29 research outputs found

    Вегетативне розмноження стебловими живцями рослин роду Pyracantha М. Roem.

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    Results of vegetative propagation by stem cuttings plants of genus Pyracantha М. Roem. are given. The most effective method of propagation by stem cuttings is green cuttings using heteroauxin as a stimulator of rhizogenesis and the best substratum is KTS (2 : 1 : 1).Наведено результати дослідів з вегетативного розмноження стебловими живцями рослин роду Pyracantha М. Roem. Найефективнішим способом розмноження стебловими живцями є зелене живцювання з використанням гетероауксину як стимулятора ризогенезу. Кращим субстратом є субстрат KTS (2 : 1 : 1)

    Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020

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    We show the distribution of SARS-CoV-2 genetic clades over time and between countries and outline potential genomic surveillance objectives. We applied three available genomic nomenclature systems for SARS-CoV-2 to all sequence data from the WHO European Region available during the COVID-19 pandemic until 10 July 2020. We highlight the importance of real-time sequencing and data dissemination in a pandemic situation. We provide a comparison of the nomenclatures and lay a foundation for future European genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2.Peer reviewe


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    Chronic glomerulonephritis remains the leading cause of formation of chronic renal insufficiency, which creates the necessity of looking for new ways of the progress impediment. In the last few years considerable interest was aroused in the study of the endothelium state, especially taking into account a wide spectrum of its physiologically important functions. The term «endothelial dysfunction» came into existence, its decisive importance in the pathogenesis of the development and progressing of the atherob sclerotic process, arterial hypertension was proven. Extensive studies are underway to establish the role of the endothelial dysfunction in case of chronic inflammatory diseases, including chronic glomerulonephritis. This article summarizes the modern views on the involvement of endothelial dysfunction markers (nitric oxide, endothelinb1, molecules of vascular cytoadherenceb1, von willebrand factor, inhibitor of plasminogenb1 activator) in the pathogenesis of chronic glomerulonephritis.Key words: endothelial dysfunction, nitric oxide, endothelin, molecule of vascular cytoadherence-1, von willebrand factor, inhibitor of plasminogen-1 activator


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    Based on the analysis of the Russian and foreign literature, the authors highlighted main scientific areas of the modern nephrology. Along with the achievements in the study of the kidney diseases, there is a certain lag of the Russian nephrology as far as it concerns genetic grounds for the kidney diseases and issues of the renal impairment growth and treatment. They listed the scientific areas, whose development, in their opinion, is expedient and perspective in the foreseeable future.Key words: nephrology, children.</strong


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    Based on the analysis of the Russian and foreign literature, the authors highlighted main scientific areas of the modern nephrology. Along with the achievements in the study of the kidney diseases, there is a certain lag of the Russian nephrology as far as it concerns genetic grounds for the kidney diseases and issues of the renal impairment growth and treatment. They listed the scientific areas, whose development, in their opinion, is expedient and perspective in the foreseeable future.Key words: nephrology, children


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    Pathology of kidneys and urinary tracts are some of the most widespread in infancy. The «discreet» course of a number of diseases quite often results in diagnostics only at the stage of progression into chronic kidney insufficiency. It is very important to notice the changes in the condition of a child and consult the nephrologist. In this article authors cover relevant issues of diagnostics and treatment of children with pathology of kidney and urinary tract.Key words: kidney diseases, diagnostics, children


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    Pathology of kidneys and urinary tracts are some of the most widespread in infancy. The «discreet» course of a number of diseases quite often results in diagnostics only at the stage of progression into chronic kidney insufficiency. It is very important to notice the changes in the condition of a child and consult the nephrologist. In this article authors cover relevant issues of diagnostics and treatment of children with pathology of kidney and urinary tract.Key words: kidney diseases, diagnostics, children


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    The researchers evaluated the efficacy of different immunosuppressive medications in case of steroid dependent and steroid resistant variants of the nephrtic syndrome among children: traditional alkylating agents (cyclophosphamide, chlorbutin), cyclosporine and mycophenolate mofetil. Cyclosporine proved to be most efficient in treatment against steroid dependent nephritic syndrome, as the researchers were more often able to cancel the steroids, while the recurrence of the nephritic syndrome developed less often. In the event of the steroid resistant nephritic syndrome, the full/partial remission was achieved among more than 80% patients also treated by cyclosporine. In case of the proliferating forms of the steroid resistant nephritic syndrome, the positive outcome was achieved among all the children under observation, if mycophenolate mofetil and steroids were further applied. Therapy by the conventional alkylating agents (cyclophosphamide, chlorbutin) proved to be less efficient both for the relief from the steroid dependence and persistent remission of the steroid resistant nephritic syndrome.Key words: nephritic syndrome, immunosuppressive therapy, alkylating agents, cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, children

