140 research outputs found

    Clinician emotional response toward narcissistic patients. A preliminary report

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    Patients with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are among the most difficult to treat in therapy, especially for their strong resistance to treatment and several difficulties in establishing a therapeutic relationship characterized by intimacy, safety, and trust. In particular, therapists’ emotional responses to these patients can be particularly intense and frustrating, as often reported in the clinical literature; however, rarely they were investigated empirically. The aims of this preliminary study were: 1) to examine the associations between patients’ narcissistic personality disorder and distinct therapists’ countertransference patterns; and 2) to verify whether these clinicians’ emotional reactions were influenced by theoretical orientation, gender and age. A national sample of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists (N = 250) completed the Therapist Response Questionnaire (TRQ) to identify patterns of therapist emotional response, and the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure-200 (SWAP-200) to assess personality disorder and level of psychological functioning in a patient currently in their care, and with whom they had worked for a minimum of eight sessions and a maximum of 6 months (one session per week). From the complete therapist sample, we identified a subgroup (N = 35) of patients with NPD. Results showed that NPD was positively associated with criticized/mistreated and disengaged countertransference, and negatively associated with positive therapist response. Moreover, the relationship between patients’ NPD and therapists’ emotional responses was not dependent on clinicians’ theoretical approach (as well as their age and gender). These findings are consistent with clinical observations, as well as some empirical contributions, and have meaningful implications for clinical practice of patients suffering from this challenging pathology

    Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity of the Therapist Response Questionnaire

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    open4noThe aim of this study was to examine the stability of the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Therapist Response Questionnaire (Betan, Heim, Zittel Conklin, & Westen, 2005; Zittel Conklin & Westen, 2003), a clinician report instrument able to measure the clinician's emotional reactions to the patient in psychotherapy. A national sample of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists (N = 332) of psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral orientation completed the Therapist Response Questionnaire, as well as the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure-200 (Westen & Shedler, 1999a, 1999b), to assess personality disorders and level of psychological functioning, regarding a patient currently in their care. They also administered the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (Derogatis, 1994) to the patients. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed 9 distinct countertransference factors that were similar to 8 dimensions identified in the original version of the measure: (a) helpless/inadequate, (b) overwhelmed/disorganized, (c) positive/satisfying, (d) hostile/angry, (e) criticized/devalued, (f) parental/protective, (g) special/overinvolved, (h) sexualized, and (i) disengaged. These scales showed excellent internal consistencies and good validity. They were especially able to capture the quality and intensity of emotional states that therapists experience while treating personality-disordered patients, as well as to better differentiate them; additionally, they tapped into the complexity of clinicians' reactions toward patients experiencing severe psychiatric symptomatology. Results seem to confirm that Therapist Response Questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument that allows to evaluate patterns of countertransference responses in clinically sensitive and psychometrically robust ways, regardless of therapists' orientations. The clinical and research implications of these findings are addressed. (PsycINFO Database RecordopenTanzilli, Annalisa; Colli, Antonello; Del Corno, Franco; Lingiardi, VittorioTanzilli, Annalisa; Colli, Antonello; Del Corno, Franco; Lingiardi, Vittori

    Psychodiagnostic Chart–Child (PDC–C): a valid and clinically sensitive diagnostic tool for patient-tailored intervention planning

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    The reliable clinical-diagnostic evaluation of child patients is crucial. The present research sought to examine the validity of the Psychodiagnostic Chart – Child (PDC–C) in assessing children’s mental functioning and personality organization, according to the framework of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, Second Edition (PDM–2). A sample of 209 clinicians assessed 209 children (aged 4–11 years) who had been in their care between 2–12 months, using the PDC-C. Each clinician also completed a clinical questionnaire to provide demographic information, the Child Behavior Checklist to evaluate children’s behavioral problems and social competences, and the Childhood Personality Assessment Q-Sort measure to assess children’s emerging personality patterns. The findings suggest that the PDC–C is a valid diagnostic tool that takes into account children’s full range of functioning. Moreover, the measure has good sensitivity and appears clinically useful in differentiating between certain clinical populations according to psychological characteristics. The PDC–C could promote more accurate assessment during childhood and inform the development of individualized therapies. One of the advantages of the tool is its ability to capture individual variations in child functioning (illuminating strengths and psychological vulnerabilities), even within children in the same diagnostic group. Of note, additional research is needed to establish the utility of PDC–C ratings in predicting clinically relevant constructs and to monitor the processes and outcomes of interventions

