37 research outputs found

    Prvi nalaz glavočića crnotrusa Ninnigobius canestrinii (Ninni, 1883); rijetke i ugrožene vrste ribe iz slovenskih voda

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    The Canestrini’s goby is a small goby endemic to the Adriatic basin, inhabiting brackish and fresh waters. The species is threatened by habitat destruction and pollution. For this reason, the goby is protected in part of its range, while its conservation status in other areas is not yet established. The detailed biogeography of the species should be known so that appropriate conservation measures can be taken. Despite extensive sampling of fish fauna in coastal wetlands, this species has not yet been detected in Slovenia. In this study, the first record of Ninnigobius canestrinii (Ninni, 1883) in Slovenian waters is reported along with a comprehensive review of documented records of the species.Glavočić crnotrus mala je i endemska jadranska vrsta glavoča koja naseljava bočate i slatke vode. Ovaj glavoč ugrožen je uslijed uništavanja staništa i zagađenja te je iz tog razloga zaštićen u jednom dijelu svog područja rasprostranjenosti, dok u ostalim područjima zaštita još nije uspostavljena. Detaljno poznavanje biogeografije vrste preduvjet je za uspostavljanje odgovarajućih mjera zaštite. Unatoč opsežnom uzorkovanju ihtiofaune u obalnim močvarnim područjima Slovenije, ova vrsta do sada nije bila zabilježena. U ovom radu opisan je prvi nalaz vrste Ninnigobius canestrinii (Ninni, 1883) u slovenskim vodama, zajedno sa sveobuhvatnim pregledom dosadašnjih dokumentiranih nalaza ove vrste

    Prvi nalaz Aplysiopsis elegans (Deshayes1853) (Gastropoda Opisthobranchia: Saccoglossa) u Jadranskom moru

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    A specimen of Aplysiopsis elegans (Deshayes, 1853) was found by snorkeling on a beach in Rovinj (Istria, Croatia) on a belt of the red algae Halopteris scoparia in the shallow rocky coast. This species was previously recorded only at few localities in northern western Mediterranean and at the Canary Archipelago.Primjerak Aplysiopsis elegans (Dshayes, 1853) je pronađen tijekom ronjenja na plaži u Rovinju (Istra, Hrvatska) u pojasu crvene alge Halopteris scoparia na plitkoj stjenovitoj obali. Prethodni nalazi ove vrste su zabilježeni na samo nekoliko lokaliteta u sjeverno-zapadnom Sredozemlju i Arhipelagu Kanarskog otočja

    Fauna koprofagnih skarabeja i kotrljana (Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae, Scarabaeinae i Geotrupidae) Konavala, jugoistočna Hrvatska

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    Dung beetle fauna of the Konavle region (south-eastern Croatia) was surveyed during several field trips organized between 2012 and 2013. Most specimens were collected by hand on vertebrate dung at 12 localities. A total of 31 species were recorded, 20 of which represented the first records for the area. From the literature we gathered 17 additional species, raising the number of species known to occur in the Konavle region to 48. The most interesting record is the second record of Onthophagus sericatus for Croatia. Several other rare species were also recorded, including Caccobius histeroides, Onthophagus opacicollis, Onthophagus fissicornis and Typhaeus lateridens.Tijekom nekoliko terenskih izlazaka organiziranih tijekom 2012. i 2013. godine na području Konavala (jugoistočna Hrvatska), istraživana je fauna koprofagnih skarabeja i kotrljana. Većina vrsta je sakupljena rukom na izmetima kralježnjaka na 12 istraživanih lokacija. Ukupno je zabilježena 31 vrsta, od kojih njih 20 predstavlja prve nalaze za istraživano područje. Zajedno sa 17 nalaza dodatnih vrsta iz literature, broj zabilježenih vrsta koprofagnih skarabeja i kotrljana na području Konavala povisuje se na 48. Najzanimljiviji je nalaz vrste Onthophagus sericatus, koji predstavlja drugi nalaz ove vrste u Hrvatskoj. Osim toga, zabilježeno je i nekoliko drugih rijetkih vrsta, uključujući Caccobius histeroides, Onthophagus opacicollis, Onthophagus fissicornis i Typhaeus lateridens

