52 research outputs found


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    取埗孊䜍 : 博士保健孊, 孊䜍授䞎番号 : 医博甲第1944号 , 孊䜍授䞎幎月日 : 平成20幎3月22日, 孊䜍授䞎倧孊 : 金沢倧孊, 審査結果の報告日 : 平成20幎2月22日, 䞻査 :島田 啓子 , 副査 :坂井 明矎, 須釜 æ·³


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    This study was performed to determine the actual situation of maternal distress regarding 1-year-old infant s cries.  A self-completed questionnaire survey was performed 1 year after birth among 305 mothers who gave birth to term infants at maternity hospitals in the Hokuriku region. The survey content included : state of infant cries (characteristics of the cry and frequency, occurrence of crying at night, and the period when cries at night were observed), mother s sleeping condition and health condition, status of night feeding, support, feelings of mothers, and period when mothers began to understand the reasons for the infant s cries. In this study, the frequency of maternal distress regarding infant s crying was converted to a score, with higher scores indicating higher levels of distress related to crying. The number of valid responses was 251 (rate of valid response, 82.3%). One hundred eighty-five mothers reported night crying (73.7%), and night crying occurred most often around 6 to 8 months. The period when mothers felt they understood the reasons for the infant s cries was at 7 to 8 months in the majority of cases, and 1 year at the latest. At 1 year after birth, only approximately 20% of mothers reported feelings of distress related to crying. The results indicated that maternal distress associated with child crying is related to nuclear family, presence of someone to talk to about childcare, characteristics of infant s cry, mother s health condition, and mother s feelings toward childcare.幎児の泣きずその母芪の泣きに察する困難感の実態を明らかにするこずを目的ずし た。  北陞地方の病産院にお正期産児を出産した母芪名を察象に、出生埌幎時に、自己蚘 入匏質問玙調査を実斜した。調査内容は、児の泣きの状態泣き方の特城や頻床、倜泣き の有無ず倜泣きの時期等、母芪の睡眠・健康状態、倜間の授乳状況、サポヌト状況、児が 泣いた時の母芪の気持ちや泣きの理由がわかるようになった時期などである。本研究にお いおは、児が泣くず戞惑う母芪の頻床を埗点化し、埗点が高いほど、泣きに察する困難感 が高いず解釈した。有効回答は名有効回答率. %であった。乳児の倜泣きは、 名. の母芪にみられ、倜泣きの時期はヶ月頃が最も倚かった。母芪が児の泣 きの理由がわかるようになったず感じる時期は、倧郚分がヶ月頃から遅くずも幎 たでであった。幎時においおは、泣きに察しお戞惑う母芪は割皋床であった。泣きに 察する母芪の困難感には、栞家族、子育お盞談者の存圚、児の泣きの特性、母芪の健康状態、 育児に察する母芪の気持ちやなどが関連しおいるこずが明らかずなった。[原著:Originals


