6 research outputs found


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    Llevando a cabo a fines de setiembre de 1955 una exploración superficial en las colinas de Ancón, el autor acompañado por el Sr. José Casafranca, funcionario de la Dirección de Arqueología e Historia del Perú, hubimos de localizar un sitio en el que aparecían a simple vista gruesas capas de basura arqueológica que contenían una apreciable cantidad de fragmentos de cerámica Chavinoide-Ancón. Este sitio arqueológico, que se encuentra aproximadamente a unos 140 metros al WNW del tanque de agua construido junto al camino a Playa Hermosa, aparecía como expuesto por ciertos trabajos de nivelación llevados a cabo evidentemente para terraplenar una parte de las laderas de las colinas, quizá con el fin de construir algunas casas en ese lugar. El corte efectuado había expuesto capas de antiguos basurales en un espesor visible en algunos lugares de hasta 1.5 metros

    Modelo fenomenológico para la predicción del aceite extraído de Moringa oleífera utilizando un equipo de laboratorio Soxhlet

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    Moringa oleifera is an oilseed crop with poten­tial for biodiesel production. The second step in this process is the extraction of oil. Extraction in hot water, with a Soxhlet apparatus and the ultrasound technique are the most commonly used methods. The aim of the present work was to obtain a phenomenological model for the Moringa oleifera oil extraction process using Soxhlet. Effective diffusivity for Moringa oil through the kernels is obtained, using the kinetics of the extraction process (experimentally determined) and the Fick’s diffusion second law for non-steady state. The value of 0.685·10-12 m2/s fully matched reports on effective diffusion coefficient for other solids. It was also verified from the statistical analysis and a linear fit for experimental data that the model can be used to describe the oil extraction process of Moringa oleifera in the Soxhlet extractor, responding to the diffusive phenomenon (process controlled by internal resistance).Moringa oleífera es un cultivo oleaginoso con potencial para producir biodiesel. La segunda etapa del proceso es la extracción de aceite. Los métodos más utilizados son la extracción en agua caliente, con Soxhlet y la técnica de ultrasonidos. El objetivo del trabajo fue obtener un modelo fenomenológico para el proceso de extracción de aceite de Moringa oleífera en Soxhlet. Utilizando la cinética del proceso extractivo (determinada experimentalmente) y la segunda ley de difusión de Fick en estado no estacionario, se obtuvo la difusividad efectiva del aceite de Moringa a través de los cotiledones. El valor de 0.685·10-12 m2/s, se corresponde con reportes del coeficiente de difusión efectiva para otros sólidos. Se verificó a partir del análisis estadístico y ajuste lineal de los datos experimentales, que el modelo describe el proceso de extracción de aceite de Moringa oleífera en Soxhlet, respondiendo al fenómeno difusivo (proceso controlado por la resistencia interna)

    Assessing Psychological Contributions to the Outcome of Limb-Lengthening

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    In the process of limb lengthening and deformity correction, the bone lengthens or is realigned at a rate up to 1 mm per day, which is much faster than a bone would grow naturally. This rapid growth places a challenge on soft tissues to include skin, muscle, tendons, fascia, vascular structures and nerve tissues. Tightness of these structures can lead to joint contracture, joint subluxation, joint dislocation or even nerve damage. Physical therapy (PT) is needed to promote movement and provide stretching to increase the length of the soft tissues in order to facilitate safe limb lengthening. Without aggressive PT, this process will fail. During the deformity correction and/or limb lengthening process, the patients and families are required to adhere to these aggressive PT rehabilitation regimens to achieve successful outcomes. For many reasons outside of tissue generation, patients may fail to reach optimal outcomes. This prospective study seeks to better understand biopsychosocial factors that are associated with an increased risk for poor rehabilitation outcomes during PT in this patient population. The study will consist of two arms; arm 1 involves the identification of risk/factors and arm 2 involves identification of therapeutic interventions to promote successful rehabilitation outcomes. After the data collection is completed, investigators and authors will use SPSS21 to analyze comparisons to identify potential risk and protective factors for successful limb-lengthening outcomes. Once these factors are identified, Arm 2 will focus on the identification of therapeutic interventions to promote successful rehabilitation outcomes. These individualized interventions will be informed by the use of screening measures during an initial brief intake prior to the start of physical therapy. The significance of the proposed study will include the enhancement of care and promotion of successful rehabilitation outcomes in pediatric and adult limb-lengthening patient populations, utilizing a rehabilitation model of collaborative patient care

    Analyses of DNA from ancient bones of a pre-Columbian Cuban woman and a child

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    Molecular anthropology has brought new possibilities into the study of ancient human populations. Amplification of chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been successfully employed in analyses of ancient bone material. Although several studies have reported on continental Amerindian populations, none have addressed the ancient populations inhabiting the Caribbean islands. We used STR and mtDNA analyses to study the skeletal remains of a Cuban Ciboney female adult holding an infant. Results showed that for the STR analyzed the skeletal remains shared common alleles, suggesting a relationship. Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed sequence identity, thus corroborating a possible mother-child relationship. The mtDNA sequence grouped these remains into haplogroup A, commonly found in Amerindian populations. Based on these results, we speculated on a South American origin of pre-Columbian Antilles populations and possible infanticide practices in these populations. This constitutes the first report on DNA analysis of ancient pre-Columbian Cuban populations.<br>A antropologia molecular trouxe novas possibilidades para o estudo de populações humanas antigas. A amplificação de loci em pequenos segmentos cromossômicos repetidos (short tandem repeat, STR) e de DNA mitocondrial (mtDNA) tem sido empregada com sucesso em análises de material ósseo antigo. Embora vários estudos tenham sido publicados a respeito de populações ameríndias continentais, nenhum estudou as populações antigas que habitavam as ilhas do Caribe. Nós usamos análise de STR e mtDNA para estudar os restos de ossos de uma mulher adulta da tribo Ciboney cubana carregando uma criança. Os resultados mostraram que para o STR analisado os restos ósseos compartilhavam alelos comuns, sugerindo um parentesco. A análise de mtDNA mostrou identidade de seqüência, corroborando assim uma possível relação mãe-filho. A seqüência de mtDNA alocou esses restos no haplogrupo A, comumente encontrado em populações ameríndias. Baseado nesses resultados, nós especulamos a respeito de uma origem sul-americana para as populações pré-colombianas das Antilhas e possíveis práticas infanticidas nessas populações. Este constitui o primeiro relato de análise de DNA em populações cubanas pré-colombianas antigas