881 research outputs found

    Economic Growth and Income Inequality Relationship: Role of Credit Market Imperfection

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    This paper examines the empirical relationship between economic growth and income inequality both at aggregate and regional level using more comparable data set for 69 developing countries over the period 1965-2003. The study identifies credit market imperfection in low-income developing countries as the likely reason for a strong negative relationship between income inequality and economic growth. While in short run the relationship between growth and income inequality might be positive but over time more income inequalities reduces economic growth. Moreover, this paper finds evidence that more physical and human capital investment, openness to trade and higher government spending have statistically significant impact on enhancing economic growth and reducing inequality.Economic Growth, Income Inequality, Poverty, Credit Market Imperfection, Trade Openness

    Economic Growth and Income Inequality Relationship: Role of Credit Market Imperfection

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    The 20th century has witnessed unequalled success in improving the living standard of people in most part of the world. According to World Bank annual Statistical reports, poverty has declined significantly in developing countries over the past twenty years but the progress has been uneven. The number of people living in poverty fell from 1.5 billion in 1981 to 1.1 billion in 2001. However, many low-income developing countries are still trapped in vicious circle of poverty. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the number of poor rose from 41 percent to 46 percent between 1981 to 2001.While in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the numbers of poor people have risen to around 20 percent in 2001.1 Therefore; reduction of widely scattered poverty is the most challenging goal for low income developing countries. Economic growth is considered to be a powerful force for reducing poverty. High and sustained economic growth increases the labor demand and wages which in return will reduce poverty. Similarly, better earnings as a result of reduction in poverty lead to increase productivity and growth. But the extent of poverty reduction as a result of economic growth depends on how the distribution of income changes with economic growth and on initial Inequalities in income. If income inequality increases, then economic growth does not lead to a significant poverty reduction. Many developing countries achieved high growth rates in different periods but poverty does not reduce significantly in these periods due to increase in income inequalities. Most South and East Asian economies grew at higher per capita rates since early 1970 along with rise in income inequality over time. In contrast, Latin American countries grew by less than the half of average growth rates in South and East Asia while maintaining high income inequality.2 The differences in income inequality at a given rate of growth require that efforts to reduce poverty by stimulating growth are not sufficient and need to be complemented by efforts to reduce income inequalities


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to isolate alkaloid compound from seed oil of Derris indica (Lam) Bennett where relevant antimicrobial properties in traditional medicines. Methods: The plant was selected based on their usage in traditional medicines and ethnopharmacological importance. Crude extract from D. indica seeds fractioned with different solvents through column chromatography. Isolated pure fraction was identified and characterized using UV, FTIR, 1HNMR and Mass spectroscopy. Results: D. indica seeds hexane extract on fractionation with ethyl acetate and methanol through column chromatography yielded a crystalline fraction. The fraction was identified as alkaloid group and characterized as a 2-(6-methoxyphenanthridin-8-yl) propan-2-ol. The compound is a new report from D. indica seed oil. Conclusion: The usage of D. indica plant is much in traditional health care for treatment of diseases. Isolation of alkaloid compound from D. indica seeds in traditional herbal medicines may be found a good source of drug discovery

    Waterlogging and salinity management in the Sindh Province. Volume 1 - The irrigated landscape: resource availability across the hydrological divides

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    Irrigation management / River basins / Irrigated farming / Climate / Irrigation systems / Irrigation canals / Discharges / Water balance / Waterlogging / Salinity / Groundwater development / Tube wells / Water table / Drainage / Public sector / Land reclamation / Pakistan / Sindh Province / Indus Basin / Rohri / Larkana / Shikarpur / Hairdin / North Dadu / Ghotki / East Khairpur / Sukkur Barrage

    Diabetic nephropathy and its risk factors among patients with diabetes mellitus-an observational study

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    Background: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is frequently associated with T2DM and the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the three classic micro-vascular complications of diabetes mellitus (DM), traditionally described among patients with long duration and poor control of DM. The aim of this study was to identify and evaluate the risk factors for diabetic nephropathy among patients with DM. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study and was conducted in the department of medicine, LABAID specialized hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from March 2022 to March 2023. We included 345 patients with DM and diabetic nephropathy in our study. Results: In our study the mean age was 43.1±9.3 years and majority (57%) of patients were female. Among all patients 48% had diabetes for less than 8 years. Majority (72%) patients got nephropathy because of elevated glucose levels. We found other risk factors like advanced age (37.39%), smoking (27.83%), obesity (61.16%), elevated blood pressure (53.33%), dyslipidemia (20%), longer duration of diabetes (47.25%), family history of DM and DN (21.45% and 24.35%) and retinopathy (25.80%). Conclusions: In our study, we found advanced age, high glucose level, high blood pressure, obesity, long duration of DM, family history of DM and diabetic nephropathy, smoking, dyslipidemia and concomitant diabetic retinopathy were significant risk factors for diabetic nephropathy among selected diagnosed diabetic patients

    Hybrid Perovskite Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Stability and Defect Tolerance