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    目的:児の泣きは、育児ノむロヌれや虐埅を生じさせる危険性に぀ながるものであり、このような状況を予知し、育児困難感や䞍安の軜枛に貢献できるケアぞず掻甚するために、児の泣きに察する母芪の困難感を枬定するための尺床を開発し、尺床の信頌性ず劥圓性を怜蚎するこずである。方法:1.育児困難感尺床の䜜成2.育児困難感尺床を甚いた調査の実斜3.育児困難感尺床の信頌性ず劥圓性の怜蚎結果:1.育児困難感尺床の䜜成:これたでに行なっおきた母芪に察する面接ず生埌1ヶ月〜1幎時の瞊断的調査の分析結果から、母芪の育児困難な状況やそれに関連する芁因などを敎理し、泣きに察する育児困難感の抂念枠組みを怜蚎した。さらに育児に関連した既存の尺床に぀いおの文献怜蚎から尺床項目を怜蚎し、17項目ずし、それぞれの項目に察し、困難に感じる皋床を4段階のリッカヌト尺床ずした。2.育児困難感尺床を甚いた調査の実斜:研究に同意の埗られた北陞地方の26出産斜蚭においお、1ヶ月健蚺受蚺の母芪を察象ずした。調査甚玙は700郚配垃し、441名から回収(回収率63.0%)、有効回答は425名(有効回答率96.4%)であった。尺床項目を決定するために17項目の項目間盞関、および尺床の各項目ず党項目の合蚈埗点の盞関係数からr=0.4以䞋の3項目を削陀した。3.育児困難感尺床の信頌性ず劥圓性の怜蚎:14項目の尺床の因子分析(䞻因子分析法、バリマックス回転)をした結果、因子負荷量が0.4以䞋の3項目を削陀し、11項目で分析しなおした結果、固有倀1以䞊の2因子が抜出された。第1因子は6項目からなり、「泣きに䌎う育児負担」、第2因子は5項目からなり、「泣きの察応ず育児の自信」ず呜名した。第1因子の寄䞎率は22.0%、第2因子たでの环積寄䞎率は41.2%であった。Cronbach\u27s α係数は、0.84であった。基準関連劥圓性は、ベックの抑う぀尺床第2版ずの盞関が、r=0.421,p<0.001ず有意な正の盞関を瀺し、自䜜の感情・情動尺床(α=0.86)ずもr=-0.642,p<0.001ず有意な負の盞関を瀺した。結論:今回開発の泣きに察する困難感尺床は11項目から構成され、おおむね高い信頌性ず劥圓性が埗られた。Objectives : The present study was undertaken to develop a scale for assessing the degree of difficulty experienced by mothers when dealing with crying infants and to evaluate its reliability and validity.Methods : 1.Preparing a scale for assessing difficulty dealing with a crying infant2.Conducting a survey using the scale3.Evaluating the reliability and validity of the scaleResults : 1.On the basis of the data obtained by interviewing mothers and from longitudinal surveys conducted while infants were between 1 and 12 months of age, we analyzed the circumstances when mothers felt it was difficult to deal with their children and the factors associated with this difficulty. We then attempted to develop a conceptual framework for assessing the experience of difficulty mothers have when dealing with crying infants. After that, referring to published papers on existing scales related to childcare, we developed a 17-item scale. Each item of the scale was designed to rate the mother\u27s experi ence of difficulty on a four-point scale (Likert\u27s scale).2.A survey using the scale was conducted at 26 obstetric facilities, which had consented to the survey, in the Hokuriku District, Japan. At each facility, mothers of infants receiving a health checkup at age 1 month were studied. Seven hundred copies of the questionnaire were delivered in total. Responses were collected from 441 mothers (63.0%). Responses from 425 mothers (96.4%) were deemed to be valid for evaluation. The correlations were analyzed between each of two of the 17 items and between the score for each item and the total score of all 17 items. Three items for which the coefficient of correlation was below 0.4 in these analyses were discarded, and the remaining 14 items were further analyzed.3.In the factor analysis (principal component analysis, Varimax rotation) of the 14 remaining items, the factor load was below 0.4 for 3 items. After excluding these 3 items, the 11 remaining items were reanalyzed, resulting in the extraction of 2 components with an eigenvalue over 1. The first principal component was composed of 6 items which we named "burdens on mothers when taking care of crying infants." The coefficient of determination was 22.0% for the first principal component and the cumulative coefficient of determination for the first and second components was 41.2%. Cronbach\u27s α coefficient was 0.84. When criterion-related validity was tested, a significant positive correlation with Beck Depression Inventory 2nd Edition (r=0.421, p<0.001) and a significant negative correlation with our own emotional scale (α=0.86 ; r=-0.642, p<0.001).Conclusion : We developed an 11-item scale for assessing the difficulty mothers experience when dealing with crying infants. This scale was found to have quite high reliability and validity.研究課題/領域番号:15592259, 研究期間(幎床):2003-2004出兞「児の泣きに察する母芪の育児困難感尺床の開発」研究成果報告曞 課題番号15592259 (KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所)   本文デヌタは著者版報告曞より䜜

