5 research outputs found

    Descriptive Analysis of the Relationship between Supply Chain Management and Business Performance: Evidence from Mali.

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    Through this study, we seek to evaluate the impact of supply chain management on the performance of a few companies in Mali empirically. We favored an approach that links four SCM practices across a variety of dimensions of performance. In our methodology, we used the process of performing a descriptive analysis of the data. At the end of this study, it should be remembered that the practices of the management of the supplier relationship and the exchange and sharing of information constitute the two most productive practices of the Supply Chain Management for the companies of our sample. Also, among the dimensions of the performance considered, financial performance and customer satisfaction are the two most sensitive variants of SCM practices. Keywords: Performance, Supply Chain Management, information, Customer. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-15-19 Publication date:May 31st 201

    The Impact of Microcredit on Promoting Female Entrepreneurship: The Case of the Cooperative of Women Merchants in the Municipality of Gao

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    This work is based on a questionnaire intended for women entrepreneurs in the municipality of Gao. This research therefore aims to measure the effect of microcredit on the development of income-generating activities for these women.It is based on a particular case, namely the impact of credit on the activities of traders in the commune of Gao. The methodology used for this research is the descriptive method which is based on a statistical analysis through graphs, and cross tables, with version 20 of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software and the R (4.2.1, our sample was made up of 100 women, all members of the cooperative of women traders in the commune of Gao.Our results indicate that microcredit has a positive effect on the income-generating activities of beneficiaries. Thus, women's access to this credit has enabled them to increase their turnover and their profits, while meeting the conditions for the sustainability of their income-generating activities through the strengthening of organizational capacities. Keywords: female entrepreneurship, micro credit, tradeswoman, multinomial logit. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-24-01 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Determinants of Success of the Young Entrepreneurship: Case of Young Financed by Fier in Segou Region

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    This research focuses on a less explored subject but one of considerable importance for the development of the Segou region, mainly the determinants of the success of young entrepreneurs. The objective of this research was to determine the success factors of entrepreneurs (entrepreneurial activities) financed by the FIER Project in the region of Segou. As part of this research, data were collected from a sample of 334 (three hundred and thirty-four) young entrepreneurs who are partners in the project.The results show that six (6) branches of activity were identified which are cattle fattening at 65.3%, followed by sheep fattening at 27.2%, cereal trade at 4.2%, goat breeding at 1.8 %, vegetable gardening at 1.2% ended by the trade of agricultural inputs 0.3%. Almost half of the entrepreneurs interviewed (46.1%) have more than 2 years of experience in their sector of activity, generally between 3 and 4 years. The DFS, partners of the young people in the sample, are CAECE JIGISEME, CVECA/ON, KAFO JIGINEW and NYESIGISO.The results of the logistic regression indicate that the motivation of young people to be their own boss, to value themselves, the experience in the activity, the financing of FIER and the Restitution of the amount received are significant at the threshold of 0.1%, 1 % and 5%. The Wald test confirms variables such as the motivation of the young person, the number of years in the activity, the structure of the financing, the personal contribution, the restitution and the start of production. Keyswords: Rural entrepreneurship, young, determinants, FIER, Segou, ACM. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-6-02 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Empirical analysis of the relationship between Supply Chain Management and business performance: Case of companies in the cotton sector in Mali.

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    As part of a national policy favoring the local processing of agricultural products, several companies have been created in the cotton sector in Mali. According to the 2014 report of the National Council of the Malian Patronage, several Malian companies have difficulties in terms of performance. The reasons for this insufficiency are: (difficult access to financing, poor management, poor quality of products, lack of information, etc.). We can summarize this situation by a lack of practices in Supply Chain Management. The objective of this section was to empirically evaluate the impact of supply chain management on the performance of companies operating in the cotton sector in Mali. We favored an approach that links four SCM practices across a variety of dimensions of performance. In our methodology, we used an econometric regression analysis. At the end of this study, it should be remembered that the practices of the management of the supplier relationship and the exchange and sharing of information constitute the two most productive supply chain management practices in the cotton sector in Mali. In addition, among the dimensions of performance considered, financial performance and customer satisfaction are the two most sensitive variants of SCM practices. Key words: the company, Performance, Supply Chain Management, information, customer, cotton sector

    Impact of the Use of Monitoring-Evaluation Tools on the Performance of SME-SMI in Mali: Case of the Dashboard

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    This article is based on a questionnaire intended for managers of SMEs-SMIs (Small and Medium Enterprise - Small and Medium Industry). Our research aims to study the impact of the use of a monitoring and evaluation system on improving the performance of SMEs and SMIs. More specifically, we focused our research on the use of the dashboard in SMEs and SMIs and its impact on overall performance. However, SMEs-SMIs located in Bamako were chosen during this research. The samples were made up of twenty-one SMEs operating in various sectors. Our results indicate that the use of the dashboard seems to have positive effects on the performance perceived by the respondents. Keywords:Monitoring-Evaluation, Dashboard, SME-SMI, Performance DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-6-02 Publication date:March 31st 202