31 research outputs found

    A Rare Case: Improved Heart Failure with Anti-Complement Therapy in Complement-Dependent Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

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    MakaleWOS:000925209300014xtrarenal involvement occurs in approximately 20% of patients with complement-mediated hemolytic-uremic syndrome. The involvement is usually of the nervous system, and cardiac involvement occurs in 3%-10% of patients. Cardiac manifestations vary, including myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, and acute decompensated heart failure. Among these patients, thrombotic microangiopathy-related cardiac dysfunction is mainly due to the continuous activation of the complement system, which leads to endothelial damage and thrombosis in the coronary microvessels. We wanted to highlight the importance of cardiac evaluation at the time of diagnosis or during follow-up in thrombotic micro-angiopathy patients by presenting a case of heart failure with low ejection fraction in a 24-year-old young patient in whom we detected complement-mediated hemolytic-uremic syndrome, a secondary mutation of complement factor H receptor. It is still an unknown issue because of the rarity of cardiac involvement in complement-mediated hemolytic-uremic syndrome patients. Primary myocardial involvement is increasingly recognized as a possible concomitant feature of hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Failure to perform a detailed cardiac evaluation both at diagnosis and during follow-up in complement-mediated hemolytic-uremic syndrome patients can lead to fatal outcomes. Anti-complement therapy can also lead to good cardiac outcomes in these patients

    The results of the questionnaire survey of quality in hemodialysis

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    European Renal Assoc, European Dialysis & Transplant Asso

    Plasma 9-cis,11-trans ve 10-trans, 12-cis Conjugated Linoleic Acid Isomers Levels in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients

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    AMAÇ: Periton diyalizi son dönem böbrek yetmezliği hastalarında böbrek yerine koyma tedavisi seçeneklerinden birisidir. Bağlı (konjuge) linoleik asit (KLA), bir omega-6 esansiyel yağ asidi olan linoleik asidin geometrik ve pozisyonel izomerlerini kapsar. Bu çalışmada, sürekli ayaktan periton diyalizi (SAPD) hastalarında ve sağlıklı kişilerde KLA izomerleri içinde biyolojik etkinlik yönünden önemli bulunan plazma 10-trans, 12-cis KLA (t10,c12 KLA) ve 9-cis,11-trans KLA (c9,t11 KLA) düzeylerini ve bu yağ asitleri ile kilo, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ), C-reaktif protein (CRP), paratiroid hormon (PTH) arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmayı amaçladık. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEMLER: Çalışma 20-75 yaşları arasında en az 6 ay süre ile diyalize giren 51 (erkek: 21, kadın: 30) SAPD hastası ve 20-60 yaşları arasında 45 (erkek: 25, kadın: 20) sağlıklı kişi üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Plazma t10,c12 KLA ve c9,t11 KLA düzeyleri gaz kromatografi si/kütle spektrofotometresi (GS-MS) yöntemi ile ölçüldü. BULGULAR: SAPD hastalarının plazma t10,c12 KLA ve c9,t11 KLA düzeyleri sırası ile 11.84 ± 5.3 ve 8.34 ± 4.4 mg/L olarak bulundu. Aynı parametreler kontrol grubunda sırası ile 12.88 ± 4.1 ve 9.20 ± 4.5 mg/L olarak bulundu. SAPD hastalarında ve kontrol grubunda KLA izomerlerinin plazma düzeyleri arasında önemli bir fark bulunamadı. SAPD hastalarında plazma t10,c12 KLA ve c9,t11 KLA düzeyleri ile PTH düzeyleri arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı düzeyde olumsuz bir ilişki bulundu. Fakat, SAPD hastalarında plazma KLA izomerleri düzeyleri ile CRP, VKİ ve kilo değerleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamadı. SONUÇ: Bulgularımıza dayanarak ikincil hiperparatiroidizmin eşlik ettiği SAPD hastalarında fosfor kontrolünün iyi yapılması kaydıyla KLA’dan zengin bir diyet yüksek parathormon düzeylerini azaltmada yarar sağlayabilir.OBJECTIVE: Peritoneal dialysis is a renal replacement therapy in patients with end stage renal disease. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) refers to a class of positional and geometric conjugated isomers of the omega-6 essential fatty acid, linoleic acid. This study aimed to investigate biologically active isomers of CLA (10-trans, 12-cis CLA and -9-cis,11-trans CLA) and the relationship between these fatty acids and weight, body mass index (BMI), C-reactive protein (CRP) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients (CAPD) and healthy subjects. MATERIAL and METHODS: This study was performed on 51 (21M, 30F) CAPD patients at least 6 months under dialysis, aged 20-75 years and 45 (25M, 20F) healthy control subjects aged 20-60 years. Plasma 10-trans, 12-cis CLA (t10,c12 CLA) and 9-cis,11-trans CLA (c9,t11 CLA) levels were measured by GS-MS technique. RESULTS: t10,c12 and c9,t11 isomers of CLA levels of the CAPD patients were as follows: 11.84 ± 5.3 and 8.34 ± 4.4 mg/L respectively. The same parameters of the controls were as follows: 12.88 ± 4.1 and 9.20 ± 4.5 mg/L, respectively. The differences between plasma CLA isomers levels of CAPD patients and control subjects were not signifi cant. Isomers of CLA negatively correlated with serum PTH levels in CAPD patients. However, there was no signifi cant correlation between plasma isomers of CLA and weight, BMI, CRP in CAPD patients. CONCLUSION: These fi ndings suggest that a CLA-rich diet may help in reducing high levels of parathyroid hormone in the case of good control of phosphorus in CAPD patients associated with secondary hyperparathyroidism

