1 research outputs found

    Mapping potential soil vulnerability to water erosion in Tafna watershed (North-West of Algeria)

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    L’érosion hydrique est la principale forme de dĂ©gradation des sols en AlgĂ©rie septentrionale. Ce phĂ©nomène naturel inĂ©vitable qui affecte notamment la partie nord-ouest du pays est exacerbĂ© par les pratiques effarantes de l’homme et la fragilitĂ© des sols. La vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des sols Ă  l’érosion hydrique a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e dans le bassin versant de la Tafna Ă  travers une analyse spatiale basĂ©e sur l’utilisation de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection et des systèmes d’information gĂ©ographiques. Le bassin versant de Tafna, un des grands bassins versants de l’AlgĂ©rie septentrionale, constitue la rĂ©gion la plus arrosĂ©e de l’Ouest et la plus productive de la Wilaya de Tlemcen. Sa superficie totale est de 724 500 ha, dont 27% en territoire marocain. L’approche cartographique suivie a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ©e dans le cadre du programme d’actions prioritaires du plan d’actions pour la MĂ©diterranĂ©e (PAP-PAM) avec la direction gĂ©nĂ©rale de la conservation de la nature de Madrid (DGCOM) et la FAO en 1998. Cinq classes de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© Ă  l’érosion hydrique ont Ă©tĂ© distinguĂ©es. Les zones Ă  sensibilitĂ© très faible couvrent 7,32% de la surface du bassin, les zones Ă  sensibilitĂ© faible Ă  moyenne couvrent plus de la moitiĂ© (51,87%) et les zones Ă  sensibilitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e et très Ă©levĂ©e couvrent 40,80%. La partie aval du bassin est la plus touchĂ©e par l’érosion hydrique, notamment linĂ©aire, Ă  cause de la dominance des terrains accidentĂ©s et la prĂ©sence de substrats tendres. La partie amont, grâce Ă  sa composition lithologique rĂ©sistante Ă  l’érosion, est plus stable. L’effet de la pente et la dĂ©gradation du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal occasionnent des inondations lors des pluies intenses. Toutes les formes de l’érosion hydrique ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es et les plus catastrophiques sont les badlands et les glissements de terrain, qui occasionnent des pertes considĂ©rables de terre agricole et mobilisent des sĂ©diments importants menaçant les structures en aval (agglomĂ©rations, routes, barrages, etc.). Pour ralentir ce processus il faut freiner la dĂ©gradation du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal et favoriser l’utilisation des mĂ©thodes traditionnelles de conservation de l’eau et des sols. Mots clĂ©s: VulnĂ©rable des sols, Erosion hydrique, SIG, Cartographie, Bassin versant de Tafna, Nord-Ouest AlgĂ©rienWater erosion is the main form of soil degradation in northern Algeria. This inevitable natural phenomenon which particularly affects the north-western part of the country is exacerbated by the human’s appalling practices and the fragility of the soils. The vulnerability of soils to water erosion was studied in the Tafna watershed through a spatial analysis based on the use of remote sensing and geographic information systems. The Tafna watershed, one of the major watersheds of northern Algeria, is the wettest region in the west and the most productive in the Wilaya of Tlemcen. Its total area is 724,500 ha, of which 27% is in Moroccan territory. The cartographic approach followed was developed within the framework of the Priority Action Program of the Mediterranean Action Plan (PAP-MAP) with the General Directorate of Nature Conservation of Madrid (GDCOM) and FAO in 1998. Five classes of vulnerability to water erosion have been distinguished. Very low sensitivity areas cover 7.32% of the pool area, low to medium sensitivity areas cover more than half (51.87%) and high and very high sensitivity areas cover 40.80%. The downstream part of the dock is the most affected by water erosion, especially linear erosion, due to the dominance of rugged terrain and the presence of soft substrates. The upstream part, is more stable thanks to its erosion-resistant lithological composition. The effect of the slope and the degradation of the vegetation cover cause flooding during heavy rains. All forms of water erosion have been observed and the most catastrophic are badlands and landslides, which cause considerable loss of agricultural land and mobilize significant sediments threatening downstream structures (towns, roads, dams, etc.). To slow down this process, the degradation of the plant cover must be slowed down and the use of traditional methods of water and soil conservation should be encouraged.  Keywords: Vulnerable soils, Water erosion, GIS, Cartography, Tafna watershed, North-West Algeri