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    This thesis aims to fabricate doped halide perovskite materials (HPM) by using targeted elements, which have provided a dimension beyond structural and compositional modification to achieve desired properties. The doping of alkali metal ions (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+) in three-dimensional HPM is reviewed to lay a particular focus on advances in synthesis, doping induced changes in optical and electrical properties, and their optoelectronic applications. In addition, advancements in wearable perovskite devices (e.g., solar cells, photodetectors, and light-emitting diodes) concerning their device structures, working mechanisms, and fabrication techniques have been discussed. In our first study, we study the doping of Cs and Rb cations into MAPbBr3 PeNCs to optimize their morphology, crystal structure, and optical properties. It is found that rubidium cations doping can greatly enhance the photoluminescence intensity of the MAPBBr3 PeNCs, whereas cesium cations can improve structural stability owing to the increased valance bond intensity. Secondly, we demonstrated the self-passivation method for the surface defects by introducing potassium (K) or rubidium (Rb) during the colloidal fabrication of PeNCs, leading to much-improved crystallinity, photoluminescence, and improved radiative efficiency. Thirdly, poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) nanofibrous membranes embedded with FAPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals by electrospinning the perovskite and PLLA precursor solution were examined. The resultant PLLA-FAPbBr3 nanofibrous membranes exhibited stability and remained in the water for about 45 days while maintaining their PL peak intensity at 50% of the initial value. Finally, a brief study about flexible photoelectric devices based on halide perovskite NCs was conducted. The future development of perovskite devices based on existing innovative display and lighting technologies was also stated

    Quality Aspects and Storage Evaluation of Freeze Dried Probiotic Pineapple Lassi Powder

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    Freeze dried probiotic pineapple lassi powder was developed using Bifidobacterium bifidum (NCDC 235). Quality aspects were determined in terms of physico-chemical parameters, vitamin composition and probiotic viability. Storage changes were monitored at 25±20C and -18±20C for 1 year. The reconstituted lassi has carbohydrate content of 22.2%, thiamin 2mg which meets 2/3rd of suggested micronutrient intake goal for those working either in cold or at high altitudes. The niacin content in the product is 2.27mg, riboflavin 0.375 mg and pyridoxine 67.5mg.  An increasing trend in ΔE values 0 to 6.06 was observed at 25±2°C while no significant difference (p<0.05) was observed at -18±20C.   pH decreased from 4.71 to 4.1 at 25±2°C and to 4.3 at -18°C±2°C  after 12 months.  Browning in terms of absorbance increased significantly (p<0.05) from 0.015 to 0.061 at 25±2°C.  Bifidobacterium bifidum count decreased from 9.55 log10 cfu.ml-1 to 8.87 log10 cfu.ml-1 and 8.95 log10 cfu.ml-1 after 12 months at 25±2°C and -18°C±2°C respectively. Probiotic viability did not change significantly throughout the storage period at both the temperatures. This instant powder can also be utilised as a health drink mix with reduced bulk suitable for combat conditions and in high altitudes to overcome logistic problems.

    Seasonal variance in the incidence rate of epistaxis

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    Background: Epistaxis, commonly known as a nosebleed, is a medical term that refers to the occurrence of bleeding from the nose. This study aimed to assess the seasonal variance in the incidence rate of epistaxis. Methods: This was a cross-sectional observational study that was conducted in the department of otolaryngology and head-neck surgery (ENT) at Combined Military hospital (CMH), Chattogram from January 2013 to December 2016 and in CMH, Dhaka from January 2017 to July 2019. In total 165 patients who reported complaints of nose bleeding to the ENT Outpatient Department or Emergency unit of the aforementioned hospitals were enrolled in this study as the study subjects. All the patients were diagnosed based on, clinical examination, history, and radiological and laboratory investigations. All data were processed, analyzed and disseminated by using MS office. Results: The mean age of the participants was 34.44 years; the majority (21.8%) were from the age group of 11-20 years. Bilateral nasal bleeding was in 108 (65.5%) cases, 125 (75.8%) patients had the first episode of bleeding and 117 (70.9%) patients had anterior epistaxis. In analyzing the monthly wise incidences rate of epistaxis among participants we observed that, in February (11%), March (10%), June (10%), July (13%) and December (15%) the incidence rates were higher than in other months. In evaluating the seasonal variation of epistaxis among our participants we observed that the highest incidences occurred in the winter season which was 32% followed by 30% in the summer season. Conclusions: Younger male individuals are mainly prone to epistaxis. The frequency of the incidence of epistaxis during the winter and summer seasons is higher than in other seasons

    Structural Development & Growth of Non-Bank Financial Institutions with the Contributory Role in the Economy: Evidence from Bangladesh

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    Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) in Bangladesh are contributing to the economy by diversifying its investment from lease financing to housing financing, merchant banking, venture capital financing and equity financing. The aim of this paper is to show the structural development of NBFIs, performance appraisal of NBFIs and their contribution to the economy in line with GDP. This paper reveals that more participation of private firms in non-banking financial sectors makes this sector less concentrated and more competitive. This paper also finds out that cost of fund of NBFIs is decreasing over the period that indicates rising capacity of borrowing low-cost fund of NBFIs. But the reduction in the cost of the fund could not improve the much to increase the ROA & ROE due to increasing in operating expense, lack of investment opportunity and blocked money in the capital market. Further, NBFIs have high non-performing loan rate that is gradually increasing in nature. The whole industry is doing well in terms of collection of total deposits and lending credit although NPL rate is high. A highly positive correlation is found between total assets of NBFIs and GDP of Bangladesh that contents a positive contribution of NBFIs in the economy
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