16 research outputs found

    Akademik performansı etkileyen stres kaynaklarının belirlenmesine yönelik bir alan çalışması

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    Job stress affects academicians in terms of performance, scientific production, job satisfaction and health. This effect may differ according to the academicians in the structure of the organization. It is possible to mention about positive stress if organization structure positively affects academician, but it is called negative stress if it negatively affects. Lack of fee and powers, injustice employee evaluation, not getting in return for work are important stress sources. In this study, some of the factors that affect stress levels (individual, organizational and physical environmental factors) of academicians (professors, associate professors and assistant professors) who work in Karadeniz Technical University are investigated by questionnaire method. The survey data is evaluated with Structural Equation Model (SEM) which is prepared in statistical package programs SPSS 16.0 and AMOS 16.0 and the results are revealed. As a result, factors effecting academic members' stress levels are determined as individual and organizational factors (p<0,1). Thus, it is concluded that physical environmental factors such as noise, lightening and crowded place do not cause tension on academicianİş stresi öğretim elemanlarını, performans, bilimsel üretim, iş doyumu ve sağlık açısından etkilemektedir. Bu etki öğretim elemanın içinde bulunduğu örgütün yapısına göre değişebilir. Eğer örgüt yapısı öğretim elemanını olumlu yönde etkiliyorsa olumlu, olumsuz yönde etkiliyorsa olumsuz stresten söz etmek mümkündür. Ücret yetersizliği, yetkilerin az oluşu, personel değerlendirmesindeki adaletsizlik, çalışmaların karşılığını alamamak gibi nedenler önemli stres kaynakları olarak görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi’nde görevli öğretim üyelerinin (profesör, doçent ve yardımcı doçent) stres düzeylerine etki eden bazı faktörler (bireysel, örgütsel ve fiziksel çevre faktörleri) anket yöntemi ile araştırılmıştır. Anket verileri SPSS 16.0 ve AMOS 16.0 istatistik paket programlarında hazırlanan Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (YEM) ile değerlendirilerek sonuçlar ortaya koyulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda, öğretim üyelerinin stres düzeyleri üzerinde etkili olan faktörlerin bireysel ve örgütsel faktörler olduğu (p<0,1) belirlenmiştir. Bu noktadan hareketle öğretim üyelerinin gürültü, aydınlatma ve kalabalık ortam gibi fiziksel çevre faktörlerinin kendilerinde stres yaratmadığı kararına varılmıştır

    COVID-19 in pediatric nephrology centers in Turkey

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    Background/aim: There is limited data on COVID-19 disease in children with kidney disease. We aimed to investigate the characteristics and prognosis of COVID-19 in pediatric nephrology patients in Turkey. Materials and methods: This was a national, multicenter, retrospective cohort study based on an online survey evaluating the data between 11th March 2020 and 11th March 2021 as an initial step of a detailed pediatric nephrology COVID-19 registry. Results: Two hundred and three patients (89 girls and 114 boys) were diagnosed with COVID-19. One-third of these patients (36.9%) were between 10–15 years old. Half of the patients were on kidney replacement therapy: kidney transplant (KTx) recipients (n = 56, 27.5%), patients receiving chronic hemodialysis (n = 33, 16.3%) and those on peritoneal dialysis (PD) (n = 18, 8.9%). Fifty-four (26.6%) children were asymptomatic. Eighty-two (40.3%) patients were hospitalized and 23 (28%) needed intensive care unit admission. Fifty-five percent of the patients were not treated, while the remaining was given favipiravir (20.7%), steroid (16.3%), and hydroxychloroquine (11.3%). Acute kidney injury developed in 19.5% of hospitalized patients. Five (2.4%) had MIS-C. Eighty-three percent of the patients were discharged without any apparent sequelae, while 7 (3.4%) died. One hundred and eight health care staff were infected during the study period. Conclusion: COVID-19 was most commonly seen in patients who underwent KTx and received HD. The combined immunosuppressive therapy and frequent exposure to the hospital setting may increase these patients’ susceptibility. Staff infections before vaccination era were alarming, various precautions should be taken for infection control, particularly optimal vaccination coverage

    Sulandırıcıya katılan α--Lipoik asidin dondurulmuş-çözdürülmüş boğa spermasının kalitesi üzerine etkisi

