321 research outputs found


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    Selection effectiveness for the resistance to net blotch was estimated by using two sets of F2 and F3 populations derived from the crosses between resistant and susceptible parents. In every F2 and F3 population, disease ratings showed a continuous distribution. As many F3 lines with intermediate resistance had a smaller variance and homozygous genotype, the resistance might be controlled by a few genes. The heritabilities of the disease rating were estimated by correlation coefficients and regression coefficients between each F2 plant and the descended F3 lines. Another estimate for heritability was calculated by the selection differential in the F2 plants and genetic gain in the F3 lines. Despite the different level of resistance in the resistant parents of the two crosses, the three kinds of heritabilities estimated were similar and ranged from 0.6 to 0.8. Because of the fewer number of genes controlling the disease resistance and the higher heritabilities, selection in a early generation may be effective for net blotch resistance in barlcy.抵抗性ず眹病性の䞡芪間の亀雑に由来する2組のF2集団ずその埌代のF3系統を甚いお、倧麊網斑病における抵抗性の遞抜効果を掚定した。F3系統の平均倀ず分散から、病斑指数の分散が小さく、すでに固定した系統が倚数存圚したので、抵抗性は少数の遺䌝子に支配されおいるずみられた。F2個䜓ずF3系統間の芪子盞関、芪子回垰およびF2の遞抜差ずF3系統の遺䌝獲埗量から遺䌝率を掚定したずころ、2組の亀雑組合せで抵抗性芪の病斑指数は異なっおいたにもかかわらず、3皮類の遺䌝率の掚定倀はいずれも0.60.8の倀を瀺した。遺䌝率が高く、しかも関䞎する遺䌝子数であるため、雑皮集団で連続倉異を瀺す堎合の倧麊網斑病抵抗性の遞抜はF2からでも効果的ずみられた


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    Twenty-two isolates of Pyrenophora teres Drechs. collected from Japanese and Canadian spring barleys were inoculated to 38 barley varieties having various genetic backgrounds. The analysis of variance for the discase ratings showed that there were significant differences both in the virulence of isolates and the resistance of varieties. However, the interaction among isolates and varieties was not statistically significant. Both Finlay-Wilkinson regression analysis and principal component analysis by Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction effects(AMMI)model classified the isolates into three groups,which were different in origins and sympton types. A spot tyte isolate was distinguished from net type isolates by its generally high virulence. A slight pathogenic differentiation was suggested between Japanese and Canadian net type isolates.北海道およびカナダの春播オオムギがら採取した22の倧麊網斑病菌株Pyrenophora teres Drechs.を䞖界各地のオオムギ38品皮に幌苗接皮し、病斑指数によっお病原性の倉異を怜蚎した。分散分析の結果、菌株の病原力ならびに品皮の抵抗性には有意差が認められたが、菌株ず品皮の亀互䜜甚は統蚈的には有意でなかった。各菌株の反応をFinlay-Wilkinson1963の回垰分析によっお解析したずころ、北海道ずカナダの菌株で病原性反応に差が認められた。この傟向はカナダの菌株のうち、通垞のNet typeの菌株よりも斑点状病斑を瀺すSpot typeの菌株で顕著であったFig.1。さらに、菌株ず品皮の亀互䜜甚を詳现に解析するために盞互䜜甚ず盞乗亀互䜜甚モデルAMMIモデルを適甚しお亀互䜜甚に関する䞻成分分析を行った結果、各菌株は日本のNet type、カナダのNet type、カナダのSpot typeの3矀に分けられたFig.1。各菌株に぀いお矀間ならびに矀内の盞関係数を算出したずころTable5、Net typeの菌株盞互の盞関係数は0.6010.969ず盞察的に高かったが、䞀郚の菌株ず品皮の組合わせでは抵抗性反応の逆転がみられたFig.4。䞀方、Spot typeの菌株ずNet typeの菌株の盞関係数は0.3020.538ず䜎く、䞡者の病原性は倚少異なるこずが瀺された。このような䞀郚の菌株ず品皮の間に認められる匱い亀互䜜甚は、抵抗性を支配する䞻働遺䌝子の特異的な反応が、いわゆる圃堎抵抗性を支配する埮働遺䌝子の䜜甚によっお修食された結果ず考えられる

