9 research outputs found

    Particle Filter with Integrated Voice Activity Detection for Acoustic Source Tracking

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    In noisy and reverberant environments, the problem of acoustic source localisation and tracking (ASLT) using an array of microphones presents a number of challenging difficulties. One of the main issues when considering real-world situations involving human speakers is the temporally discontinuous nature of speech signals: the presence of silence gaps in the speech can easily misguide the tracking algorithm, even in practical environments with low to moderate noise and reverberation levels. A natural extension of currently available sound source tracking algorithms is the integration of a voice activity detection (VAD) scheme. We describe a new ASLT algorithm based on a particle filtering (PF) approach, where VAD measurements are fused within the statistical framework of the PF implementation. Tracking accuracy results for the proposed method is presented on the basis of synthetic audio samples generated with the image method, whereas performance results obtained with a real-time implementation of the algorithm, and using real audio data recorded in a reverberant room, are published elsewhere. Compared to a previously proposed PF algorithm, the experimental results demonstrate the improved robustness of the method described in this work when tracking sources emitting real-world speech signals, which typically involve significant silence gaps between utterances

    Time Delay Estimation in Room Acoustic Environments: An Overview

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    <p/> <p>Time delay estimation has been a research topic of significant practical importance in many fields (radar, sonar, seismology, geophysics, ultrasonics, hands-free communications, etc.). It is a first stage that feeds into subsequent processing blocks for identifying, localizing, and tracking radiating sources. This area has made remarkable advances in the past few decades, and is continuing to progress, with an aim to create processors that are tolerant to both noise and reverberation. This paper presents a systematic overview of the state-of-the-art of time-delay-estimation algorithms ranging from the simple cross-correlation method to the advanced blind channel identification based techniques. We discuss the pros and cons of each individual algorithm, and outline their inherent relationships. We also provide experimental results to illustrate their performance differences in room acoustic environments where reverberation and noise are commonly encountered.</p

    Nonlinear Frames and Sparse Reconstructions in Banach Spaces

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    In the first part of this paper, we consider nonlinear extension of frame theory by introducing bi-Lipschitz maps F between Banach spaces. Our linear model of bi-Lipschitz maps is the analysis operator associated with Hilbert frames, p-frames, Banach frames, g-frames and fusion frames. In general Banach space setting, stable algorithms to reconstruct a signal x from its noisy measurement F(x) + ϵ may not exist. In this paper, we establish exponential convergence of two iterative reconstruction algorithms when F is not too far from some bounded below linear operator with bounded pseudo-inverse, and when F is a well-localized map between two Banach spaces with dense Hilbert subspaces. The crucial step to prove the latter conclusion is a novel fixed point theorem for a well-localized map on a Banach space. In the second part of this paper, we consider stable reconstruction of sparse signals in a union A of closed linear subspaces of a Hilbert space H from their nonlinear measurements. We introduce an optimization framework called a sparse approximation triple (A, M, H) , and show that the minimizer (Formula Presented.) provides a suboptimal approximation to the original sparse signal x0∈ A when the measurement map F has the sparse Riesz property and the almost linear property on A. The above two new properties are shown to be satisfied when F is not far away from a linear measurement operator T having the restricted isometry property