24 research outputs found

    Mutation sexuelle, mutation de langage

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    À travers l’histoire d’une jeune femme dont le gros orteil droit s’est muĂ© en pĂ©nis, Matsuura Rieko propose une conception de l’amour et de la sexualitĂ© en termes de genre, plutĂŽt qu’en termes de sexe, que nous souhaitons mettre en lumiĂšre. Alors que l’hĂ©roĂŻne concevait, de son propre aveu, la sexualitĂ© comme un rapport exclusivement hĂ©tĂ©rosexuel, l’apparition de son « pĂ©nis d’orteil » la conduit Ă  envisager la sexualitĂ© sous l’angle d’une relation amoureuse entre deux ĂȘtres, au-delĂ  de leur dĂ©termination sexuelle, en cela que le rapport sexuel mĂȘme ne sollicite pas l’organe sexuel en prioritĂ©. AmenĂ© Ă  se produire sur scĂšne au sein d’une troupe de comĂ©diens dont chacun des membres possĂšde une particularitĂ© physique liĂ©e au sexe, le personnage comprend que ce qu’elle montre sur scĂšne, « l’union pĂ©nis-vagin », est ce que la sociĂ©tĂ© consacre comme rapport sexuel normal. Au terme de son parcours initiatique, Kazumi brise le paradoxe du comĂ©dien dont elle Ă©tait prisonniĂšre : ce sentiment, qu’elle Ă©prouve au dĂ©but de l’intrigue, de matĂ©rialiser son amour Ă  travers le rapport sexuel conventionnel et ce sentiment de frustration alors qu’elle doit interprĂ©ter ce mĂȘme type de rapport sexuel sur scĂšne Ă  la fin du rĂ©cit entrent en contradiction. PĂ©nis d’orteil est un roman d’apprentissage sous-tendu par une Ă©tude sur le genre.Through the story of a young woman whose right big toe changed into a penis, Matsuura Rieko proposes a conception of love and sexuality in terms of gender rather than sex. While the heroine conceived sexuality, by her own admission, exclusively as a heterosexual intercourse, the appearance of her “Big Toe P” makes her face sexuality from the angle of a love relation between two persons, beyond their sex determinations, because the sexual intercourse itself doesn’t demand the genital organ as a priority. When she has to appear on stage with the actors of a theater company where each member has a sex-related distinctive characteristic, she understands that what she is showing, “the penis-vagina union”, is what society establishes as normal sexual intercourse. At the end of her initiatory journey, Kazumi breaks the actor’s paradox in which she has been trapped : what she feels at the beginning of the plot when she thought that she could materialize her love through conventional sexual intercourse and the feeling of frustration while she has to enact this kind of sexual intercourse on scene at the end of the story come into conflict. Apprenticeship of Big Toe P is a Bildungsroman based on a gender study

    Photooxidation of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in the Canadian Arctic

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    Photolysis of dimethylsulfide (DMS), a secondary photochemical process mediated by chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), has previously been demonstrated to be an important loss term of DMS in the surface layer of warm seas and the Southern Ocean. The role of photolysis in regulating the DMS dynamics in northern polar seas remains, however, less clear. This study for the first time determined the apparent quantum yield (AQY) spectra of DMS photooxidation in Canadian Arctic seas covering Baffin Bay, the Mackenzie estuary and shelf, and the Canada Basin. The DMS AQY was fairly invariant at salinities < 25 but rose rapidly with further increasing salinity in an exponential manner. Salinity can therefore be used as a quantitative indicator of the DMS AQY. The DMS AQY in the ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths was linearly and positively correlated with the spectral slope coefficient (275–295 nm) of the CDOM absorption spectrum, suggesting that marine CDOM photosensitizes the degradation of DMS more efficiently than does terrestrial CDOM or that coastal waters contain higher concentrations of substrates (most likely dissolved organic matter and redox metals) that compete for DMS-oxidizing radical intermediates. High concentrations of nitrate (~ 12 ÎŒmol L&minus;1) in deep water samples boosted DMS photooxidation by 70–80%, due likely to radical chemistry of nitrate photolysis. Coupled optical-photochemical modeling, based on the obtained DMS AQY spectra, shows that UV-A (320–400 nm) accounted for 60–75% of the DMS photolysis in the sunlit surface layer and that photochemistry degraded DMS on an e-folding time from 9 to 100 d (mean: 29 d). The photooxidation term on average accounted for 21% of the DMS gross loss rate and was comparable to the atmospheric DMS ventilation rate estimated for the same geographic regions. The methodology adopted here to study the relationship between CDOM quality/origin and DMS AQYs, if applicable to other ocean areas, may bring results of global significance for DMS cycling and might have implications for probing other CDOM-driven photochemical processes