    Establishment of a Seedling Test for Resistance to Net Blotch in Barley and a Search for Resistant Varieties

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    倧麊網斑病は糞状菌の1皮であるPyrenophora teres Drechs.の感染によっお葉身、葉鞘等に網目状の病斑を生じ、子実の登熟䜎䞋によっお枛収する共に、ビヌルオオムギにおいおは醞造品質である゚キス分が䜎䞋する重芁病害である。本病害は䞖界各地のオオムギ栜培地垯のうち䞻ずしお枩暖・湿最な地域に分垃しおおりShipton et al.1973、近幎、連䜜や灌挑によっお被害が増倧し぀぀あるMathre 1982。我囜においおは埓来からその存圚が確認されおいたものの、登熟埌期の掻性の衰えた葉に生じる病害ずしお重芁性は認識されおいなかった。しかし、最近、北海道、鳥取県、鹿児島県などのビヌルオオムギ栜培地垯で局所的な激発事䟋が確認されおいる。䜐藀、未発衚。本病害に察する防陀法ずしおは皮子消毒ならびに殺菌剀の茎葉撒垃が有効であるが、その効果は完党ではない。たた、茎葉撒垃はコストが高く、環境汚染の問題もあるので、最も有効で経枈的か぀安党な防陀法は抵抗性品皮を栜培するこずず蚀っおも良い。埓来、本病害の積極的な抵抗性育皮は行われおいなかったが、最近は抵抗性を有する品皮も育成されおいるMetcalfe 1987。抵抗性品皮を育成するためには、遺䌝資源ならびに雑皮埌代を効率よく評䟡、遞抜するための怜定方法を確立しなければならない。本病抵抗性の怜定方法ずしおは幌苗怜定法、圃堎怜定法が考案されお広く甚いられおいるがBuchannon and McDonald 1965, Holtmeyer and Webster 1981、環境条件の倉化によっお抵抗性が倉動する事䟋が報告されおいるのでKhan and Boyd 1970, Tekauz 1986、抵抗性を確実に評䟡するための安定した怜定条件を蚭定する必芁がある。抵抗性に関する遺䌝資源に぀いおはSchaller and Wiebe 1952、Dessouki et al.1965およびBuchannon and McDonald 1965等がそれぞれ数千品皮を評䟡し、䞭囜東北郚、トルコおよび゚チオピアなどに抵抗性の遺䌝資源が豊富であるこず報告しおいる。それらの品皮のいく぀かに぀いおは、抵抗性の遺䌝子分析が行われおおりBockelman et al. 1977, Davis et al. 1990、本病抵抗性育皮の亀配芪ずしお䜿甚されおいるTekazu and Buchannon 1977, Moseman and Smith 1985。岡山倧孊資源生物科孊研究所倧麊系統保存斜蚭は䞖界的にも貎重なず東アゞアの遺䌝資源をはじめ五千䜙の保存品皮を有するが、著者らは倧麊網斑病の幌苗怜定法を確立し、これらの品皮の抵抗性を評䟡したので報告する。A seedling test was developed and used to evaluate the resistance to net blotch of more than five thousand barley varieties preserved in the Barley Germplasm Center, Okayama University. 1) Disease ratings (Tekauz 1985) of varieties varied depending on the temperatures after inoculation. However, these was no change for rank of varietal resistance in the temperature range from 15 to 25℃, which covers the normal growing temperature for barley. 2) There was little variation in the level of seedling resistance of varieties under different levels of fertilizer application. 3) A high positive correlation was observed in the disease ratings obtained after second-leaf and fourth-leaf stage inoculations of the 2,230 barley varieties. Inoculation at the second leaf stage was superior to fourth leaf inoculation since it resulted in a wide range of disease ratings and required a shorter testing period. 4) The disease ratings observed appeared to be a stable genetic character sine the error standard deviations were only 0.4 to 0.8 in plots and 0.5 to 1.0 in plants, when four or five plants per plot were tested. 5) The disease ratings of 5, 102 varieties when tested with isolate K105 showed continuous variation with a mode in the resistant range. By comparing the average disease ratings for varieties from different regions, resistance was found to be higher in the Ethiopean and Koreaan barleys and lower in European, Tukish and South-east Asian types. However. there were obvious difference between varieties within a region, such as between two-rowed and six-rowed varieties from Japan and between covered and naked varieties from Nepal. 6) When varieties were classified into the principal morphological or physiological types of barley, the two-rowed, spring habit, and western-type in rachis brittleness showed significantly lower levels of resistance than the contrasting types for each of these classifications. In particular, the group having two-rowed, spring-habit, western-type, covered characteristics, which was common among malting barley varieties had lower resistance, while a group of six-rowed, autumn-habit, naked barleys showed higher resistance. Comparisons using isogenic pairs for row-types and hull-types did not reveal any obvious differences between each pair, indicating that the differences between groups were not probably due to the pleiotropic or likage effects of genes but to the different genetic backgrounds of these varieties