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    This study was conducted to investigate the possible protective effect of α--lipoic acid (ALA) supplementation to extender on damages in the quality of bull semen elicited by freze-thawing process-induced oxidative stres. Ejaculates were collected via an artificial vagina from the bulls at once a week. Then they were split into five aliquots and extended with the Tris base extender containing different doses of ALA, except control. The extended samples were equilibrated slowly to 4°C for 4 h and then frozen using a digital freezing machine. Frozen straws were thawed to analyse progressive motility and sperm motility characteristics as well as plasma membrane integrity. Biochemical assays were performed in a spectrophotometer using commercial kits. Treatment of extender with ALA groups caused a significant decrease in percentages of post-thaw sperm CASA, progressive motilities and sperm motility characteristics such as VAP, VSL and VCL except ALA0.5. Besides ALA0.5 showed lower percentages of acrosome and total abnormalities in comparison to the control. In conclusion, findings generated here showed that ALA0.5 supplementation in Tris based semen extender was of great beneficial effect on frozen-thawed bull semen in terms of morphology and plasma membrane integrityBu çalışma dondurma-çözündürme işleminin neden olduğu oksidadif stresden dolayı boğa spermasında meydane gelen hasarlar üzerine sulandırıcıya katılan α--lipoik asidin (ALA) muhtemel koruyucu etkisini araştırmak amacı ile yapıldı. Ejakülatler haftada bir kez olmak üzere suni vajen yardımı ile toplandı, sonrasında beş eşit parçaya ayrıldı ve kontrol grubu dışında diğerleri farklı dozlarda ALA içeren Tris bazlı sperma sulandırıcısı ile sulandırıldı. Sulandırılan spermalar 4°C'de 4 saat süre ile ekülibre edildi ve otomatik sperma dondurma cihazı kullanılarak donduruldu. Dondurulan spermalar çözündürülerek plazma membran bütünlüğünün yanı sıra spermanın ileri yönlü hareketi ve sperma hareket özellikleri değerlendirildi. Biyokimyasal analizler ticari kit kullanılarak spektrofotometre de yapıldı. ALA0.5 grubu dışında ALA ilave edilmiş sulandırıcı ile sulandırılan gruplarda dondurma çözündürme sonrası CASA ve ileri yönlü spermatozoa hareketi ile VAP, VSL, VCL (spermatozoonun tüm hareketlerinin ortalaması, spermatozonun ilk harekete başladığı ve hareketini sonlandırdığı yer arasındaki en kısa mesafe, gerçek eğrisel yolda kat ettiği mesafe) gibi spermatozoa hareket özellikleri üzerine olumsuz etki gösterdi. Bunun yanında, kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında ALA0.5 akrozom ve total anormalitenin daha düşük oranlarda olmasını sağladı. Sonuç olarak, bu çalışmada elde edilen bulgular Tris bazlı sperma sulandırıcısına ilave edilen ALA0.5'in morfoloji ve plazma membran bütünlüğü üzerine olumlu etkilerinin olduğunu gösterd