    Photochemical Mineralization of Terrigenous DOC to Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in Ocean

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    When terrigenous dissolved organic carbon (tDOC) rich in chromophoric dissolved organic matter (tCDOM) enters the ocean, solar radiation mineralizes it partially into dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). This study addresses the amount and the rates of DIC photoproduction from tDOC and the area of ocean required to photomineralize tDOC. We collected water samples from 10 major rivers, mixed them with artificial seawater, and irradiated them with simulated solar radiation to measure DIC photoproduction and the photobleaching of tCDOM. The linear relationship between DIC photoproduction and tCDOM photobleaching was used to estimate the amount of photoproduced DIC from the tCDOM fluxes of the study rivers. Solar radiation was estimated to mineralize 12.5 +/- 3.7 Tg C yr(-1) (10 rivers)(-1) or 18 +/- 8% of tDOC flux. The irradiation experiments also approximated typical apparent spectral quantum yields for DIC photoproduction (phi(lambda)) over the entire lifetime of the tCDOM. Based on phi(lambda)s and the local solar irradiances in river plumes, the annual areal DIC photoproduction rates from tDOC were calculated to range from 52 +/- 4 (Lena River) to 157 +/- 2 mmol C m(-2) yr(-1) (Mississippi River). When the amount of photoproduced DIC was divided by the areal rate, 9.6 +/- 2.5 x 10(6) km(2) of ocean was required for the photomineralization of tDOC from the study rivers. Extrapolation to the global tDOC flux yields 45 (31-58) Tg of photoproduced DIC per year in the river plumes that cover 34 (25-43) x 10(6) km(2) of the ocean.Peer reviewe

    Chokusetsu kƍdƍ : l’action directe comme mĂ©thode artistique au Japon

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    L’Art Platform Japan est Ă  l’initiative de la traduction de deux ouvrages consacrĂ©s Ă  l’art contemporain japonais. Cet Ă©vĂ©nement Ă©ditorial accompagna un colloque au Centre national des arts de Tƍkyƍ. History of Japanese Art after 1945: Institutions, Discourse, Practice, se compose de trois chapitres issus de la premiĂšre Ă©dition en langue japonaise parue en 2014, ici prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©s d’une introduction inĂ©dite de l’historien de l’art Kajiya Kenji. Mitsuda Yuri, professeure Ă  l’UniversitĂ© des beaux-art..

    Japan. Body Perform Live

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    L’ouvrage se prĂ©sente comme le catalogue d’une exposition Ă©ponyme, organisĂ©e au Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea (Pac), Ă  Milan. Il envisage la performance sous l’angle des rapports entre corps, enjeux sociĂ©taux et environnementaux. Outre la documentation des Ɠuvres exposĂ©es, qui s’accompagne de courts textes critiques, le catalogue inclut deux essais publiĂ©s en bilingue italien-anglais. Dans son Ă©crit, la curatrice de l’exposition Iida Shihoko, souligne les tensions entre art et politique da..

    Photoproduction of ammonium in the southeastern Beaufort Sea and its biogeochemical implications