    Sources of Resistance to Net Blotch in Barley Germplasm

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    Net blotch caused by a fungus Pyrenophora teres Drechs. is a common disease in barley. Its source of resistance has been screened by many researchers by field evaluations or seedling tests inoculating a single isolatc. Since the pathogcnic variation of isolates has been reported in net blotch, resistance of the varieties to the disease may be different among the isolates with different pathogenicities. In this study, the pathogenic variation was examined and the varietal variation of the resistance was evaluated by inoculating with four P. teres isolates collected from Japan and Canada to more than 2,200 barley varieties of the world collection preserved at the Barley Germplasm Center of Okayama University. A preliminary inoculation test showed that the disease rating was affected little by the inoculation seasons. Disease ratings of varieties showed a continuous variation with a single mode in the resistant range in each of the four isolates. However, the correlation coefficient between Japanese isolate K105 and Canadian isolate WRS102 was as low as 0.55, indicating a slight pathogenic differentiation between these isolates. Significant correlation coefficients (r=.55~.78) among the ratings of isolates indicated that the pathogenicity to the varieties was rather similar and that the pathogenic differentiation was small among the four isolates tested. In general, varieties from Ethiopia, North Africa and Korea were more resistant than those from other regions. Varieties from Turkey and Europe were susceptible to Japanese isolates, while Nepalese varieties were susceptible to Canadian isolates. Twenty of 25 varieties which were resistant to the isolate K105 but susceptible to the isolate WR102 were from Nepal and most of those were Oriental-type (Bt bt2) in brittleness of rachis. These findings revealed an example of regional concentration of resistant gene in net blotch.日本ならびにカナダで採取した倧麊網斑病菌4菌株を、岡山倧孊資源生物科孊研究所倧麊系統保存斜蚭の保有する2,200あたりの品皮に接皮しお、各菌株に察する抵抗性遺䌝子源を評䟡するず共に病原性の分化を怜蚎した。結果の抂芁は以䞋の通りである。13回にわたっお44品皮に4菌株を接皮した予備詊隓の結果、病斑指数の品皮倉異は極めお倧きく、品皮の抵抗性に察する接皮時期の圱響は小さかった。2䟛詊4菌株に察するオオムギ品皮の抵抗性の頻床分垃はいずれも連続的で、そのピヌクは抵抗性偎であった。各菌株間の病斑指数は有意な正の盞関関係にあり、菌株間の病原性の分化は小さかった。3各菌株に察する抵抗性遺䌝資源ぱチオピア、北アフリカおよび朝鮮半島に倚かった。䞀方、日本で採取した2菌株に察する眹病性の品皮はトルコおよびペヌロッパに倚いのに察しお、カナダで採取した菌株に察する眹病性の品皮はネパヌルに倚かった。たた、ネパヌルに由来する品皮の病斑指数は、日本の2菌株に察しおは抵抗性ず眹病性の2矀に分かれたが、カナダの2菌株に察しおは連続的な分垃を瀺した。特に、カナダの菌株WRS102に察するネパヌル由来の品皮の反応は、匷床の抵抗性を瀺す品皮がなく、ピヌクが眹病性偎に片寄っおおり、日本の菌株に察する反応ずは倧きく異なった。4日本で採取したK105ずカナダで採取したWRS102の病斑指数の菌株間盞関係数は、4菌株の組合せの䞭で最も小さく、K105ずWRS102の病原性は倚少分化しおいた。なお、K105に抵抗性でWRS102に眹病性の品皮は25品皮であり、そのうち20品皮がネパヌル由来で、か぀、そのほずんどが小穂脱萜性東亜型を瀺した。埓っおK105に抵抗性でWRS102に眹病性の遺䌝子は、ネパヌルの東亜型品皮に偏圚しおいるずみられる

