378 research outputs found

    Wanita dalam Pandangan Mufassir dan Perkembangan Sosial Budaya Wanita

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    Penafsiran Hukum dalam Proses Perubahan Sosial (sebuah Kajian Perspektif Metodologi Hukum Islam)

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    Dari uraian-uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut 1. Bahwa penafsiran hukum dalam Perubahan 1. Bahwa penafsiran hukum dalam Perubahan sosial itu tercermin pada kepekaan pemikiran sosial itu tercermin pada kepekaan pemikiran hukum dalam menafsirkan fenomena sosial hukum dalam menafsirkan fenomena sosial secara konstektual, sehingga hukum dipahami secara konstektual, sehingga hukum dipahami tidak hanya sekedar bunyi tekstual undangundang saja, melainkan hukum juga dapat tidak hanya sekedar bunyi tekstual undangundang saja, melainkan hukum juga dapat dipahami menurut substansinya dalam dipahami menurut substansinya dalam menjawab dan mengantisipasi problemproblem sosial yang selalu muncul dan menjawab dan mengantisipasi problemproblem sosial yang selalu muncul dan berkembang. berkembang. 2. Metodologi hukum Islam mencoba menawarkan suatu konsep metodologi dalam 2. Metodologi hukum Islam mencoba menawarkan suatu konsep metodologi dalam menjawab dan mengantisipasi problemproblem sosial baik secara tekstual maupun menjawab dan mengantisipasi problemproblem sosial baik secara tekstual maupun secara konstektual dengan menggunakan tiga secara konstektual dengan menggunakan tiga pola yaiitu pola bayani, pola talili, dan pola pola yaiitu pola bayani, pola talili, dan pola istihlahi. istihlahi

    Penguatan Integritas Moral Bangsa dengan Pendekatan Perintah dan Larangan dalam Pandangan Hukum Islam

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    This articlewilldescribethe functionsofcommand and prohibition inperspective ofIslamiclaw, especially its function instrengtheningthe nationsmoralintegrity. In guarding theobservanceandobedience for God, He established thecommand to doneand prohibition to be abandoned. especially its function instrengtheningthe nationsmoralintegrity. In guarding theobservanceandobedience for God, He established thecommand to doneand prohibition to be abandoned. For obedience peoplewhocarry outorderswill be given happinessinthis world and heavenin For obedience peoplewhocarry outorderswill be given happinessinthis world and heavenin thehereafter. On the contrary, people whoviolatethe banwill bepunishedbymiseryandhellin thehereafter. On the contrary, people whoviolatethe banwill bepunishedbymiseryandhellin thehereafter. Commandsand prohibitionsinthiscase are used as a toolormediumfor thehereafter. Commandsand prohibitionsinthiscase are used as a toolormediumfor Godtoeducatepeople or human being andstrengthen thehuman charactertobegood and better Godtoeducatepeople or human being andstrengthen thehuman charactertobegood and better servantsin this world whoare ableto runall thecommandsof Godand away from theban. So servantsin this world whoare ableto runall thecommandsof Godand away from theban. So Commands and Bans became guide of human being in action and doing anything in this world. Commands and Bans became guide of human being in action and doing anything in this world. Keywords:Integritas, Moral Bangsa, Perintah dan Larangan Keywords:Integritas, Moral Bangsa, Perintah dan Laranga

    Analisis Produksi Kerupuk dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Keluarga pada Kerupuk Udang Rebon Hariah

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    This study aims to determine the level of production, business activities and development efforts knowing that management system Hariah mothers, to increase production of shrimp crackers in the district rebon Hariah Rasau jaya stronghold district highway. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is descriptive research studies and tend to use inductive analysis approach. Samples were Hariah mother. Results of data analysis showed that the potential for industrial development in the prawn crackers Rasau jaya big enough because the raw materials are generally not hard to come by, the market opportunity is still very open Technically industrial prawn crackers are produced rebon hariah mothers still prefer the simple and human labor and industry is not generate hazardous waste

    Fluks Co2 pada Berbagai Kondisi Hutan Rawa Gambut di Areal Konsesi PT. Diamond Raya Timber Kecamatan Bangko Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This research was titled CO2 flux in various conditions of peat swamp forest in the concession area of PT. Diamond Raya Timber districtBangko of Rokan Hilir.CO2 flux is the amount of carbon dioxide of gas released by the plants, either from the air or from the plant into the air as a certain expansion of the plant per unit time. Peat swamp forest is a natural resource in which is very important, one of the benefits is which it can control and absorb carbon dioxide in the air. The Factors which affect the release of CO2 into the air flux is microclimate including air temperature , soil temperature and moisture . The purpose of this study was to be determined the amount of CO2 emitted flux on various conditions including peat swamp forests, undisturbed forest, logged and vacant land. This research has been done using purposive random sampling method. These results indicate that the average CO2 flux on peat swamp forests are still natural (intact) is smaller than the logged peat swamp forest and vacant land. As the result general there is no correlation between soil temperature and humidity on the release of CO2 flux that undisturbed forest , in the logged and vacant land. CO2 flux in undisturbed forest and logged derived from plant respiration and activity of soil biota , while the vacant land CO2 fluxes derived from the respiration of soil biota
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