    The relationship among the health-related quality of life, illness severity, personality and psychiatric symptoms in patients with psoriasis: an empirical investigation

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    Background: Psoriasis is a complex and chronic inflammatory skin disorder. The mechanisms underlying this immune-mediated disease are not clear, but some evidence indicates that specific personality features and symptom patterns may play an important role in the development and clinical presentation of the disorder and influence the quality of patients’ lives. This study aimed at evaluating the associations among the quality of life, illness severity, psychiatric symptoms and personality patterns in patients with psoriasis treated with biological or topical therapy. Methods: Fifty psoriatic patients were evaluated with self-report measures: the Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90R) and the Psoriasis Index of Quality of Life (PSORIQoL). Their personality and psychological functioning were assessed by external raters using the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP-200) applied to the Clinical Diagnostic Interviews (CDI). Finally, the severity and the area of psoriatic lesions were evaluated by dermatologists with the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI). Results: Significant differences between the groups (biological vs topical therapy) were found in PASI scores: patients assigned to biological therapy showed lower levels of illness severity. No differences were found in PSORIQoL scores. The quality of life was negatively associated with various dimensions of SCL-90R and with borderline (r = .39; p< .01), dependent (r = .41; p< .01) and avoidant (r = .35; p< .05) personality styles/disorders; conversely, it did not relate to PASI. Conclusions: The results seem to suggest that the quality of life in psoriatic patients is more influenced by personality characteristics and psychiatric symptoms than by the severity of psoriatic lesions

    Medication overuse headache, addiction and personality pathology: a controlled study by SWAP-200

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    Background: Medication Overuse Headache (MOH) is a type of chronic headache, whose mechanisms are still unknown. Some empirical investigations examining the addiction-like behaviors and processes, as well as personality characteristics underlying MOH development, reached contrasting findings. This study aimed at detecting personality and its disorders (PDs) in MOH patients, with a specific attention to the features of addiction. Methods: Eighty-eight MOH patients have been compared with two clinical populations including 99 patients with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and 91 with PDs using the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure-200 (SWAP-200). MANCOVAs were performed to evaluate personality differences among MOH, SUD and PD groups, controlling for age and gender. Results: MOH patients showed lower traits of the SWAP-200’s clusters A and B disorders than SUD and PD patients, whom presented more severe levels of personality impairment. No differences in the SWAP-200’s cluster C have been found, indicating common personality features in these populations. At levels of specific PDs, MOH patients presented higher obsessive and dysphoric traits, as well as better overall psychological functioning than SUD and PD patients. Conclusions: The study supported the presence of a specific pattern of personality in MOH patients including obsessive (perfectionist) and dysphoric characteristics, as well as good enough psychological resources. No similarities with drug addicted and personality-disordered patients were found. Practitioners’ careful understanding of the personality of MOH patients may be useful to provide more effective treatment strategies and patient-tailored intervention programs

    Initial validation of the Turkish version of the defense mechanisms rating scales-self-report-30

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    The Defense Mechanisms Rating Scales-Self Report-30 (DMRS-SR-30) was recently developed to add a self-report alternative to the assessment of defenses, reflecting their generally accepted hierarchical organization. In this study, we aimed to examine psychometric properties and factor structure of the Turkish language version of the DMRS-SR-30. The sample consisted of 1.002 participants who filled out a survey comprising the DMRS-SR-30, the Brief Symptom Inventory, and the Inventory of Personality Organization through Qualtrics. Confirmatory Factor Analysis indicated a three-factor structure (CFI = 0.89, RMSEA = 0.05) that confirms the DMRS theoretical frame with a relatively acceptable fit. Defensive categories and total scale scores showed good to excellent reliability (α values ranging from 0.64 to 0.89). Correlations between defenses, symptoms, and personality functioning demonstrated good convergent and discriminant validity. The individuals with clinically significant BSI scores (T-score ≥ 63) differed on the DMRS-SR-30 scores from the individuals in the non-clinical range. The Turkish version of the DMRS-SR-30 is a reliable and valid instrument to self-assess the hierarchy of defense mechanisms and overall defensive functioning. Moreover, the current study supports the validity of the tripartite model of defenses in a language and culture different from the origins of the DMRS and DMRS-SR-30