    The Effect of Two Different Bicarbonate-Containing Dialysis Solutions on Acidosis Control in Hemodialysis Patients

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    AMAÇ: Hemodiyaliz hastalarında kronik bir metabolik asidoz eğilimi söz konusudur. Yüksek olgu sayılı çalışmalarda diyaliz öncesi serum bikarbonat konsantrasyonu ile mortalite arasında ilişki saptanmıştır. Çalışmamızda 32 ve 36 mmol/L bikarbonat içerikli diyaliz solüsyonu kullanımının asidoz kontrolüne etkisi araştırıldı.GErEÇ ve YÖnTEMLEr: Bir merkezde haftada üç kez hemodiyalize giren 91 (43E,48K) hastaya ilk altı ay 32 mmol/L diyalizat, ikinci altı ayda aynı hastalara 36 mmol/L bikarbonat diyalizat kullanılmaya başlandı ve diyaliz öncesi ve sonrası plazma bikarbonat düzeyleri karşılaştırıldı. BULGULAr: İlk altı ayda ortalama bikarbonat düzeyi 20,552,55 mmol/L olup sadece 30 hastada bikarbonat düzeyi 22 mmol/L ve üzerindeydi. İkinci altı aylık dönemde ise ortalama bikarbonat düzeyi 23,593,3 mmol/L olup hedef düzeylerdeydi. Ancak 19 hastada diyaliz sonu ortalama bikarbonat düzeyi 30 mmol/L'nin üzerinde bulundu. Prediyaliz asidozu olan hastaların ortalama interdiyalitik kilo artışı 2,80,5 kg olup, asidozu olmayan gruptan daha yüksekti (p0,05). Prediyaliz üre, Kt/V, albumin, potasyum ve CRP düzeyleri bakımından iki periyot arasında anlamlı farklılık yoktu. SOnUÇ: 36 mmol/L bikarbonat içeren diyaliz solüsyonu kullanımı ile asidoz kontrolü daha iyi yapılmakta ancak hastaların yaklaşık yüzde yirmisinde diyaliz sonunda ciddi metabolik alkaloz gelişmektedir. Bu durum aritmiyi tetikleyebilir. Bu nedenle aritmisi olan veya metabolik alkaloza eğilimi olan hastalarda yüksek bikarbonatlı solüsyon kullanımında bikarbonat içeriğinin ayarlanmasının gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.OBJECTIVE: In hemodialysis patients; there is a continuing tendency to metabolic acidosis. In studies, the relationship between serum bicarbonate concentration and dialysis mortality has been determined. In our study, the effect of 32 and 36 mmol/L bicarbonate-containing dialysis solution on acidosis control was investigated. MATErıAL and METHODS: In a hemodialysis clinic, a 32 mmol/L bicarbonate-containing dialysate was used in the first six months and a 36 mmol/L bicarbonate-containing dialysate was used in the second six months. The study was performed on 91 (43M/48F) patients. Plasma bicarbonate levels before and after dialysis were compared. rESULTS: In the first period, only 30 patients' bicarbonate levels were 22 mmol/L or more. In the second period, the mean bicarbonate level was 23.59±3.3 mmol/L. However, the level of bicarbonate after dialysis was above 30 mmol/L in 19 patients. In patients with predialysis acidosis, the interdialytic mean weight gain was higher than in the group without acidosis (p>0.05). There were no significant differences between the two periods in terms of predialysis urea, Kt/V, albumin, potassium and CRP levels.CONClUSION: Acidosis control is better with the use of a dialysis solution containing 36 mmol/L bicarbonate. But at the end of dialysis, severe metabolic alkalosis developed on approximately twenty percent of patients. This situation can trigger arrhythmia. We therefore think that it is necessary to adjust the machine bicarbonate in the use of high bicarbonate solution in patients with arrhythmia or alkalosis tendency