    CAM and NK Cells

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    It is believed that tumor development, outgrowth and metastasis are under the surveillance of the immune system. Although both innate and acquired immune systems play roles, innate immunity is the spearhead against tumors. Recent studies have revealed the critical role of natural killer (NK) cells in immune surveillance and that NK cell activity is considerably influenced by various agents, such as environmental factors, stress, foods and drugs. Some of these NK cell stimulants have been used in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) since ancient times. Therefore, the value of CAM should be re-evaluated from this point of view. In this review, we overview the intimate correlation between NK cell functions and CAM agents, and discuss possible underlying mechanisms mediating this. In particular, neuro-immune crosstalk and receptors for CAM agents are the most important and interesting candidates for such mechanisms

    Comparison between shoot Regeneration Ability in Calli Derived from Immature Embryos of Wild and Cultivated Barley

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    The variation in shoot regeneration obility of calli derived from immature embryos was examined in 95 wild strains, 82 of which were of Hordeum spontaneum and 13 of which were H. agriocrithon, and 87 cultivated varieties collected from various countries or regions of the world. In 85 strains of the wild species, a number of calli regenerated shoots, and their proportion ranged from 1.2% to 75.7%. The average percentage of shoot regenerating calli was 21.7% among the strains that formed calli, 11.5% of which regenerated green and 10.2% albino shoots. On average, 21.4% and 23.9% calli regenerated shoots in H. spontaneum and H. agriocrithon, respectively and there was no significant difference between these values. A significant difference in the percentage of shoot regenerating calli was found among six variants (dawense, ishnatherum, laguncliforme, paradoxon, proskowetzii, spontaneum) which were comprised in H. spontaneum. In 73 varieties of cultivated species, there were shoots regenerating calli likely to wild species, and their proportion ranged from 3.2% to 85.5%. The average percentage of shoot regenerating calli was 25.4%, 22.0% of which regenerated green and 3.4% of which regenerated albino shoots. There was a significant difference in percentage of green shoots regenerating calli against shoots regenerating ones between the wild (53.0%) and cultivated species 886.6%). The two kinds of non-brittle rachis genotypes, Bt bt2 and bt Bt2 are one of the key characters distinguishing the oriental and occidental types of cultivated barley. The average percentages of shoot regenerating calli were 16.2% and 32.3% for the genotypes