174 research outputs found

    Large gap quantum spin Hall insulator, massless Dirac fermions and bilayer graphene analogue in InAs/Ga(In)Sb heterostructures

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    The quantum spin Hall insulator (QSHI) state has been demonstrated in two semiconductor systems - HgTe/CdTe quantum wells (QWs) and InAs/GaSb QW bilayers. Unlike the HgTe/CdTe QWs, the inverted band gap in InAs/GaSb QW bilayers does not open at the Γ\Gamma point of the Brillouin zone, preventing the realization of massless Dirac fermions. Here, we propose a new class of semiconductor systems based on InAs/Ga(In)Sb multilayers, hosting a QSHI state, a graphene-like phase and a bilayer graphene analogue, depending on their layer thicknesses and geometry. The QSHI gap in the novel structures can reach up to 60 meV for realistic design and parameters. This value is twice as high as the thermal energy at room temperature and significantly extends the application potential of III-V semiconductor-based topological devices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Phase transitions in two tunnel-coupled HgTe quantum wells. Bilayer graphene analogy and beyond

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    HgTe quantum wells possess remarkable physical properties as for instance the quantum spin Hall state and the 'single-valley' analog of graphene, depending on their layer thicknesses and barrier composition. However, double HgTe quantum wells yet contain more fascinating and still unrevealed features. Here we report on the study of the quantum phase transitions in tunnel-coupled HgTe layers separated by CdTe barrier. We demonstrate that this system has a 3/2 pseudo spin degree of freedom, which features a number of particular properties associated with the spin-dependent coupling between HgTe layers. We discover a specific metal phase arising in a wide range of HgTe and CdTe layer thicknesses, in which a gapless bulk and a pair of helical edge states coexist. This phase holds some properties of bilayer graphene such as an unconventional quantum Hall effect and an electrically-tunable band gap. In this 'bilayer graphene' phase, electric field opens the band gap and drives the system into the quantum spin Hall state. Furthermore, we discover a new type of quantum phase transition arising from a mutual inversion between second electron- and hole-like subbands. This work paves the way towards novel materials based on multi-layered topological insulators

    Tunable plasma wave resonant detection of optical beating in high electron mobility transistor

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    We report on tunable terahertz resonant detection of two 1.55 µm cw-lasers beating by plasma waves in AlGaAs/InGaAs/InP high-electron-mobility transistor. We show that the fundamental plasma resonant frequency and its odd harmonics can be tuned with the applied gate-voltage in the range 75-490 GHz. The observed frequency dependence on gate-bias is found to be in good agreement with the theoretical plasma waves dispersion law.Comment: Applied Physics Letters to be published (2006) -

    Pressure and temperature driven phase transitions in HgTe quantum wells

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    We present theoretical investigations of pressure and temperature driven phase transitions in HgTe quantum wells grown on CdTe buffer. Using the 8-band \textbf{k\cdotp} Hamiltonian we calculate evolution of energy band structure at different quantum well width with hydrostatic pressure up to 20 kBar and temperature ranging up 300 K. In particular, we show that in addition to temperature, tuning of hydrostatic pressure allows to drive transitions between semimetal, band insulator and topological insulator phases. Our realistic band structure calculations reveal that the band inversion under hydrostatic pressure and temperature may be accompanied by non-local overlapping between conduction and valence bands. The pressure and temperature phase diagrams are presented.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures + Supplemental material (5 pages

    Terahertz Radiation Detection by Field Effect Transistor in Magnetic Field

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    We report on terahertz radiation detection with InGaAs/InAlAs Field Effect Transistors in quantizing magnetic field. The photovoltaic detection signal is investigated at 4.2 K as a function of the gate voltage and magnetic field. Oscillations analogous to the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, as well as their strong enhancement at the cyclotron resonance, are observed. The results are quantitatively described by a recent theory, showing that the detection is due to rectification of the terahertz radiation by plasma waves related nonlinearities in the gated part of the channel.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Current-induced enhancement of photo-response in graphene THz radiation detectors

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    Thermoelectric readout in a graphene terahertz (THz) radiation detector requires a p-n junction across the graphene channel. Even without an intentional p-n junction, two latent junctions can exist in the vicinity of the electrodes/antennas through the proximity to the metal. In a symmetrical structure, these junctions are connected back-to-back and therefore counterbalance each other with regard to rectification of the ac signal. Because of the Peltier effect, a small dc current results in additional heating in one and cooling in another p-n junction, thereby breaking the symmetry. The p-n junctions then no longer cancel, resulting in a greatly enhanced rectified signal. This allows simplifying the design and controlling the sensitivity of THz radiation detectors

    Field Effect Transistors for Terahertz Detection: Physics and First Imaging Applications

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    Resonant frequencies of the two-dimensional plasma in FETs increase with the reduction of the channel dimensions and can reach the THz range for sub-micron gate lengths. Nonlinear properties of the electron plasma in the transistor channel can be used for the detection and mixing of THz frequencies. At cryogenic temperatures resonant and gate voltage tunable detection related to plasma waves resonances, is observed. At room temperature, when plasma oscillations are overdamped, the FET can operate as an efficient broadband THz detector. We present the main theoretical and experimental results on THz detection by FETs in the context of their possible application for THz imaging.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, review pape

    Nonlocal resistance and its fluctuations in microstructures of band-inverted HgTe/(Hg,Cd)Te quantum wells

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    We investigate experimentally transport in gated microsctructures containing a band-inverted HgTe/Hg_{0.3}Cd_{0.7}Te quantum well. Measurements of nonlocal resistances using many contacts prove that in the depletion regime the current is carried by the edge channels, as expected for a two-dimensional topological insulator. However, high and non-quantized values of channel resistances show that the topological protection length (i.e. the distance on which the carriers in helical edge channels propagate without backscattering) is much shorter than the channel length, which is ~100 micrometers. The weak temperature dependence of the resistance and the presence of temperature dependent reproducible quasi-periodic resistance fluctuations can be qualitatively explained by the presence of charge puddles in the well, to which the electrons from the edge channels are tunnel-coupled.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, published versio