152 research outputs found

    Delay distributions of slotted ALOHA and CSMA

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    We derive the closed-form delay distributions of slotted ALOHA and nonpersistent carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) protocols under steady state. Three retransmission policies are analyzed. We find that under a binary exponential backoff retransmission policy, finite average delay and finite delay variance can be guaranteed for G<2S and G<4S/3, respectively, where G is the channel traffic and S is the channel throughput. As an example, in slotted ALOHA, S<(ln2)/2 and S<3(ln4-ln3)/4 are the operating ranges for finite first and second delay moments. In addition, the blocking probability and delay performance as a function of r/sub max/ (maximum number of retransmissions allowed) is also derived

    Analysis of power ramping schemes for UTRA-FDD random access channel

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    Multicode multirate compact assignment of OVSF codes for QoS differentiated terminals

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    Maximally Flexible Assignment of Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor Codes for Multi-Rate Traffic

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    In universal terrestrial radio access (UTRA) systems, orthogonal variable spreading factor (OVSF) codes are used to support different transmission rates for different users. In this paper, we first define the flexibility index to measure the capability of an assignable code set in supporting multirate traffic classes. Based on this index, two single-code assignment schemes, nonrearrangeable and rearrangeable compact assignments, are proposed. Both schemes can offer maximal flexibility for the resulting code tree after each code assignment. We then present an analytical model and derive the call blocking probability, system throughput and fairness index. Analytical and simulation results show that the proposed schemes are efficient, stable and fair

    Pengaruh Akuntabilitas Keuangan Daerah, Value For Money, Kejujuran, Transparansi, Dan Pengawasan Terhadap Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah (Studi Kajian Pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Pusat)

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    This study aims to examine the influence of local financial accountability, value for money, honesty, transparency and supervision of local financial management. The sample of this research is all SKPD (Local Work Unit Unit) as user of budget related to regional finance management at Regency Government of Labuhanbatu amounting 36 SKPD and 36 Committing Officer of Commitment so amounted 72 person. Sampling method is census method, and data used is primary data. Data were collected by distributing the queryer directly submitted to the respondent. Data analysis techniques use path analysis with the help of SmartPLS 3 program.&nbsp;The results of this study show that value for money, honesty, transparency and oversight have positive and significant correlation to Regional Financial Management, while Regional Financial Accountability has negative and significant correlation to Regional Financial Management


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    ABSTRAKSI: Routing adalah proses pencarian jalan (rute) yang bebas atau bisa dipakai pada jaringan bagi suatu panggilan untuk disambungkan dari asal ke tujuan. proses routing memungkinkan paket data dapat terkirim hingga tujuan yang berada di luar jaringan. Karena proses itu, proses routing menggunakan sumber daya yang cukup besar, mulai dari cost (biaya), reliability, performansi jaringan, dan lainnya. Untuk mengatasi hal itu, berbagai upaya telah banyak dilakukan, mulai dari efisiensi topologi jaringan, penentuan jalur data, ruang lingkup jaringan, dll. Dari banyak upaya yang diciptakan dan dilakukan, terdapat satu cara dengan tujuan yang sama, yaitu dengan metode multiple routing.Multiple routing merupakan suatu proses routing yang melakukan penentuan arah yang jumlahnya lebih dari satu dalam mengirimkan data hingga tujuan. multiple routing configuration (MRC) memungkinkan suatu komunikasi data dalam jaringan internet protocol (IP) dapat tetap berlangsung meskipun jalur komunikasi (routing) terdekatnya (shortest path) mengalami gangguan. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena multiple routing configuration (MRC) menyimpan tabel jalur komunikasi yang lebih dari satu jalur sehingga memiliki jalur komunikasi data alternatif yang dapat digunakan saat jalur komunikasi utama (primary) mengalami gangguan.Pada tugas akhir ini, multiple routing configuration (MRC) pada jaringan IP akan disimulasikan menggunakan program emulator GNS3. Parameter QoS network yang dihitung meliputi delay, jitter, packet loss dan throughput serta menghitung waktu konvergensi jaringan di saat jaringan mengalami kegagalan. Agar tampak jelas performansi MRC yang diterapkan, maka performansi MRC dibandingkan dengan OSPF dengan sistem dan skema jaringan yang sama dalam dua topologi yang berbeda.Kata Kunci : routing, MRC, QoS, OSPFABSTRACT: Routing is process of searching free route or can be used in the network for a call to be forwarded from the source to the goal. The routing process allows the data packet sent to the destination out of the network. Because of that process, the routing process use much source, such as cost, reliability, network performance, e.t.c. To handle it, so many efforts have been tried, such as the efficiency of network topology, data route determining, the network scope, e.t.c. One of the efforts which has the same goal is by using Multiple Routing Configuration (MRC) method.Multiple routing is a routing process which has more than one directions to link data to the goal. Multiple Routing Configuration (MRC) allows the data communication in the network Internet Protocol (IP) even though there is a failure in the route of shortest path. This is because of the Multiple Routing Configuration (MRC) keep the communication route more than one, thus, it has the alternative data communication route which can be used when there is a failure in the primary route.In this final exam, the Multiple Routing Configuration (MRC) in network IP will be simulated by using emulator GNS3, then the QoS network are calculated. The parameters of QoS network are included: delay, jitter, packet loss, and throughput. Beside that, network time convergence are calculated. In order to make the performance applied clear, the result of MRC performance will be compared with OSPF, with the same system and network scheme in the two different topologies.Keyword: routing, MRC, QoS, OSP