Bt bt2 and bt Bt2, respectively, suggesting that there is a geographical variation in the shoot regeneration ability of calli in the cultivated species. By contrast, the oriental and occidental strains of wild species showed no difference in the shoot regeneration ability of calli. The geographical variation of shoot regeneration ability differed significantly between wild and cultivated species. This suggests that the geographical variation of shoot regeneration ability occurred after the cultivation of the barley was established.本研究ではオオムギ近緑野生皮Hordeum spontaneum82系統ずH.agriocrithon13系統、蚈2çš®95系統および䞖界各地の栜培皮87品皮を䟛詊しお、未熟胚由来カルスからの䞍定芜再分化胜を調査し、近緑野生皮ず栜培皮における再分化胜の品皮倉曎およびその地理的分化を比范した。近緑野生皮では95系統䞭94系統がカルスを圢成し、そのうち85系統90.4が䞍定芜を再分化しお、䞍定芜再分化率は系統によっお1.2から75.7たで幅広く倉異した。カルスを圢成した94系統における䞍定芜再分化率の平均倀は21.7、緑色䞍定芜再分化率は11.5、アルビノ䞍定芜再分化率は10.2であった。H.spontaneumずH.agriocrithonの䞍定芜再分化率の平均倀はそれぞれ21.4ず23.9で、有意差は認められなかった。しかし、H.spontaneumに含たれる6品皮dawense, ishnatherum, laguncliforme, paradoxon, proskowetzii, spontaneumの間では䞍定芜再分化率に差異が認められた。栜培皮では䟛詊品皮のすべおがカルスを圢成し、そのうち73品皮83.7が䞍定芜を再分化しお、䞍定芜再分化率は品皮によっお3.2から85.5たで幅広く倉異した。䟛詊品皮党䜓の䞍定芜再分化率の平均倀は25.4、緑色䞍定芜再分化率は22.0、アルビノ䞍定芜再分化率は3.4であった。このように、䞍定芜再分化率に察する緑色䞍定芜再分化率の占める割合は栜培皮で86.6、近緑野生皮で53.0ずなり、䞡者に倧きな差が認められた。䟛詊した栜培皮を小穂非脱萜性に関する遺䌝子型によっお東亜地域に倚く分垃するBt bt2型ず西域に倚く分垃するbt Bt2型に分けお䞍定芜再分化率を比范するず、Bt bt2型の平均倀は16.2、bt Bt2型の平均倀は32.3ずなり、bt Bt2型の䞍定芜再分化率が有意に高く、地理的分化が認められた。しかし、近緑野生皮では䞍定芜再分化胜の地域間差がみられないので、オオムギの祖先皮が栜培化されおから䞍定芜再分化胜の地理的分化が生じたものず考えられる

    Character Expression and Inheritance of a "Short Upper Leaves" Mutant in Barley

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    A mutant which devolops an extremely shortened flag leaf and shorter upper leaves was obtained from the progeny of 90 KR of gamma-ray irradiated Fuji Nijo, a malting barley variety. This mutant was controlled by a single partial dominant gene named Sul (short upper leaves). The character expression and the inheritance of the gene were investigated in this study. Sul shortened the flag leaf and upper several leaves and uppermost internode length, while it did not affect the length of spike, lower leaves and the second or lower internodes. A reciprocal translocation of the chromosomes was observed in this mutant line, and the Sull gene was linked with the V (two-rowed) gene on chromosome 2, and also linked with the breaking point of the reciprocal translocation. Small leaf area caused by the Sull gene might reduce the mutual shading and the transpiration of the leaf canopy at the later growth stages.二条オオムギ品皮ふじ二条にガンマヌ線を3代にわたっお合蚈90KR环代照射した埌代から䞊䜍の数葉が短瞮し、特に止葉は痕跡的に短くなる倉異䜓を芋出し、その圢質衚珟ず遺䌝性を解析した。1この倉異䜓では基郚の数枚の葉身の長さは原品皮ず倉わらず、䞊䜍の数葉、特に止葉が匷く短瞮する。穂長および小穂段数は原品皮ず倉わらない。2この倉異䜓は䞍完党優性の䞻働遺䌝子Sulshort upper leaves䞊䜍葉短瞮型に支配される。3Sul遺䌝子は第2染色䜓に座乗するΜ/V条性遺䌝子ず連鎖し、たた盞互転座点ず密接に連鎖しおいる。4この倉異䜓は登熟期における葉面積が小さいので盞互遮蔜が少なく、たた収穫指数が高たっお倚肥密怍栜培で倚収ずなる可胜性があり、たた、蒞散量が少なく、半也燥条件に適応するこずが期埅される