    Prevalence of Nephropathy in Multiple Myeloma Patients: An Experience of Single Center

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    Multipl miyelom (MM); anemi, tekrarlayan enfeksiyonlar, serum ve/veya idrarda monoklonal protein artışı, osteolitik kemik lezyonları, hiperkalsemi ve böbrek yetmezliği ile karakterize neoplastik bir plazma hücre diskrezisidir. MM ilişkili böbrek yetmezliği erken mortaliteye neden olan önemli bir prognostik faktördür ve MM’da böbrek hastalığı sıklığı tanıma bağlı olarak %20-50 arasında değişmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Meram Tıp Fakültesi, Hematoloji ve Nefroloji Kliniklerine başvuran MM hastalarında, nefropati sıklığı ve ilişkili faktörler araştırıldı. Son beş yıl içerisinde hastanemizde MM tanısı ile takip edilen toplam 104 hasta (K/E: 55/49) retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastaların ortalama takip süresİ 29ay, yaş ortalaması 6410.6 yıldı. Takip süresince hastaların %30.8’i ölmüş, %58’i ise halen yaşamaktaydı. Hastaların %10.6’sının ise akıbeti öğrenilemedi. Kreatinin değeri 2 mg/dL olan hastalar miyelom nefropatili olarak kabul edildi. Başlangıç tedavisi olarak vinkristin-adriyamisin-deksametazon veya melfelan-metilprednizolon (65 yaş hastalar için) verilmişti. SPSS 15.0 programı ile istatistiksel analizler yapıldı. Çalışmaya katılan 104 hastanın %31.7’sinde (n33), miyeloma bağlı böbrek yetmezliği tespit edildi. Serum kreatinini 2 mg/dL olanlarda hipovolemi ve oligüri oranları daha yüksek bulundu (p0.001). Miyeloma bağlı böbrek yetmezliği olanların ortalama ürik asit (p0.002) ve kalsiyum (p0.037) değerleri, böbrek yetmezliği olmayanlardan yüksekti. Başlangıçta 31 hastada (%29.8) hemodiyaliz (HD) ihtiyacı varken bunların 19’unda (diyaliz yapılan hastaların %61.2’si, tüm hastaların %18.2’si) HD kalıcı oldu. Böbrek tutulumu olan MM hastalarında mortalite %42.4 iken böbrek tutulumu olmayanlarda %25.3 oranındaydı (p0.034). Multipl miyelomda böbrek yetmezliği kötü prognositik belirteçler arasında yer almaktadır. Hastaların yaklaşık üçte birinde miyeloma bağlı böbrek hastalığı saptandı. Böbrek yetmezliği, esas olarak monoklonal hafif zincir nefropatisine bağlı olarak gelişse de hipovolemi gibi geri dönüşümlü nedenlerin dikkatli değerlendirilmesi ve böbrek yetmezliği olan grupta artmış mortalite riski nedeniyle, MM’da bu alt gruba özellikle dikkat edilmesi gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.Multiple myelom (MM) is a plasma cell malignancy and is characterized by anemia, recurrent infections, serum and/or urine monoclonal protein, osteolytic bone lesions, hypercalcemia and renal failure . The prevalence of nephropathy varies between 20 and 50% in MM. In this study, the prevalence of nephropathy and related factors were aimed to investigate in MM patients who admitted to the Hematology and Nephrology clinics of Meram Faculty of Medicine, Necmettin Erbakan University. A total of 104 MM patients (F/M: 55/49) were retrospectively examined who were administered in the last five years. The mean follow up duration was 29 months. The mean age was 6410.6 years. During the follow-up period, 30.8% of our patients died and 58% were still alive. The fate of the 10.6% of the patients could not be learned. Patients with serum creatinine 2 mg/dL were considered as patients with nephropathy. The vincristine-adriamycin-dexamethasone or melfelan -methylprednisolone (for patients 65 years) were administered as initial therapy. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 15.0. Renal involvements were observed in 33 patients (31.7%). Hyperuricemia (p0. 002), hypercalcemia (p0.037), hypovolemia (p0 .001) and oliguria (p0.001) were found to be higher in patients with creatinine 2 mg/dL. In 31 patients (29.8%), hemodialysis (HD) treatment was required, 19 of these (61.2% of HD patients, 18.2% of all patients) were treated with HD permanently. Mortality rates were found as %42 in patients with nephropathy and %25.3 without nephropathy (p0.034). Renal failure is a poor prognostic marker in multiple myeloma. In this study one-third of MM patients had nephropathy requiring HD. Although renal insufficiency is mainly due to monoclonal light chain nephropathy, reversible causes such as hypovolaemia should be carefully evaluated. We think that particular attention should be paid to this group because of the increased risk of mortality

