358 research outputs found

    Short seed extractors against quantum storage

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    Some, but not all, extractors resist adversaries with limited quantum storage. In this paper we show that Trevisan's extractor has this property, thereby showing an extractor against quantum storage with logarithmic seed length

    Adiabatic Quantum State Generation and Statistical Zero Knowledge

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    The design of new quantum algorithms has proven to be an extremely difficult task. This paper considers a different approach to the problem, by studying the problem of 'quantum state generation'. This approach provides intriguing links between many different areas: quantum computation, adiabatic evolution, analysis of spectral gaps and groundstates of Hamiltonians, rapidly mixing Markov chains, the complexity class statistical zero knowledge, quantum random walks, and more. We first show that many natural candidates for quantum algorithms can be cast as a state generation problem. We define a paradigm for state generation, called 'adiabatic state generation' and develop tools for adiabatic state generation which include methods for implementing very general Hamiltonians and ways to guarantee non negligible spectral gaps. We use our tools to prove that adiabatic state generation is equivalent to state generation in the standard quantum computing model, and finally we show how to apply our techniques to generate interesting superpositions related to Markov chains.Comment: 35 pages, two figure

    Short lists with short programs in short time - a short proof

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    Bauwens, Mahklin, Vereshchagin and Zimand [ECCC TR13-007] and Teutsch [arxiv:1212.6104] have shown that given a string x it is possible to construct in polynomial time a list containing a short description of it. We simplify their technique and present a shorter proof of this result

    On the power of quantum, one round, two prover interactive proof systems

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    We analyze quantum two prover one round interactive proof systems, in which noninteracting provers can share unlimited entanglement. The maximum acceptance probability is characterized as a superoperator norm. We get some partial results about the superoperator norm, and in particular we analyze the "rank one" case.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Better short-seed quantum-proof extractors

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    We construct a strong extractor against quantum storage that works for every min-entropy kk, has logarithmic seed length, and outputs Ω(k)\Omega(k) bits, provided that the quantum adversary has at most βk\beta k qubits of memory, for any \beta < \half. The construction works by first condensing the source (with minimal entropy-loss) and then applying an extractor that works well against quantum adversaries when the source is close to uniform. We also obtain an improved construction of a strong quantum-proof extractor in the high min-entropy regime. Specifically, we construct an extractor that uses a logarithmic seed length and extracts Ω(n)\Omega(n) bits from any source over \B^n, provided that the min-entropy of the source conditioned on the quantum adversary's state is at least (1−β)n(1-\beta) n, for any \beta < \half.Comment: 14 page

    The hidden subgroup problem and quantum computation using group representations

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    The hidden subgroup problem is the foundation of many quantum algorithms. An efficient solution is known for the problem over abelian groups, employed by both Simon's algorithm and Shor's factoring and discrete log algorithms. The nonabelian case, however, remains open; an efficient solution would give rise to an efficient quantum algorithm for graph isomorphism. We fully analyze a natural generalization of the algorithm for the abelian case to the nonabelian case and show that the algorithm determines the normal core of a hidden subgroup: in particular, normal subgroups can be determined. We show, however, that this immediate generalization of the abelian algorithm does not efficiently solve graph isomorphism

    Interaction in Quantum Communication

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    In some scenarios there are ways of conveying information with many fewer, even exponentially fewer, qubits than possible classically. Moreover, some of these methods have a very simple structure--they involve only few message exchanges between the communicating parties. It is therefore natural to ask whether every classical protocol may be transformed to a ``simpler'' quantum protocol--one that has similar efficiency, but uses fewer message exchanges. We show that for any constant k, there is a problem such that its k+1 message classical communication complexity is exponentially smaller than its k message quantum communication complexity. This, in particular, proves a round hierarchy theorem for quantum communication complexity, and implies, via a simple reduction, an Omega(N^{1/k}) lower bound for k message quantum protocols for Set Disjointness for constant k. Enroute, we prove information-theoretic lemmas, and define a related measure of correlation, the informational distance, that we believe may be of significance in other contexts as well.Comment: 35 pages. Uses IEEEtran.cls, IEEEbib.bst. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Strengthens results in quant-ph/0005106, quant-ph/0004100 and an earlier version presented in STOC 200
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