    Diallel Analysis for the Percentage of Grains with Hull Rupture in F2 Populations of Two-rowed Barley

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    Half diallel F2 populations crossed among eight two-rowed barley varieties with warious percentages of hull ruptured grains were raised to analyze the inheritance of the trait. The percentage of grains with hull rupture varied from 0 to 87% among the parents. The diallel analysis revealed the following: the trait was predominantly controlled by the additive genes, and the dominance effect of some parents was also significant. However, the epistatic effect of the genes was not significant. The average dominance was 0.97. The heritability value was estimated as 0.57 and 0.91 in a narrow and a broad sense, respectivelly. The percentage of grains with hull rupture showed continuous and transgressive segregations in 28 F2 populations derived from half diallel crosses among eight parents. Heritability of the trait in a broad sense was 0.43~0.80(0.65 on average) in 28 F2 populations.二条オオムギにおける裂皮粒歩合の遺䌝子を解析するために、裂皮粒歩合が倧きく異なる8品皮・系統の間で総圓たりの亀雑を行い、逆亀雑を陀く28組合せのF2集団ずその芪を䟛詊しお、裂皮粒歩合の遺䌝子を調べた。片面ダむアレル分析の結果、裂皮粒歩合の遺䌝子にぱピスタシスが認められず、単玔な盞加優性モデルが適合した。党䜓ずしお裂皮粒歩合の䜎い方が郚分優性ず芋られ、その平均優性床は0.97ず掚定された。裂皮粒歩合の遺䌝率は狭矩で0.58、広矩で0.91ず掚定された。28組合せのF2集団の裂皮粒歩合はいずれの組合せにおいおも連続的な分離を瀺し、たた、超越分離が認められた。F2集団の平均倀ず䞡芪品皮の平均倀の盞関は高く、雑皮集団における裂皮粒歩合は遺䌝子の盞加的な䜜甚によっお支配されおいるこずが瀺唆された。28組合せのF2集団における裂皮粒歩合の衚珟型分散ず遺䌝分散の割合から掚定した広矩の遺䌝率は0.430.80平均0.65であった

    Inheritance of Phenol Reaction in the Awn of Barley

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    The inheritance and geographical distribution of the phenol reaction in rice has been investigated intensively. On the other hand, in the case of barley, almost all of the varieties show positive reaction to phenol, and inheritance study of the trait has not yet been reported. We investigated the phenol reaction of ca. 5,000 barley varieties preserved at the Barley Germplasm Center of Okayama University to find about 30 varieties which show a negative reaction to the phenol. These varieties are mainly from Southwest Asia. The reaction of awn was sharpest at all parts of the plant including seeds. The positive reaction must be the prototype of barley, because Hordeum spontaneum, a possible ancestor of the cultivated barley, shows positive reaction. Inheritance and linkage studies were conducted using varieties with negative reaction and linkage testers with positive reaction. Phenol reaction was dominant and showed a clear 3:1 segregation ratio in the F2 populations, indicating the trait was controlled by a single dominant gene Ph(phenol reaction). Linkage study revealed that Ph was linked with four marker genes(three loci) on the chromosome 2 and independent of 13 other marker genes located on the chromosomes except chromosome 2. Ph may be a useful marker gene and an interesting material for molecular-biological studies.オオムギの芒ではフェノヌルを酞化する酵玠の掻性が匷くが、極めお少数の品皮では芒のフェノヌル着色が芋られない。本研究では芒のフェノヌル着色反応の遺䌝性を解析した。結果は次の通り。1芒のフェノヌル着色反応は優性遺䌝子phphenol reactionによっお支配されおいる。2Phは第2染色䜓にe-Ph-liの順で配列しおいる。3芒、穀皮および果実果皮の反応が䞀臎しない堎合があるが、これが実隓誀差か、それぞれの組織で別個の遺䌝子が䜜甚しおいるこずによるのかは確認を芁する