    Can Resistance Be Resolved with Lanthanum Carbonate in the Treatment of Hyperphosphatemia? A Multicenter Experience

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    Objective: Kidney osteodystrophy is a condition that both reduces the quality of life and shortens the life span in patients with chronic kidney disease. Lanthanum carbonate is a phosphorus-binding agent that forms very tight complexes with phosphate ions, has low systemic absorption potential, and does not contain calcium and aluminum. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of lanthanum carbonate in patients with resistant hyperphosphatemia. Methods: One hundred four hemodialysis patients (44 females and 60 males; mean age: 59.5 +/- 4 years) whose serum phosphorus level was above 6 mg/dL despite the use of phosphorus-binding drugs (calcium acetate, calcium carbonate, and/or sevelamer) were included in this study. The patients were followed prospectively for 6 months. Results: Twenty (19.2%) patients included in the study could not use the drug regularly due to difficulties in using it and nausea, while 84 (28 females and 56 males) patients used the drug regularly for 6 months. Lanthanum carbonate was used at a dose of 3 x 750 mg in 37 patients and 3 1000 mg in 47 patients. While 72.6% of the patients used the drug by mixing it with food, the rest drank it with water. The most common side effects were nausea, constipation, and itching. Four different centers from 3 cities in Turkey participated in the study. When the patients who used it regularly were evaluated, after lanthanum carbonate use, the mean phosphorus level decreased from 6.9 +/- 0.7 mg/dL to 5.97 +/- 0.9 mg/dL (P =.02). The levels of calcium-phosphorus products were 62.12 +/- 9.89 before lanthanum carbonate treatment and 57.6 +/- 11.52 after treatment (P =.023).The levels of. It was observed that the mean parathormone levels decreased from 657 +/- 48 pg/mL to 521 +/- 36 pg/mL after treatment (P =.031). While none of the patients could take vitamin D due to hyperphosphatemia before the treatment, 52 patients could use vitamin D together with lanthanum carbonate. When 36 patients whose serum phosphorus level decreased with treatment but did not fall below 5.5 mg/dL were examined, it was observed that the mean parathyroid hormone level (708 +/- 27 vs. 558 +/- 30 pg/mL, P =.041) and the rate of patients using cinacalcet were higher in this group (41% vs. 8%). Conclusion: We found that serum phosphorus, calcium-phosphorus products, and parathyroid hormone levels decreased significantly with lanthanum carbonate treatment in patients with resistant hyperphosphatemia. As a result of our findings, we think that resistant hyperphosphatemia can be effectively treated with lanthanum carbonate in most hemodialysis patients without severe hyperparathyroidism