274 research outputs found

    What symptoms of disordered gambling, disordered eating, anxiety, and depression co-occur? The explanatory power of network analysis

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    An abstract (not to exceed 200 words) Disordered gamblers often exhibit comorbid psychiatric disorders, however, little is known about how or why these disorders co-occur. We posit that comorbidity is likely the result of one or more symptoms of disordered gambling being strongly associated with one or more symptoms of other disorders. To test this idea, we conducted a network analysis to identify relations between individual symptoms of disordered gambling, disordered eating, anxiety, and depression in a representative sample of Canadians from the Bay of Quinte region of Ontario (N=4121). Results indicated that chasing one’s losses was a central symptom in the disordered gambling network. Moreover, it connected to compensatory purging behavior in the disordered eating network. Furthermore, the disordered gambling and depression symptom networks were related indirectly though the anxiety symptom network. More specifically, the disordered gambling symptom pertaining to the need to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling of excitement was associated with the anxiety symptom pertaining to excessive worrying and difficulty stopping to do so. In turn, excessive worrying was connected to the depression symptom pertaining to feeling sad, down, or blue. This research suggests a need to focus on individual symptoms when examining the interrelation among disorders. Word count = 199 A clear statement of the implications of the material to be presented, i.e., the “so what?” of the presentation (not to exceed 50 words) The results make a unique theoretical contribution to the gambling studies field in terms of understanding the core symptom(s) underlying disordered gambling and the specific symptoms that connect disordered gambling with other co-occurring disorders. These findings have basic and applied significance for the treatment of disordered gambling and comorbid conditions. Word count = 5

    Dynamics of ship collisions

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    The thesis studies ship collisions computationally and experimentally on large and model scales. On the basis of the experimental observations a 3D simulation model is proposed that couples the motions of the ships to the contact force, and considers all the major hydromechanical forces that act on colliding ships. Additionally, the effects of sloshing and the dynamic bending of the hull girder are investigated and implemented into the simulation model. Large-scale experiments were analysed in order to get a deeper insight into the collision dynamics. On the basis of the large-scale experiments a model-scale test setup is designed using the Froude's scaling law. There, the emphasis was laid on the external dynamics and the structural response, properly scaled from the large-scale test, was modelled using homogeneous foam in the side structure of the struck ship model. It is shown that the model-scale experiments illustrated the large-scale tests both qualitatively and quantitatively. A wide range of symmetric, both with and without sloshing, and non-symmetric collision scenarios are studied on a model scale. The experimental findings are exploited in the development of a coupled collision simulation model. The model is formulated in three-dimensional space, and the contact force between the colliding ships considers both the normal and frictional components. A discrete mechanical model for sloshing is implemented into this time-domain model. This linear sloshing model describes the fluid in partially filled tanks with a single rigid mass and with a number of oscillating mass elements that interact with the ship structure through springs and dampers. The dynamic bending of the ship hull girder is included by modelling it as an Euler-Bernoulli beam. Both the experiments and the simulations emphasised the importance of the coupling between the motions and the contact force. It was especially obvious in the case of non-symmetric collisions and in the experiments with sloshing. The penetration paths calculated with the developed time-domain simulation model agreed well with those from the experiments. The total deformation energy was predicted with a deviation of about 10%. The hydrodynamic radiation forces acting on colliding ships proved to have a strong influence on the energy distribution as at the end of the contact they accounted for up to 25% of the total available energy. However, if the interest is in the maximum deformation, the approach with the hydrodynamic damping ignored yields an error of about 5% in the deformation energy. The results of the large- and model-scale experiments with partially filled liquid tanks emphasised the importance of sloshing for collision dynamics. The structural deformation energy in the tests with sloshing was only about 70%-80% of that in similar collision tests without sloshing. The simulation method with the linear sloshing model overestimated the deformation energy by up to 10% for low filling levels of water, but in the case of medium filling levels the predictions agreed amazingly well

    Financially Focused Self-Concept and Disordered Gambling Severity are Bidirectionally Related Over Time

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    Abstract: Financially focused self-concept refers to overvaluing the importance of financial success for self-definition and self-worth (e.g., “My value as a person depends upon the amount of money I have”). Theory suggests financially focused self-concept plays a pernicious role in the etiology and maintenance of disordered gambling. Providing support for this supposition, recent research has demonstrated as positive association between financially focused self-concept and disordered gambling symptomatology—an association that is independent of known etiological and maintenance factors. Critically, the extant research on link between financially focused self-concept and disordered gambling has been cross-sectional, which limits the ability to draw causal inferences about the direction of the relation. To the point, yet unknown is whether financially focused self-concept is an antecedent or a consequence of disordered gambling, or if the relation is bidirectional. In this presentation, we will discuss growing work about the role of financial success in disordered gambling and the results of two longitudinal studies (one student and one community sample). Both studies provide support for a bidirectional relation between financially focused self-concept and disordered gambling. The theoretical and practical significance of the findings will be discussed in terms of the prevention, progression, maintenance, and treatment of disordered gambling. (Word Count = 200/200) Keywords: Financial success, disordered gambling, etiology, longitudinal research, self-concept Implications: This program of research has both basic and applied implications for understanding the etiology and maintenance of disordered gambling. In specific, this research suggests that researchers as well as treatment providers should consider the extent to which people have a financially focused self-concept in prevention as well as intervention initiatives. (Word count = 50/50


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    Intergroup conflict in Lebanon : social identification and involvement in collective action predict more hopelessness for Lebanese young adults