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    International audiencePhotochemistry of dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in marine biogeochemical cycles, including the regeneration of inorganic nutrients. DOM photochemistry affects nitrogen cycling by converting bio-refractory dissolved organic nitrogen to labile inorganic nitrogen, mainly ammonium (NH4+). During the August 2009 Mackenzie Light and Carbon (MALINA) Program, the absorbed photon-based efficiency spectra of NH4+ photoproduction (i.e. photoammonification) were determined using water samples from the SE Beaufort Sea, including the Mackenzie River estuary, shelf, and Canada Basin. The photoammonification efficiency decreased with increasing wavelength across the ultraviolet and visible regimes and was higher in offshore waters than in shelf and estuarine waters. The efficiency was positively correlated with the molar nitrogen:carbon ratio of DOM and negatively correlated with the absorption coefficient of chromophoric DOM (CDOM). Combined with collateral measurements of CO2 and CO photoproduction, this study revealed a stoichiometry of DOM photochemistry with a CO2 : CO : NH4+ molar ratio of 165 : 11 : 1 in the estuary, 60 : 3 : 1 on the shelf, and 18 : 2 : 1 in the Canada Basin. The NH4+ efficiency spectra, along with solar photon fluxes, CDOM absorption coefficients and sea ice concentrations, were used to model the monthly surface and depth-integrated photoammonification rates in 2009. The summertime (June-August) rates at the surface reached 6.6 nmol l-1 d-1 on the Mackenzie Shelf and 3.7 nmol l-1 d-1 further offshore; the depth-integrated rates were correspondingly 8.8 ÎŒmol m-2 d-1 and 11.3 ÎŒmol m-2 d-1. The offshore depth-integrated rate in August (8.0 ÎŒmol m-2 d-1) was comparable to the missing dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) source required to support the observed primary production in the upper 10-m layer of that area. The yearly NH4+ photoproduction in the entire study area was estimated to be 1.4 × 108 moles, with 85% of it being generated in summer when riverine DIN input is low. Photoammonification could mineralize 4% of the annual dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) exported from the Mackenzie River and provide a DIN source corresponding to 7% of the riverine DIN discharge and 1400 times the riverine NH4+ flux. Under a climate warming-induced ice-free scenario, these quantities could increase correspondingly to 6%, 11%, and 2100 times. Photoammonification is thus a significant nitrogen cycling term and may fuel previously unrecognized autotrophic and heterotrophic production pathways in the surface SE Beaufort Sea

    Photoproduction of ammonium in the southeastern Beaufort Sea and its biogeochemical implications

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    Photochemistry of dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in marine biogeochemical cycles, including the regeneration of inorganic nutrients. DOM photochemistry affects nitrogen cycling by converting bio-refractory dissolved organic nitrogen to labile inorganic nitrogen, mainly ammonium (NH&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt;). During the August 2009 Mackenzie Light and Carbon (MALINA) Program, the absorbed photon-based efficiency spectra of NH&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; photoproduction (i.e. photoammonification) were determined using water samples from the SE Beaufort Sea, including the Mackenzie River estuary, shelf, and Canada Basin. The photoammonification efficiency decreased with increasing wavelength across the ultraviolet and visible regimes and was higher in offshore waters than in shelf and estuarine waters. The efficiency was positively correlated with the molar nitrogen:carbon ratio of DOM and negatively correlated with the absorption coefficient of chromophoric DOM (CDOM). Combined with collateral measurements of CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; and CO photoproduction, this study revealed a stoichiometry of DOM photochemistry with a CO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; : CO : NH&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; molar ratio of 165 : 11 : 1 in the estuary, 60 : 3 : 1 on the shelf, and 18 : 2 : 1 in the Canada Basin. The NH&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; efficiency spectra, along with solar photon fluxes, CDOM absorption coefficients and sea ice concentrations, were used to model the monthly surface and depth-integrated photoammonification rates in 2009. The summertime (June&amp;ndash;August) rates at the surface reached 6.6 nmol l&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; d&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; on the Mackenzie Shelf and 3.7 nmol l&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; d&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; further offshore; the depth-integrated rates were correspondingly 8.8 ÎŒmol m&lt;sup&gt;−2&lt;/sup&gt; d&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt; and 11.3 ÎŒmol m&lt;sup&gt;−2&lt;/sup&gt; d&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt;. The offshore depth-integrated rate in August (8.0 ÎŒmol m&lt;sup&gt;−2&lt;/sup&gt; d&lt;sup&gt;−1&lt;/sup&gt;) was comparable to the missing dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) source required to support the observed primary production in the upper 10-m layer of that area. The yearly NH&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; photoproduction in the entire study area was estimated to be 1.4 × 10&lt;sup&gt;8&lt;/sup&gt; moles, with 85% of it being generated in summer when riverine DIN input is low. Photoammonification could mineralize 4% of the annual dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) exported from the Mackenzie River and provide a DIN source corresponding to 7% of the riverine DIN discharge and 1400 times the riverine NH&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; flux. Under a climate warming-induced ice-free scenario, these quantities could increase correspondingly to 6%, 11%, and 2100 times. Photoammonification is thus a significant nitrogen cycling term and may fuel previously unrecognized autotrophic and heterotrophic production pathways in the surface SE Beaufort Sea