    New records of the rare dragonfly, Black Pennant - Selysiothemis nigra (Vander Linden, 1825) (Insecta: Odonata) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    In 2012, we recorded a Black Pennant, Selysiothemis nigra, at two sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. in the surroundings of Klepci village and in Hutovo Blato Nature Park, Neretva River. These are the first recent records of this species in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which had previously been known only from the entomological collection in the Museum of Sarajevo. As this species had previously been recorded on the Croatian side of the Neretva River, these records fit into the distribution area of the species. With the confirmation of this record, the dragonfly fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of 60 specie

    Neuobičajeno cvjetanje tetrasporofita nezavičajnih crvenih algi Asparagopsis armata na sjevernom Jadranu

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    The tetrasporophyte of the non-indigenous red alga Asparagopsis armata (the Falkenbergia stage) is considered to be established in Slovenian coastal waters. However, until 2016, it was found only in low coverage and in few localities with hard substrata. The paper reports a recent bloom of these tetrasporophytes in the mediolittoral belt of the Bay of Piran, where thalli of this red alga overgrew the articularted coralline alga Corallina officinalis. The sites affected by this large expansion of tetrasporophytes of A. armata should be regularly monitored in the future, in order to point out which environmental factors are responsible for such phenomenon, and to formulate proper conclusions on the status of this non-indigenous alga in the coastal area concerned.Tetrasporofite ne-autohtone crvene alge Asparagopsis armata (Falkenbergia faza) smatra se prisutnom u slovenskim obalnim vodama. Međutim, do 2016. godine, ustanovljena je isključivo mala pokrivenost i to na nekoliko lokaliteta s tvrdom podlogom (sediment). U ovom radu se navodi nedavni procvat tetrasoprofita u mezolitoralnom pojasu Piranskog zaljeva gdje je crvena alga A. armata nadjačala koraljnu algu Corallina officinalis. U budućnosti će se redovito nadzirati mjesta na koja utječe ova velika ekspanzija tetrasporofita, kako bi se istaknulo koji su ekološki čimbenici odgovorni za takav fenomen, te da bi se mogli formulirati odgovarajući zaključci o statusu ove ne-autohtone alge u tim obalnim područjima

    Pregled puževa golaća u Bokokotorskom zaljevu, Crna Gora

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    Heterobranch molluscs fauna in Montenegro has been poorly investigated so far. The aim of the present paper is to improve the knowledge about species diversity of these marine organisms in the Boka Kotorska Bay, a specific fjord-like entity in the southern Adriatic Sea. New records of seven heterobranch species were obtained by field surveys in 2017, while three new records were provided by analysing underwater photographs from previous periods. The resulted checklist summarizes the knowledge of the diversity of heterobranchs in the Boka Kotorska Bay from the oldest record in 1967 to the present day and consists of a total of 62 heterobranch species.Fauna puževa golaća (Heterobranchia) u Crnoj Gori je do sada slabo istražena. Cilj ovog rada je bio unaprijediti saznanja o ovim morskim organizmima u zalivu Boka Kotorska, specifičnom, nalik fjordu zalivu južnog Jadrana. Novi nalazi za sedam vrsta heterobranchia su pronađeni tijekom naših terenskih istraživanja u 2017. godini, dok su podaci za tri nova nalaza dobijeni analizom podvodnih fotografija iz prethodnih razdoblja. Ažurirana lista sumira saznanja o raznolikosti puževa golaća u Bokokotorskom zalijevu od najs-tarijeg zapisa iz 1967.g. do danas, a obuhvaća ukupno 62 vrste