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    The studies examined social identity, collective action, and individual hopelessness in young adults who were university students living through the severe escalating intergroup conflict in Lebanon in 2007 and 2008. As expected, participants in Study 1 (N =162) viewed the conflict as escalating, potentially leading to a civil war, and as leading to hopelessness. Studies 2 and 3 applied social identity theory (SIT; Tajfel & Turner, 1986) to address the determinants and consequences of social identification and involvement in collective action. As well, a hypothesis was derived from Staw's (1997) escalation of commitment theory. Structural equation modeling was conducted. As expected, participants in Study 2 (N = 566) who perceived the intergroup hierarchy as unstable, illegitimate, and group boundaries as impermeable (i.e., migration between groups is not possible) identified more with their group and were more involved in collective action. As well, social identification and collective action increased individual hopelessness. Perceiving the hierarchy as unstable was also directly linked to less hopelessness. Study 3 (N =278) was a modified replication which focused on perceived instability and social identity as determinants of hopelessness and depressio!1' Parallel effects emerged, and hopelessness was linked to depression. As well, not only did social identification in Study 3 increase depression via hopelessness, but identification unexpectedly also directly decreased depression. Across both studies, perceived instability both increased and decreased hopelessness, via different pathways. The findings reveal complex pathways by which social identity processes influence adjustment. Implications are discussed for SIT and the broader context of Lebanon


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    Penelitian Uji Efektifitas Poly4 Sirius sebagai sumber KMgS terhadap pH tanah dan produktivitas jagung dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang dan Umbi, KP. Muneng, Kab. Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. Waktu penelitian Juli-November 2018. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok diulang empat  kali, terdiri dari 12 kombinasi takaran pemberian pupuk urea, Poly4,  SP 36, Kieserite dan NPK, menggunakan jarak tanam 70 cm x 20 cm dengan menggunakan varietas Bisi 18, dimana setiap unit perlakuan ditanam 8 baris tanam dengan panjang baris 6 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pupuk majemuk Poly4 sebagai salah satu sumber K memiliki kualitas yang sama dengan pupuk KCl, di mana penggunaan pupuk Poly4 dengan takaran 257 kg/ha (setara 36 kg K2O/ha) yang dikombinasikan dengan pupuk NP (urea takaran 413 kg/ha dan pupuk SP36 250 kg/ha) memberikan hasil 13,3 t/ha yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan pemupukan  NP yang dikombinasikan dengan pupuk KCl 100 kg/ha dengan hasil 12,6 t/ha. Pupuk Poly4 selain mengandung hara K yang berdampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan diameter juga mengandung hara Mg berdampak positif terhadap peningkatan kandungan klorofil daun jagun


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    Kemampuan manajerial merupakan suatu kemampuan pimpinan untuk menggunakan sumber daya dan alat-alat sehingga penggunaannya berjalan efisien dan efektif maka diharapkan akan menghasilkan lulusan tepat waktu pada mahasiswa PTKIS Kota Batam. berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka rumusan masalah pada tesis ini adalah : (1)Bagaimana kemampuan manajerial ketua prodi (2)Bagaimana pengaruh kemampuan manajerial ketua prodi terhadap lulusan tepat waktu. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui kemampuan manajerial ketua prodi PTKIS Kota Batam (2)Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemampuan manajerial ketua prodi terhadap lulusan tepat waktu di PTKIS Kota Batam. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah enam ketua prodi dari PTKIS Kota Batam yang telah memiliki lulusan mahasiswa, data yang dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner,dokumentasi dan wawancara, dianalisis dengan regresi linier. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) kemampuan manajerial ketua prodi tergolong tinggi dengan memperoleh skor angket 81.1% (2)kemampuan manajerial berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap lulusan tepat waktu, hal ini ditunjukkan oleh nilai T hitung tabel 4.963 >T 3.18

    Teknologi Pengelolaan Tumpangsari Jagung-Padi dan Jagung-Kedelai di Lahan Kering

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    Rice, corn and soybeans are plants as a source of food and feed in Indonesia. Consumption of food crops (rice, corn and soybeans) has increased every year along with the population and livestock. One alternative to meet the needs of staple food and feed is the corn-rice and corn-soybean intercropping system. The aim of the study was to verify the corn-rice and corn-soybean intercropping model for optimizing production and knowing the spacing of corn, rice, soybeans on the same land and season and the comparison of the number of rows of corn in the intercropping of corn-rice, corn and soybeans with optimal corn production. Intercropping is a cropping system by planting more than one type of plant/commodity at the same time or at a certain time in one growing season. The research was carried out in KP. Bajeng Gowa from August to November 2019. The study used a factorial randomized block design with 3 (three) replications. The first factor is 1) the first planting distance of corn-rice-soybean is (maize (160 x 40) x 20 cm (3 rows of plants), upland rice 20 cm x 20 cm (5 seeds/hole, 4 rows of plants), soybean 40 cm x 20 cm (2 seeds/hole 3 rows of plants) and the distance of corn from rice and soybeans is 40 cm, 2) the second planting distance of corn-rice-soybean (Dena 1) is corn (160 x 40) x 20 cm ( 1 seed/hole, 4 rows of plants), upland rice 20 cm x 20 cm (5 seeds/hole, 4 rows of plants), soybean 40 cm x 20 cm (2 seeds/hole, 3 rows of plants) and distance of corn from rice and soybeans 40 cm. The second factor is the corn varieties, namely Nasa-29, JH 45, JH 27, and Bisi 18. For rice and soybeans, plant them at the same time as 10-15 before planting corn. The results showed that the productivity of maize (6.92-8.46 t/ha) intercropped with soybeans was higher than maize (5.12-5.24 t/ha) intercropped with rice at a spacing of maize (120-40) x 20 cm (3 rows of maize) and maize productivity (7.05 – 8.59 t/ha) intercropped with rice were higher than maize (6.43-7.72 t/ha) intercropped with soybeans at a spacing of maize (120-40 ) x 20 cm (3 rows of corn)
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