8 research outputs found

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    Control of international joint ventures

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    Beheersing in multinationals: combineren van centrale sturing met lokale autonomie

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    Aan de hand van twee bedrijfsbeschrijvingen1 laten de auteurs van deze bijdrage zien hoe multinationale bedrijven proberen een transnationale oriëntatie in praktijk te brengen. Na presentatie van de cases worden de overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen beide gevalstudies besproken. Het artikel wordt besloten met enkele algemene conclusies over de wijze waarop de bedrijven hun transnationale strategie hebben vormgegeven

    Strategische samenwerking: het glibberige pad tussen 'win-win' en 'total loss'

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    Anno 1997 is strategische samenwerking aan de orde van de dag. De recente aankondiging van het samengaan van Reed Elsevier en Wolters Kluwer en de totstandkoming van een big four onder accountantskantoren lijken zelfs een nieuwe fusiegolf in te luiden. Niet alleen fusies en overnames, ook ‘lichtere’ vormen van strategische samenwerking zoals joint ventures zijn in trek. Het tot stand brengen, besturen en beheersen van effectieve samenwerkingsrelaties is echter geen sinecure, aldus één van de conclusies in dit themanummer over strategische samenwerking

    The effects of environmental risk information on auditors' decisions about prospective financial statements

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    This study tests a model of how auditors make decisions when presented with environmental risk information in the context of a task that requires their professional opinion on a company's forecasted information. Auditing provided a small-world context where declarative and procedural knowledge have been well documented in terms of the rules for analysing financial information. This research uses a conceptual modelling approach to determine auditors' perceptions of environmental risk information and the effects on their judgement and decision choices when issuing an examination report supporting forecasted financial statements. Auditors were provided with environmental risk information that they had to process and integrate in their decision-making. The results demonstrated that auditors act on unfamiliar declarative knowledge using their standard procedural knowledge. The results from eighty-four senior auditors displayed evidence that auditors' perception of environmental risk information is downplayed compare to the traditional accounting information during their judgement and decision choice phases. When confronted with conflicting information, auditors tend to place more reliance on financial rather than environmental risk information. One of the implications of this study is that auditors should be trained to handle non-traditional information, such as environmental risk.