Recidivform der Lues secundaria und reagiert meistens gut auf zutreffende antiluische Kur; in einem Fall erwies sie sich einer kombinierten Arsen-Bismutbehandlung gegeneüber als sehr hartnäckig

    Bonding in doped gallium nanoclusters: Insights from regional DFT

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    The molecular nature (Ga2)n of gallium makes this an interesting metal to investigate for the development of novel nano-materials. However, establishment of a targeted approach to manipulating the properties of gallium clusters requires a detailed understanding of how doping affects the bonding in these species. In this study, the bonding of gallium nanoclusters has been investigated using electron deformation densities and Regional Density Functional Theory (RDFT). Bonding throughout Ga12X clusters is generally intermediate between covalent and metallic. However, the presence of Ga2 subunits is clearly identified in clusters with endohedral dopants (Ga12X, X = Al, Si, P, Ga, Ge, As). Although there is evidence of Ga2 subunits in exohedral doped clusters, localised bonding to the dopant generally leads to significant disruption to the cluster framework. Maps of electronic chemical potential provide understanding for the observed differences in regioselectivity for hydrogen adsorption
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