    Dondurulmuş boğa sperması kalitesi üzerine değişik antioksidanların etkileri

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    Büyükleblebici, Serhat (Aksaray, Yazar)The objective of this study was to assess the effects of antioxidant supplement (A), fetuin (F), aminoacid (AS) and cysteine (CY) on the sperm parameters, plasma membrane integrity, chromatin damage and antioxidant activities after freeze-thawing. Ejaculates were split into five aliquots and extended to a final concentration of 15x106 spermatozoa/ml with the Tris base extender containing 0.5 ml A, 2 mg/ml F, 13% AS, 5 mM CY andadditive (C). The extended samples were equlibrated slowly to 4&deg;C during 4 h and then frozen using a digital freezing machine.. Frozen straws were thawed individually in water bath at 37&deg;C for 30 s to analyse progressive motility and sperm motion characteristics as well as membrane integrityBiochemical assays were performed in a spectrophotometer using commercial kits. Chromatin damage was evaluated by Comet Assay. A, F, AS anddid not show better result on the percentages of post-thaw sperm motilities. CY exhibited the greatest value of plasma membrane integrity (P&lt;0.05)Total abnormalities were greater in C and F (17.5&plusmn;0.57%; 15.5&plusmn;1.98%, respectively; P&lt;0.05). F had greater chromatin damage results (P&lt;0.05).activity was affected by type of antioxidant, notably CY yielded the lowest results when compared to the other groups (P&lt;0.05). In conclusion, although using antioxidants does not have any influence on the sperm motility after thawing, A, AS and CY cause reduction at abnormal spermatozoa;exhibits the greatest cryoprotective activity on plasma membrane integrity and F caused an increase at chromatin damage.Bu çalışmanın amacı, sperma sulandırıcısına ilave edilen antioksidan suplementi (A), fetuin (F), aminoasit (AS) ve sisteinin (CY) dondurma çözündürme sonrası spermatolojik parametreler, plazma membran bütünlüğü, kromatin hasarı ve antioksidan aktivite üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmekti. Ejakülatlar 5 eşit parçaya ayrıldı ve mililitrede 15x106 spermatozoa olacak şekilde biri kontrol ve diğerleri 0.5 ml A, 2 mg/ml F, %13 AS ve 5 mM CY içeren Tris bazlı sperma sulandırıcısı ile sulandırıldı. Sulandırılan spermalar 4°C de 4 saat süre ile ekülibre edildi ve otomatik sperma dondurma cihazı kullanılarak donduruldu. Dondurulan spermalar sıcak su banyosunda 37°C’de 30 saniye süre ile çözündürülerek plazma membran bütünlüğünün yanı sıra spermanın ileri yönlü hareketleri ve sperma hareket özellikleri değerlendirildi. Biyokimyasal analizler ticari kit kullanılarak spektrofotometrede yapıldı. Kromatin hasarı Comet Testi ile değerlendirildi. A, F, AS ve CY; ileri yönlü spermatozoa hareketi yönünden herhangi bir iyileştirici yönde sonuç göstermedi. Plazma membran bütünlüğü yönünden CY diğer gruplarla karşılaştırıldığında en yüksek değeri gösterdi (P<0.05). Toplam anormal spermatozoa oranı diğer gruplara oranla en yüksek C ve F (%17.5±0.57; %15.5±1.98, sırasıyla) gruplarında belirlendi (P<0.05). F en yüksek kromatin hasarını oluşturdu (P<0.05). GPx aktivitesi antioksidan tipinden etkilendi, diğer gruplarla karşılaştırıldığında özellikle CY en düşük sonuçları verdi (P<0.05). Sonuç olarak, kullanılan antioksidanlar dondurma çözündürme sonrası sperma motilitesi üzerine herhangi bir olumlu etki göstermemesine rağmen A, AS ve CY anormal spermatozoa oranının düşmesine neden oldu. CY plazma membran bütünlüğü yönünden en yüksek korumayı sağlarken, F kromatin hasarının artmasına neden oldu

    Ankara keçisi teke spermasının dondurulmasında üç farklı kryoprotektanın karşılaştırılması

