173 research outputs found

    Near-infrared light increases ATP, extends lifespan and improves mobility in aged Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Ageing is an irreversible cellular decline partly driven by failing mitochondrial integrity. Mitochondria accumulate DNA mutations and reduce ATP production necessary for cellular metabolism. This is associated with inflammation. Near-infrared exposure increases retinal ATP in old mice via cytochrome c oxidase absorption and reduces inflammation. Here, we expose fruitflies daily to 670 nm radiation, revealing elevated ATP and reduced inflammation with age. Critically, there was a significant increase in average lifespan: 100-175% more flies survived into old age following 670 nm exposure and these had significantly improved mobility. This may be a simple route to extending lifespan and improving function in old age

    Canine liver transplantation under nva cyclosporine versus cyclosporine

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    The immunosuppressive qualities and other features of a new cyclosporine (CsA) analogue, Nva 2-cyclosporine (Nva 2-CsA) were examined using canine orthotopic liver allografts. The mean survival time was 11.8±9.6 (SD) days in dogs without treatment, 60.8±34.4 days with Nva 2-CsA and 65.1±33.0 days with CsA. Functional abnormalities indicating toxic side effects were not noted either with Nva 2-CsA or with CsA. Using the same oral dose, the rate of blood level rise and the amount of the rise were greater with Nva2-CsA. Histopathologically, Nva2-CsA the treatment was associated with the same degree of hydropic vocuolation in the pars recta of the proximal tubules as CsA treatment. Thus, in the dog, Nva2-CsA had identical immunosuppressive properties as CsA, with no functionally detectable toxicity affecting the liver and kidney. © 1986 by The Williams & Wilkins Co

    Low flow venovenous bypasses in small dogs and pediatric patients undergoing replacement of the liver

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    A venovenous bypass for transplantation of the liver was developed and evaluated in dogs and applied clinically, with flows that averaged less than 500 milliliters per minute. Fatal pulmonary emboli were seen in two of 40 experiments. The venovenous flow in the four pediatric recipients was 200 to 1,200 milliliters per minute, and there were no complications

    Different response to epidermal growth factor of hepatocytes in cultures isolated from male or female rat liver. Inhibitor effect of estrogen on binding and mitogenic effect of epidermal growth factor

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    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in hepatocytes isolated from the livers of male and female rats has been compared in monolayer culture. Plating efficiency, DNA and protein content, viability, and morphologic appearance were the same in cultures prepared with hepatocytes isolated from male or female rats. Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced DNA synthesis was significantly higher in hepatocytes from male rats than in hepatocytes from female rats. This was the case whether hepatocytes were isolated from normal or partially hepatectomized male or female rats. Hepatocytes isolated from regenerating liver synthesize more DNA than those isolated from normal liver in response to EGF. This increased response to EGF in hepatocytes derived from regenerating liver was relatively the same for male- and female-derived hepatocytes, but the magnitude of the response was considerably higher in male-derived hepatocytes. In contrast, in vivo DNA synthesis in the liver remnant after partial hepatectomy was similar in male and female rats if measured 24 h after the operation. A comparison of EGF binding to male- and female-derived hepatocytes maintained in primary culture indicated a lower number of high-affinity receptors for EGF in the female hepatocytes. The addition of estrogen to primary cultures of hepatocytes isolated from male rats inhibited EGF binding as well as EGF-induced DNA synthesis. Our studies show significant differences in DNA synthesis in response to EGF when male and female hepatocytes are compared in primary culture. The regenerative response after partial hepatectomy, on the other hand, was the same in male and female rats. Thus, our studies indicate that the sex of the donor rat is important when hepatocytes in culture are used for a variety of studies, such as hepatocyte metabolism, induction and control of DNA synthesis, and hepatocarcinogenesis. In addition, our results indicate that caution is advised when inferences are made from in vitro findings for in vivo conditions. © 1987

    Rapid growth of an intact human liver transplanted into a recipient larger than the donor

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    Two individuals undergoing orthotopic hepatic transplantation received livers from donors who were on average 10 kg smaller than themselves based on recipient ideal body weight. As a result, the donor livers in these 2 cases were 29%-59% smaller than would be expected had the donor liver and recipient been matched ideally. The liver grafts in the recipients steadily increased in size, as determined by serial computed tomography scanning, to achieve new volumes consistent with those that would have been expected in a normal individual of the recipient's size, sex, and age. Fasting plasma levels of amino acids, glucagon, insulin, and standard liver injury tests were monitored to determine which measure best reflected the changes observed in the size of the grafts over time. No relationship between the changes observed in any of these parameters and hepatic growth was apparent. In both cases, the liver increased in volume at a rate of ~70 ml/day. These data demonstrate that a small-for-size liver transplanted into a larger recipient increases in size at a rate of ~70 ml/day until it achieves a liver volume consistent with that expected given the recipient's size, age, and sex. © 1987

    Glucose metabolism during liver transplantation in dogs

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    Arterial and hepatic venous blood levels of glucose were studied in 12 dogs during orthotopic liver transplantation peformed under ketamine anesthesia without exogenous glucose administration. During the early part of surgery, arterial blood glucose levels were stable: 161 ± 12 mg/dl (mean ± SEM) after laparotomy and 183 ± 16 mg/dl 5 min before the anhepatic stage. During the anhepatic stage, arterial blood glucose levels decreased progressively to 135 ± 9 and 88 ± 8 mg/dl, 5 min in the anhepatic stage and 5 min before reperfusion of the graft liver, respectively (P < 0.05). Reperfusion of the graft liver resulted in an increase in arterial glucose levels to 206 ± 17 and 240 ± 24 mg/dl, 5 and 30 min after reperfusion, respectively (P < 0.05). Hepatic venous blood glucose levels increased after reperfusion (405 ± 37 and 346 ± 41 mg/dl, 5 and 30 min after reperfusion, respectively) and were significantly higher than in arterial blood (P < 0.05). Arterial lasma insulin, measured in 5 animals, did not change significantly during the procedure, whereas plasma glucagon levels, stable during the preanhepatic and anhepatic stages, increased steadily after reperfusion of the graft liver, from 66.1 ± 14.2 to 108.4 ± 38.1 pg/ml (P < 0.05). This study shows that in dogs with ketamine anesthesia mild hypoglycemia occurs during the anhepatic stage of liver transplantation without exogenous glucose administration followed by hyperglycemia on reperfusion of the graft liver, possibly secondary to the release of glucose from the donor liver