87 research outputs found

    Pedicularis L. Genus. Systematics, botany, phytochemistry, chemotaxonomy, ethnopharmacology, and other

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    In this review, the relevance of the plant species belonging to the Pedicularis L. genus has been considered from different points of view. Particular emphasis was given to phytochemistry and ethnopharmacology, since several classes of natural compounds have been reported within this genus and many of its species are well known to be employed in the traditional medicines of many Asian countries. Some important conclusions on the chemotaxonomic and chemosystematic aspects of the genus have also been provided for the first time. Actually, this work represents the first total comprehensive review on this genus

    Leucosceptosides A and B. Two phenyl-ethanoid glycosides with important occurrence and biological activities

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    In this review paper, the occurrence in the plant kingdom, the chemophenetic value and the biological activities associated with two specific phenyl-ethanoid glycosides, i.e., leucosceptoside A and leucosceptoside B, were reported. This is the first work ever conducted on such a subject. Analysis of the literature data clearly led to three important conclusions: leucosceptoside A is much more common in plants than leucosceptoside B; leucosceptoside A exerts more biological activities than leucosceptoside B even if nothing can be generally concluded about which one is actually the most potent; neither of these compounds can be used as a chemophenetic marker. These three aspects and more are discussed in more depth in this work

    Preventive medicine center and health care for students of medicine and health professions at the Sapienza University of Rome: a research protocol

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    This project aims to develop a Center of Preventive Medicine and Health Care for the students of Medicine and Health profession at Sapienza University of Rome. At the beginning of the university career students, both residents and nonresident s, have to face several difficulties such as: starting smoking or the increase in cigarette consumption ; the independent management of their own health (especially for non residents consequently to the distance of the family doctor) ; unhealthy diet; tuberculosis (TB) biological risk during their university training. These aspects , especially if present at the same time, act as a source stress and adversely affect the quality of life and the academic performance. Specific aims of the project will be: implementing an ambulatory of Preventive Medicine; implementing a virtual ambulatory of general medicine; creating a website on the problems mentioned above. Data collected will be computerized to keep an electronic health record (HER) and to use the information for the purposes of scientific research. The Centre will act in close relationship with the Central Administration, with the Headmasters of the Medical Faculties, and in close collaboration with the Center of Occupational Medicine of Sapienza University

    Nor-lignans. Occurrence in plants and biological activities. A review

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    In this review article, the occurrence of nor-lignans and their biological activities are explored and described. Nor-lignans have proven to be present in several different families also belonging to chemosystematically distant orders as well as to have many different beneficial pharmacological activities. This review article represents the first one on this argument and is thought to give a first overview on these compounds with the hope that their study may continue and increase, after this

    Fotosintesi (Cap. 8)

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    Il capitolo descrive le fasi della Fotosintesi, i principali gruppi di pigmenti fotosintetici, la struttura interna della foglia e del cloroplasto, le materie prime e i prodotti finale e le varianti ecologiche della fotosintesi in relazione ai vari habitat

    Il terreno, le radici e la nutrizione delle piante (Cap. 44)

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    I nutrienti minerali sono divisi in macronutrienti e micronutrienti a seconda delle quantitĂ  necessarie alle piante. Il capitolo descrive le caratteristiche dei vari tipi di suolo e il modo in cui i minerali si rendono disponibili. Inoltre vengono descritte modalitĂ  di adattamento particolare, come il caso delle piante carnivore

    Iridoid glucosides from Viburnum lantana var. discolor

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