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    Büyükleblebici, Serhat ( Aksaray, Yazar ) Tuncer, Pürsan Barbaros ( Aksaray, Yazar ) Taşdemir, Umut ( Aksaray, Yazar ) Büyükleblebici, Olga ( Aksaray, Yazar )The objective of this study was to evaluate glycerol (G), ethylene glycol (EG) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) which were used two different doses on in vitro semen parameters, antioxidant enzymes activities and DNA damage after the freeze-thaw process in Angora goat semen. Semen samples from 5 mature Angora goats were used in this study. A total number of 40 ejaculates were collected twice a week from the goats using an artificial vagina and the semen pooled to minimize individual variation. Each pooled ejaculate was split into 6 equal aliquots and diluted with tris base extenders supplemented with two different doses of cryoprotectants (G 3%, 6%; EG 3%, 6%; DMSO 3%, 6%). G 3% and 6% was added as a cryoprotectant had better CASA motility (P<0.01) and progressive motility (P<0.001) values when compared to EG and DMSO groups. On the other hand, EG 6% showed the best values of preserved membrane integrity (P<0.01). The evaluation of CASA sperm motions parameters, adverse effects were procured in the groups with DMSO groups when compared to the other groups (P<0.05; P<0.001). G 6% group was the greatest VAP, VSL and VCL values than the other groups (P<0.05; P<0.001). DNA damage was not affected by supplemented different doses of cryoprotectants as well as antioxidant activity (P>0.05). In conclusion, no advantages were found in using EG or DMSO to replace G for freezing of Angora goat spermBu çalışmanın konusu, iki farklı dozlarda kullanılan gliserol (G), etilen glikol (EG) ve dimethil sulfoksidin (DMSO) Ankara keçisi teke spermasının dondurma-çözdürme sonrasındaki in vitro sperma parametrelerinde, antioksidan enzim aktivitelerinde ve DNA hasarındaki etkilerini değerlendirmekti. Çalışmada 5 yetişkin Ankara keçisinden (3 ve 4 yaşlı) spermalar kullanıldı. Haftada iki kez suni vajen kullanılarak alınan 40 ejakülat kullanıldı ve bireysel farkları azaltmak için spermalar birleştirildi. Her birleştirilen sperma 6 eşit kısma bölündü ve içerisinde iki farklı dozda kryoprotektan (G %3, %6; EG %3, %6; DMSO %3, %6) katılmış tris sulandırıcısıyla sulandırıldı. Kriyoprotektan olarak G’ün %3 ve %6 oranında eklenmesi EG ve DMSO gruplarıyla kıyaslandığında en iyi CASA motilitesi (P0.05). Sonuçta, Ankara keçisi teke spermalarının dondurulmasında G yerine EG ve DMSO’nun kullanılmasının avantajı bulunmadı

    Evaluation of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Administration in Chronically Stressed Rats with Experimental Periodontitis.

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    Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the therapeutic effects of systemic caffeic acid phenethyl ester treatment on oxidative stress and alveolar bone destruction in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced periodontitis in chronically stressed rats.Materials and Methods: Fourty male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into four groups: 1) control group, 2) experimental periodontitis (EP), 3) EP and chronic stress (CS) group (EP-CS), and 4) EP-CS treated with CAPE (EP-CS-CAPE). To induce periodontitis, LPS was administered into the buccal gingiva of the test groups, and pure saline was administered for the control group. Two test groups were exposed to restraint stress and one group of these groups was treated with only a single dose of CAPE (10 mmol/kg). Likewise, saline was administered in the control, EP, and EP-CS groups. After 14 days, serum samples were collected from the heart, and all rats were sacrificed for analyses. Oxidative stress and interleukin (IL)-1β were investigated. The receptor activator of the nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) and alveolar bone loss were determined by immunohistochemical analysisResults: The oxidative stress, alveolar bone loss, IL-1β and RANKL levels were found significantly higher in the EP-CS group compared with control and EP groups (p&lt;0.05). However, the administration of CAPE significantly reduced oxidative stress and IL-1β in the EP-CS-CAPE group compared with the EP-CS group (p&lt;0.05). Also, CAPE treatment significantly reduced RANKL and alveolar bone loss in the EP-CS-CAPE group compared with the EP-CS group (p&lt;0.05)Conclusions: The present results indicated that CAPE may inhibit alveolar bone loss by modulating the immune response and inflammatory process

    A biochemical and immunohistochemical study of the effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on alveolar bone loss and oxidative stress in diabetic rats with experimental periodontitis

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    Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is used as a therapeutic agent to prevent bone loss. We determined the effects of systemically administered CAPE on alveolar bone loss and oxidative stress in diabetic rats with experimental periodontitis. Forty male rats were divided into four equal groups: control, experimental periodontitis (EP), EP-diabetes mellitus (EP-DM) and EP-DM-CAPE. DM was induced by streptozotocin, then lipopolysaccharide was injected to induce periodontitis. CAPE was administered to the EP-DM-CAPE group daily for 15 days. Then, serum samples were taken and the rats were sacrificed for histological analyses. Serum interleukin (IL-1ß) and oxidative stress also were evaluated. Alveolar bone loss was assessed histomorphometrically. Alveolar bone loss and IL-1ß levels were significantly less in the EP-DM-CAPE and EP groups compared to the EP-DM group. Oxidative stress was significantly less in the EP-DM-CAPE group compared to the EP and EP-DM groups. Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) levels were significantly higher in the EP-DM group compared to the disease groups. CAPE significantly reduced RANKL levels in the EP-DM-CAPE group compared to the EP-DM group. We found that CAPE treatment significantly inhibited DM induced oxidative stress and RANKL induced osteoclastogenesis and alveolar bone loss in diabetic rats with periodontitis. © 2020, © 2020 The Biological Stain Commission

    Can linoleic acid improve the quality of frozen thawed bull sperm?