    Pengaruh Akuntabilitas Keuangan Daerah, Value For Money, Kejujuran, Transparansi, Dan Pengawasan Terhadap Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah (Studi Kajian Pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Pusat)

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    This study aims to examine the influence of local financial accountability, value for money, honesty, transparency and supervision of local financial management. The sample of this research is all SKPD (Local Work Unit Unit) as user of budget related to regional finance management at Regency Government of Labuhanbatu amounting 36 SKPD and 36 Committing Officer of Commitment so amounted 72 person. Sampling method is census method, and data used is primary data. Data were collected by distributing the queryer directly submitted to the respondent. Data analysis techniques use path analysis with the help of SmartPLS 3 program.&nbsp;The results of this study show that value for money, honesty, transparency and oversight have positive and significant correlation to Regional Financial Management, while Regional Financial Accountability has negative and significant correlation to Regional Financial Management

    Distribution of amantadine-resistant H5N1 avian influenza variants in Asia

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    We examined the distribution of genetic mutations associated with resistance to the M2 ion channel-blocking adamantane derivatives, amantadine and rimantadine, among H5N1 viruses isolated in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and China. More than 95% of the viruses isolated in Vietnam and Thailand contained resistance mutations, but resistant mutants were less commonly isolated in Indonesia (6.3% of isolates) and China (8.9% of isolates), where human infection was recently reported. The dual mutation motif Leu26Ile-Ser31Asn (leucine→isoleucine at aa 26 and serine→asparagine at aa 31) was found almost exclusively in all resistant isolates from Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia, suggesting the biological selection of these mutations. © 2006 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.published_or_final_versio

    Valorization of Food Waste to Produce Value-Added Products Based on Its Bioactive Compounds

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    The rapid growth of the global population and changes in lifestyle have led to a significant increase in food waste from various industrial, agricultural, and household sources. Nearly one-third of the food produced annually is wasted, resulting in severe resource depletion. Food waste contains rich organic matter, which, if not managed properly, can pose a serious threat to the environment and human health, making the proper disposal of food waste an urgent global issue. However, various types of food waste, such as waste from fruit, vegetables, grains, and other food production and processing, contain important bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, dietary fiber, proteins, lipids, vitamins, organic acids, and minerals, some of which are found in greater quantities in the discarded parts than in the parts accepted by the market. These bioactive compounds offer the potential to convert food waste into value-added products, and fields including nutritional foods, bioplastics, bioenergy, biosurfactants, biofertilizers, and single cell proteins have welcomed food waste as a novel source. This review reveals the latest insights into the various sources of food waste and the potential of utilizing bioactive compounds to convert it into value-added products, thus enhancing people’s confidence in better utilizing and managing food waste

    LC-ESI-QTOF-MS² Characterization of Phenolic Compounds in Different Lentil (Lens culinaris M.) Samples and Their Antioxidant Capacity

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    Background: Lentil (Lens culinaris M.) is a legume widely consumed worldwide. It is rich in bioactive compounds, including polyphenolic compounds that contribute to positive health benefits. Methods: This study aimed to determine the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of black, red, green, and brown whole lentils. Towards this end, the lentils’ phenolic compounds were evaluated regarding their total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), total tannin content (TTC), total condensed tannin (TCT), total proanthocyanin content (TPAC), total anthocyanin content (TAC). For the antioxidant activity 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), 2,2′-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS), hydroxyl radical scavenging activity (•OH-RSA), ferrous ion chelating activity (FICA), reducing power assay (RPA) and phosphomolybdate (PMA) assay were accessed. To identify individual phenolic compounds, liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-QTOF-MS2) was used. Results: The results showed that green lentils exhibited the highest TPC (0.96 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g) whereas red lentils presented the highest TFC (0.06 mg quercetin equivalents (QE)/g). Black lentils were noted with the highest TCT (0.03 mg catechin equivalents (CE)/g), TPAC (0.009 mg cyanidin chloride equivalents (CCE)/g), and TAC (3.32 mg/100 g) contents. While the greatest TTC (2.05 mg tannic acid equivalents (TAE)/g) was observed in the brown lentil. Regarding the total antioxidant capacity, red lentils (4.01 mg ascorbic acid equivalents (AAE)/g) presented the greatest activity, whereas the lowest was found in the brown samples (2.31 mg AAE/g). The LC-ESI-QTOF-MS2 tentatively identified a total of 22 phenolic compounds, containing 6 phenolic acids, 13 flavonoids, 2 lignans, and 1 other polyphenol. The relationships among phenolic compounds by Venn Diagram showed a high number of overlapping compounds in brown and red lentils (6.7%), and a low number of overlapping compounds between the green, brown, and black lentils (2.6%). Flavonoids were the most abundant phenolic compound within the studied whole lentils, with the brown lentils being the richest in phenolic compounds, especially flavonoids. Conclusions: This study emphasized a comprehensive understanding of the antioxidant potential of lentils and disclosed the phenolic distribution across various lentil samples. This may increase interest in the development of functional food products, nutraceutical ingredients, and pharmaceutical applications with lentils