22 research outputs found

    Voltziopsis, a southern conifer of lower Triassic age

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    Shoots ascribed to Voltziopsis africana Seward are described, with cuticular detail. These compare very closely with the shoot system, with an attached seed cone, caned V. wolganensis sp. nov., which is associated with pollen of the Strotersporites Wilson sort. The shoot called, Brachyphyllum angustum Walkom is redescribed though Walkom's specimens cannot be found, and proves to be so close to the species referred to Voltziopsis that it is reclassified V. angusta (Walkom) comb. nov. The material considered comes from the Lower Triassic of New South Wales, and reasons are given for considering all Voltziopsis specimens Lower Triassic also. The classification of Voltziopsis in the Coniferales is discussed

    Rissikia and mataia podocarpaceous conifers from lower mesozoic of southern lands

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    The genus Rissikia gen. nov. consisting of leafy shoots and detached pollen and seed cones is described, with two species, R. media (Tenison Woods) com. nov. and R. apiculata sp. nov. Also described is Mataia gen. nov. with one species M. podocarpoides (Ettinghausen) com. nov. These are all ascribed to the Podocarpaceae, and the evolution of the Family, particularly of the epimatium is discussed

    Brachyphyllum crassum complex of fossil conifers

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    The holotype of Brachyphyllum crassurn Tenison Woods, is re-examined, and this species reclassified as Araucaria crassa (Tenison Woods) com. nov.; it is probably Tertiary in age. Of shoots referred to A. crassa one belongs to the Taxodiaceae,Athrotaxus tasmnanica com. nov. also almost certainly Tertiary; while the other, Jurassic in age, is referred to Pagiophyllum feistrnanteli Halle, which is redescribed. Another group of shoots sometimes confused with A, crassa. is described as Allocladus gen. nov., with three species Al. rajmahalense (Feistmantel) com. nov. Al. milneanus (Tenison Woods) com. nov. and Al. cribbii sp. nov. The supposed cone of Al. milneanus is examined, and doubt is thrown on its ascription to Allocladus. It is renamed Conites tenison-woodsi nom. nov

    Conifer from the Jurassic of east Antarctica

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    The genus Nothodacriurn gen nov. is described, with one species, N. warrenii sp. nov., from the uppermost Beacon Group, of Jurassic age. Also described is the pollen cone M asculostrobus warrenii sp. nov., which may belong with N. warrenii. These fossils are ascribed to the Podocarpaceae, and their position in the Family is discussed

    On the nomenclature of Pterechus johnstoni (Feistmantel)Com. Nov.

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    The holotype of the species hitherto called Pteruchus africanus Thomas is redescnbed and refigured; on grounds of priority this species must now be called Pteruchus johnstoni (Felstmantel) com. nov. The specimen named Stachyopitys annularioides Shirley is redescribed and considered to be identical with P. johnstoni

    On Pachypteris pinnata (Walkom) from Tasmania

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    Material from the Rhaetian of Tasmania referred to Thinnfeldia pinnata Walkom is described. The leaf is of thick substance, once pinnate, and probably abscissed. It shows a moderately thick cuticle with most stomata on the lower leaf surface, papillae over the stomatal pit, an unmodified leaf margin, and irregular subsidiary cells. With this information the leaf fits better in Pachypteris Brongniart than Thinnjeldia Ettingshausen, and is transferred to Pachypteris. It is readily distinguishable from other adequately known species of the genus