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    PubMed ID: 25583007BACKGROUND: Cryopreservation is known to have a detrimental effect on the motility, viability and membrane integrity of sperm cells. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of various amount of linoleic acid supplementation to the Tris extender, on bull sperm parameters, DNA integrity and oxidative stress after freeze-thawing. METHODS: Ejaculates were split into five aliquots and extended to a final concentration of 18x10 6 spermatozoa/ml with the base extender containing different doses of linoleic acid 0.125 ml, (L125); 0.250 ml (L250); 0.5 ml (L500), 1 ml (L1000) and no additive (control; L0). The extended samples were equilibrated slowly to 4°C for 4 h and then froze using a digital freezing machine. Frozen straws were thawed individually in water bath at 37°C for 30 s to analyse progressive motility and sperm motion characteristics as well as membrane integrity. Biochemical assays were performed in a spectrophotometer using commercial kits. DNA damage was evaluated by Comet Assay. RESULT: The addition of various linoleic acid did not improve the sperm subjective, CASA and progressive motilities, sperm motility characteristics and DNA integrity (P&gt;0.05). L500 exhibited the greatest values for membrane integrity than that of the other groups (P&lt;0.001). All supplementation groups led to lower percentages of tail abnormalities in comparison to the control (P&lt;0.001). L500 and L1000 significantly decreased total abnormalities. In conclusion, our findings showed that L500 linoleic acid supplementation in semen extender was of great beneficial effect on frozen-thawed bull semen in terms of morphology and plasma membrane integrity. © CryoLetters

    Effects of various cryoprotectants on bull sperm quality, DNA integrity and oxidative stress parameters

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    WOS: 000315544100007PubMed: 23149044The objectives of this study was to compare the effects of type and concentration of cryoprotectants glycerol (G), ethylene glycol (EG) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on the plasma membrane and DNA integrity as well as antioxidant activity of cryopreserved Eastern Anatolian red bull sperm. Ejaculates were collected from the three bulls using an artificial vagina twice a week. The ejaculates were pooled to increase the semen volume for replication and to eliminate variability among the evaluated samples. The pooled ejaculates were also split into seven equal experimental groups and diluted with the modified base extender to a final spermatozoa concentration of 15 x 10(6) /ml. The extended samples were cooled slowly to 4 degrees C and equilibrated for 4 h. They were then loaded into 0.25 ml French straws and frozen using a digital freezing machine at 3 programmed rates: -3 degrees C/min from +4 degrees C to -10 degrees C, -40 degrees C/min from -10 degrees C to -100 degrees C, and -20 degrees C/min from -100 degrees C to -140 degrees C. Thereafter, the straws were plunged into liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees C. Frozen straws were thawed individually at 37 degrees C for 30 s in a water bath to analyse progressive motility and sperm motion characteristics as well as membrane integrity using hypo-osmotic swelling test. Biochemical assays were performed in a spectrophotometer using commercial kits. DNA damage was evaluated by Comet Assay using Image Analysis System. 6% G exhibited the greatest percentages of CASA (43.7 +/- 2.92%) and progressive (26.4 +/- 2.64%) motilities when compared to the other groups (P < 0.001). 6% G and 6% EG showed the greatest values of preserved membrane integrity (P < 0.001). 6% DMSO and 3% EG + 3% DMSO resulted in greater chromatin damage than the other groups (P < 0.001). The antioxidant activities of GPx, GSH, and CAT as well as the total antioxidant activity were affected by the type of cryoprotectant; notably, 2% G + 2% EG + 2% DMSO yielded the lowest activities when compared to the other groups (P < 0.001). In conclusion, no advantages were found in using EG or DMSO to replace G in bull sperm cryopreservation. Freezing with cryoprotectant 6% G yielded the best post-thaw sperm characteristics for Eastern Anatolian Red bull spermatozoa. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [106G005, TURKHAYGEN-1]This study was financed under a project supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) (Project No: 106G005, TURKHAYGEN-1)