    子どものいるがん患者の家族ぞの看護: 必芁ずされるケアに぀いおの看護者の認識

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    本研究は、がん患者の子どもぞの看護を行う看護垫の認識を明らかにするこずを目的ずし た。  調査方法は、子育お期にあるがん患者の子どもぞの看護に぀いおの経隓を持぀看護垫4 名 を察象に、実際のケアの経緯やケアの根拠、考えや思いに぀いお半構成的面接を実斜した。 本研究は事䟋研究ずした。  分析は、女性のがん患者の子どもぞの実際のケアずケアに至るたでの考えを文脈ごず抜き 出し、「ケアの経緯や根拠の看護の認識」ず「これたでの実際のケア」の芖点から解釈しカ テゎラむズした。  結果ずしお以䞋の4 点が明らかになった。1. 患者や家族のラむフステヌゞを芋通した関わ り2. 病院倖での子どもず他者の関係性をむメヌゞした関わり3. 子どもからの芖点を持った 関わり4. 専門看護垫ずしおの高い圹割意識ず内省を生かした関わりであった。看護垫は、が ん患者の子どもにたでケアの芖点を広げるこずによっお、患者ずしおの困りごずだけではな く、患者が持぀母芪ずいう圹割、たたその子どもが必芁ずする家族や孊校などの瀟䌚の状況 たで芖野に入れお関わっおいた。  本研究の結果から、がん患者の家族の䞀員である子どもぞの関わりずしお、急性期、慢性期、 タヌミナル期ず治療期をある期間で区切った関わりではなく、母芪ががんず告知されたその 時から様々な進行状況を想定した芋通しのある関わりをいかに看護者が想定できるかが必芁 であるず考えられた。がん患者は、家族の䞭で様々な圹割を持っおおり、その人の家族での 圹割にたで思いを及ばせるこずによっお、看護垫の䞀方方向の看護でなく、患者や家族ず協 力するこずができ、様々に起こりうる患者や家族の問題に぀いお良い方向に導くこずに繋が るず考えられる。  以䞊より、がん患者の看護ずしお患者の家族である子どもにも芋通しをもっお関わっおい くこずが重芁である

    Mother\u27s feelings of distress and related factors resulting from the crying of her one-month-old infants

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    金沢倧孊医薬保健研究域 保健孊

    Mother\u27s feelings of distress and related factors resulting from the crying of her one-month-old infants

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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the nature of mother\u27s distress and its related factors resulting from the crying of her one-month-old infant. Subjects and Methods The subjects were mothers who delivered children in hospitals/maternity clinics in the Hokuriku district and who gave consent to our survey at the time of health examinations for one-month-old infants. The contents of the questionnaire were: characteristics of the infant\u27s crying, states of mother\u27s sleep, feeding and receiving support related to her distress about her infant and its associated factors. Scores were obtained using a 4-point Likert scale. Results Effective responses were obtained from 630 mothers, who consisted of 298 primiparas (47.3%) and 332 multiparas (52.7%). About 50% of the mothers experienced distress because they felt at a loss when their infant cried and when the infant did not stop crying even when being held or lulled. New mothers who had no experience with infants were more likely to indicate distress. The distress was significantly associated with factors such as the way the infant cried and if the infant failed to fall asleep in a timely way. It also was associated with factors in the mother\u27s life such as feeling burdened with childcare and lack of confidence in childcare. Conclusion In order to support mothers having a one-month-old infant, it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of infant\u27s crying, states of mother\u27s fatigue, mother\u27s expression of depression, and to know how mother comprehends childcare and her infant\u27s crying. For screening to be effective it must include both infant and mother factors. 目 的  生埌1 ヶ月児の泣きに察する母芪の困難感ずその感情に関連する芁因を明らかにするこずを目的ずし た。 察象ず方法  北陞地方の病産院にお出産し1 ヶ月健蚺時に調査の同意が埗られた母芪を察象に自己蚘入匏質問 玙調査を実斜した。調査内容は児の泣きに察する母芪の困難感ずその関連芁因ずしお児の泣きの 性質や母芪の睡眠・授乳状況サポヌト状況などの質問項目を蚭定し各々4段階リカヌト尺床で点数 化した。 結 果  有効回答は初産婊298名47.3経産婊332名52.7合蚈630名であった。党䜓の玄半数の母芪が 児が泣くず戞惑ったり抱いたりあやしおも泣きやたない困難な状況を経隓しおいた。困難感を瀺し た母芪は小さな子どもず接したこずのない初産婊に倚く子どもの泣き方が特城的であったりなか なか寝入らないなど子ども偎の芁因ず母芪の生掻状況育児に察する負担感や自信感等の母芪偎の芁 因が困難感に関連しおいた。 結 論  生埌1 ヶ月時の母児の支揎には児偎の芁因ず母芪偎の芁因の双方に着目し児の泣きの特城や母 芪の疲劎状態育児に察する気持ち等に泚意を向け母芪が児の泣きをどのようにずらえおいるのかを 知るこずが重芁でありこれらのスクリヌニングの必芁性が瀺唆された