    Therapeutic interventions in intimate partner violence: an overview

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, and its prevention is a global public health priority. There is strong scientific evidence that suggests IPV and symptoms such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, chronic pain, etc. are linked. Despite recommendations and various interventions for the treatment of IPV that have been tried in these last 20 years, the rates of recurrence are still too high. Furthermore, there is a lack of research evidence for the effectiveness of the most common treatments provided for victims and perpetrators of IPVs. The purpose of this paper is to present most used, at a global level, therapeutic interventions for women experiencing IPV (as well as treatments for perpetrators). The possibility of building a preliminary theoretical and clinical model is discussed

    Therapist reactions to patient personality: A pilot study of clinicians’ emotional and neural responses using three clinical vignettes from "In Treatment" series

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    Introduction: Therapists’ responses to patients play a crucial role in psychotherapy and are considered a key component of the patient–clinician relationship, which promotes successful treatment outcomes. To date, no empirical research has ever investigated therapist response patterns to patients with different personality disorders from a neuroscience perspective. Methods: In the present study, psychodynamic therapists (N = 14) were asked to complete a battery of instruments (including the Therapist Response Questionnaire) after watching three videos showing clinical interactions between a therapist and three patients with narcissistic, histrionic/borderline, and depressive personality disorders, respectively. Subsequently, participants’ high-density electroencephalography (hdEEG) was recorded as they passively viewed pictures of the patients’ faces, which were selected from the still images of the previously shown videos. Supervised machine learning (ML) was used to evaluate whether: (1) therapists’ responses predicted which patient they observed during the EEG task and whether specific clinician reactions were involved in distinguishing between patients with different personality disorders (using pairwise comparisons); and (2) therapists’ event-related potentials (ERPs) predicted which patient they observed during the laboratory experiment and whether distinct ERP components allowed this forecast. Results: The results indicated that therapists showed distinct patterns of criticized/devalued and sexualized reactions to visual depictions of patients with different personality disorders, at statistically systematic and clinically meaningful levels. Moreover, therapists’ late positive potentials (LPPs) in the hippocampus were able to determine which patient they observed during the EEG task, with high accuracy. Discussion: These results, albeit preliminary, shed light on the role played by therapists’ memory processes in psychotherapy. Clinical and neuroscience implications of the empirical investigation of therapist responses are discussed

    Diagnosi e valutazione della personalit alleanza terapeutica e scambio clinico nella ricerca in psicoterapia

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    Questo contributo si propone di fornire una breve rassegna delle principali linee di ricerca seguite negli ultimi anni dal gruppo coordinato da Vittorio Lingiardi. Tra queste, ci soffermeremo in particolare su: a) valutazione e diagnosi della personalità con SWAP-200 e PDM (Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual); b) sviluppo e validazione di strumenti clinician-report per operazionalizare l'uso del PDM; c) valutazione dei meccanismi di difesa e degli stili difensivi mediante DMRS e sua versione Q sort; d) studio del processo e della relazione terapeutica (alleanza terapeutica, rotture e riparazioni dell'alleanza controtransfert); in particolare, in quest'area di ricerca, ci siamo impegnati nello sviluppo e validazione di nuovi strumenti per la valutazione dei processi di rottura e riparazione dell'alleanza (Collaborative Interaction Scale) e della qualità dell'attaccamento tra paziente e terapeuta (Patient-Therapist Attachment Q Sort); d) sviluppo della ricerca clinica e applicativa sui temi dell'identità di genere, dell'orientamento sessuale e dell'omofobia sociale e interiorizzata
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