42 research outputs found

    Topographie automatique du champ visuel central (entre les 20 degrees) chez des patients glaucomateux

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    Résumé " La diffusion des micro-ordinateurs actuels permet d'effectuer un examen campimétrique de la vision centrale totalement computérisé (entre les 20°), sans devoir utiliser des appareils exclusivement destinés à cette utilisation. Le micro-ordinateur effectue l'examen en présentant sur un écran télévisé une impulsion lumineuse changeant de dimension et de localisation. L'examen foumit une carte topographique représentant la distribution du seuil de perception. La vitesse et la précision de la méthode ont permis une étude sur des patients glaucomateux

    Impiego del Mydriasert in pazienti da sottoporre ad intervento di cataratta

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    The preoperative mydriasis is traditionally induced Repeated instillation of phenylephrine and tropicamide. This can give rise to phenomena of accumulation of the active ingredients themselves which, in the channel defluendo naso-lacrimal reaches the systemic circulation, resulting in side effects due to the activity sympathetic mimetic of phenylephrine (hypertension Acute arterial, tachycardia). To avoid instillations ocular repeated but above all to reduce the amount of drugs administered, has been developed MYDRIASERT ®, a new system for slow release of two mydriatics, phenylephrine and tropicamide, content in an insert ocular insoluble, small (4.3 mm x 2.3 mm x 1.6 mm), consisting a central core containing the active principles: the tropicamide (0.28 mg), cycloplegic-mydriatic activities, and phenylephrine hydrochloride (5.4 mg) activities mydriatic. Is externally coated by a membrane dialysis. Once inserted into the lower conjunctival fornix, tears, penetrating into the nucleus, imbibiscono the structure, releasing the active ingredients. The single application, in place of repeated administration mydriatic eye drops, ensures a good compliance. It was therefore conducted a study to assess the systemic effects and to compare the efficacy of mydriasis obtained respectively with the application of the insert and with the instillation of mydriatic eye drops, in two heterogeneous groups of patients undergoing surgery of cataracts. The objective was to evaluate the possibility of obtaining, with the application the insert, a good efficiency and stability of mydriasis induced by a lower release of lower release of drug


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    Résumé : La chirurgie du segment antérieur a trouvé dans le hyaluronate de sodium une aide remarquable pour maintenir la profondeur de la chambre antérieure pendant les manceuvres chirurgicales afin d' éviter des lésions éventuelles des structures oculaires. Les auteurs , après avoir introduit dans la chambre antérieure du lapin du IAL (hyaluronate de sodium à bas poids moléculaires : 500 000-730 000), ont noté une hypertension oculaire et une réaction inflammatoire d'entité et de durée inférieure en comparaison de celle observée dans le groupe des yeux témoins traités avec du Healon (poids moléculaire l 000000-3 000000). Les recherches sur la perméabilité de la barrière hémato-aqueuse après introduction de IAL dans la chambre antérieure ont mis en évidence une altération d'entité et de durée inférieure en comparaison de celle observée dans les yeux avec Healon

    Light modulation perception test in multiple sclerosis

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    A method for testing visual sensitivity to modulated sources have been developed. The method differs from critical frequency fusion test for the pattern of stimulation. A triangular function generator modulates the luminance of a solid state lamp (green or red); the frequency is varied from 50 Hz to 1 Hz values until the subject perceives distinctly a periodic variation of luminance. The trial is repeated for different amplitudes of modulatìon. This kind of stimulation simplifies most of the problems of standardization of other techniques due to stimuli duration, time interval, and mean level of luminance. Twenty normal subjects and twenty patients with multiple sclerosis have been evaluated and the results have been compared with visual evoked potentials to pattern stimulation. The patients with multiple sclerosis did not show any visual acuity defect or field abnormality at the moment of the test. In the normal subjects the maximum of sensìtivity was between 8 and 12 Hz independently of the mean luminosity of the source. No clear differences were found between red and green lìght, however in normal subjects foveal perception for red light modulation seems to have a lower threshold. Twelve patients showed an abnormal sensitivity to the light perception and 15 had a delayed visual evoked responses to pattern stìmuli. We conclude that the light modulation perception test (L.M.P.) is a simple and easy handling method for subclinical visual defects detectio

    Topical and systemic administration of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

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    The effects of 2% ibopamine eye drops on the intraocular pressure and pupil motility of patients with open angle glaucoma

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    PURPOSE: Ibopamine is a prodrug of N-methyldopamine that has a non-cycloplegic mydriatic action due to its alpha-adrenergic properties and is able to induce, when topically given, a transient increase of intraocular pressure (IOP) in eyes with hydrodynamic disorders. METHODS: This is a randomized, crossover, open-labeled, two- center study. Forty patients (20 open-angle glaucoma patients and 20 healthy subjects) were treated with ibopamine 2% eye drops and phenylephrine 10% eye drops. RESULTS: Ibopamine induced a significant increase in IOP only in glaucomatous eyes (p<0.001) without a significant hypertensive effect in normal eyes. Ibopamine and phenylephrine showed a similar mydriatic activity but ibopamine was able to induce an hypertensive effect only in glaucomatous eyes. CONCLUSIONS: The results confirm the use of ibopamine as provocative test in detection of hydrodynamic disorders

    IOP variations in pregnant patients affected by ocular hypertension

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    Effects of buflomedil hydrochloride on central retinal sensitivity in patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy

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    Gli AA valutano nel tempo l' efficacia della terapia farmacologica con debuflomedil hydrochloride sul decorso della reinopatia diabetica. Si valuta la variazione della sensibilitĂ  retinica centrale in conseguenza del trattamento farmacologico..30 patients have been administered for 90 days with Buflomedil HC1 (100 mg/day I.M. for 5 days, then 600 mg/day for 85 days). Retinal fluoroangiography and a computer aided retinal sensitivity test have been used as main efficacy parameters. Results, including a statistically significant reduction of no-vision areas, are discussed

    Ophthalmological deficits in patients operated for infantile craniosynostosis

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    Forty-seven out of a hundred and fifteen patients operated for craniosynostosis in childhood at the Neurosurgical Institute of Rome University between 1952 and 1980, showed residual ophthalmological deficits to a marked degree at a follow-up study recently performed. Visual field was severely reduced in twenty eyes. Visual acuity was also markedly impaired in thirteen eyes. These ophthalmological findings have been correlated with: 1) age at the postoperative follow-up study; 2) age at the operation. Focal anomalies of the base of the skull and abnormal general morphology have been evaluated by means of the CTscan