    Mother\u27s feelings of distress and related factors resulting from the crying of her one-month-old infants

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    Experience of mother who have completed natural weaning

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     本研究は、自然卒乳の迎え方ず、自然卒乳を迎えた母芪の心情を明らかにするこずを目的ずした。自然卒乳埌の母芪 10 名に半構成的面接を行い、逐語録を䜜成し、その内容を質的蚘述的に分析した。自然卒乳時の母子の様子ず自然卒乳埌の母芪の心情に぀いお、類䌌性を芋出した。 自然卒乳の迎え方は、 1 ) 子どもから突然飲たなくなった卒乳  ) 授乳せずに過ごした状況がきっかけずなった卒乳  ) 埐々に授乳回数が枛りい぀の間にかなくなった卒乳、の パタヌンがあった。 自然卒乳埌、卒乳の事実をスムヌズに受けいれられた母芪ず、受けいれがたい母芪がいた。前者は卒乳埌間もなく【授乳がなくなったこずによるメリットの実感】があった。埌者は卒乳埌【授乳を介した密着感を倱う淋しさ】【想い描いおいた卒乳より早い卒乳による未完了感】【理想の卒乳ができなかった心残り】があり卒乳の事実を受けいれがたかった。しかし、【授乳がなくなったこずによるメリットの実感】【自分から卒乳した子どもの成長の称賛】により、埐々に卒乳の事実を受け入れおいた。【理想の卒乳ができなかった心残り】は面接時にも抱かれ続けおいたが、面接を通しお卒乳たでの授乳䜓隓を語り盎すこずで【党授乳期間における䟡倀ある䜓隓の再認識】が生じ、自分の卒乳のかたちずしお受け入れようずしおいた。以䞊より、自然卒乳埌、卒乳の事実を受けいれがたい母芪のこころに寄り添う支揎の必芁性が瀺唆された。This study was performed to clarify the acceptance of natural weaning and the feelings of mothers who experienced natural weaning. We conducted a semi-structured interview survey with 10 mothers who have experienced natural weaning, developed word-for-word interview records, and analyzed the content by a qualitative and descriptive method. We found similarities in the behaviors of mothers and children at the time of natural weaning and the feelings of mothers after natural weaning. There are three types of natural weaning: 1) the child suddenly does not suckle from the breast; ) the mother stops breastfeeding triggered by a certain period without breastfeeding; and ) the frequency of breastfeeding gradually decreases unintentionally, resulting in natural weaning. Some mothers accepted natural weaning without difficulty but others had feelings of unease. Mothers of the former type felt “the advantage of being free from breastfeeding after completing weaning,” while those of the latter type felt “loneliness due to the loss of the intimate attachment with their children via breastfeeding,” “incomplete because of earlier weaning than expected,” and “regret because the course of ideal weaning did not proceed as planned” and they had difficulty in accepting that weaning had occurred. However, these latter mothers gradually accepted that they had completed weaning because they felt “the advantage of being free from breastfeeding after completing weaning” and “admiration of the growth of their children who completed weaning.” During the interview, they still expressed “regret because the course of ideal weaning did not proceed as planned”; however, by reviewing the experience from the start to end of breastfeeding, they “recognized the worthwhile experience of breastfeeding” and tried to accept their own experience. The results of this study suggested that there is a necessity for mental support of mothers who have difficulty in accepting the experience of weaning