    Polymorphism of the catalase and glutathione peroxidase genes and macrovascular complications in non-insulin-dependent diabetic hypertensives

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    Allelic and genotypic distributions of the polymorphic markers Cl 167T and Prol97Leu of the genes of catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX1), respectively, were studied in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and hypertension without complications (the control group, n = 52) and with complications: myocardial infarction (MI, n = 53) or stroke (n - 50). No significant differences were found between complicated and uncomplicated patients with respect to the allelic or phenotypic distribution. Thus, there were no association between these polymorphic regions and either MI or stroke in hypertensive NIDDM patients

    Прогнозування ефективності реабілітаційних програм для дітей, народжених передчасно з дуже низькою та екстремально низькою масою тіла

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    The prediction problem of long-term outcomes of premature very low (VLBW) and extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants' development and health status continue to be relevant.Objective: to determine the prognostic factors of the premature infants' health deterioration, to determine a forecast model of the neurological condition and assessing the need for prolonged rehabilitation.Material and methods. There were 70 children under the catamnestic observation during the first three years of their life (26 out of them with ELBW and 44 with VLBW). Neurological status was studied using the NACS scale.Results. Children were divided into two groups of comparison: Group 1 was comprised of 32 children, who received rehabilitation on the basis of the Regional Centre of Early Social Rehabilitation, and Group 2, which consisted of 38 children, treated at the Centre of Primary Health and Social Care. A significant factor concerning the prognosis of the rehabilitation outcomes was the score on the C. Amiel-Tison scale (1982). A paired linear regression model describing the dependence of neurological condition prediction at the age of three years on the Amiel-Tison scores at the age of 3.6 months was obtained. A multiple linear regression model describing the dependence of neurological condition prediction at the age of three years on the Amiel-Tison scores at the age of 3.6 and 10.5 months was obtained as well.Conclusions. The Amiel-Tison scores at the age of 3.6 and 10.5 months for VLBW and ELBW infants are strongly predictive for neurological condition at the age of three years. The proposed two models of prediction of their neurological status allow estimating at the age of 12 month the need for further rehabilitation prolongation, correction of its techniques at the appropriate times.Проблема прогнозирования отдаленных результатов развития и состояния здоровья детей, рожденных с очень низкой (ОНМТ) и экстремально низкой (ЭНМТ) массой тела остается актуальной.Цель: определить прогностические факторы нарушения здоровья преждевременно рожденных детей, составить модель прогнозирования неврологического состояния и оценки необходимости продолжения реабилитации.Материалы и методы. Под катамнестическим наблюдением первые три года жизни находились 70 детей (с ЭНМТ 26, с ОНМТ 44). Неврологический статус исследовали с помощью шкалы NACS.Результаты. Сформированы две группы сравнения: 1 группа (32 ребенка) получала реабилитацию на базе ОЦРСР, 2 группа (38 детей) — в ЦПМСП. Количество баллов по шкале C. Amiel-Tison (1982) выделено значимым фактором в отношении прогноза результата реабилитации. Получена модель парной линейной регрессии, описывающая зависимость прогнозирования неврологического состояния в три года от количества баллов по шкале в возрасте 3,6 месяца. Получена модель множественной линейной регрессии, описывающая зависимость прогнозирования неврологического состояния в три года от количества баллов по шкале в возрасте 3,6 и 10,5 месяца.Выводы. Для детей, рожденных с ОНМТ и ЭНМТ, количество баллов по шкале C. Amiel-Tison в возрасте 3,6 и 10,5 месяца определены как значимые факторы прогноза неврологического состояния в возрасте трех лет. Предложены две модели прогнозирования их неврологического состояния, которые позволяют оценить уже на первом году жизни необходимость дальнейшего продолжения реабилитационных мероприятий и своевременно их корректировать.Проблема прогнозування віддалених результатів розвитку та стану здоров'я дітей, народжених з дуже низькою (ДНМТ) та екстремально низькою (ЕНМТ) масою тіла залишається актуальною.Мета: визначити прогностичні фактори порушення здоров’я передчасно народжених дітей, скласти модель прогнозування неврологічного стану та оцінки необхідності подовження реабілітації.Матеріали і методи. Під катамнестичним спостереженням перші три роки життя знаходились 70 дітей (з ЕНМТ 26, з ДНМТ 44). Неврологічний статус досліджували за допомогою шкали NACS.Результати. Сформовані дві групи порівняння: 1 група (32 дитини) отримувала реабілітацію на базі ОЦРСР, 2 група (38 дітей) — у ЦПМСД. Значущим фактором щодо прогнозу результату реабілітації виділено кількість балів за шкалою C. Amiel-Tison (1982). Отримано модель парної лінійної регресії, яка описує залежність прогнозування неврологічного стану у три роки від кількості балів за шкалою у віці 3,6 місяця. Отримано модель множинної лінійної регресії, яка описує залежність прогнозування неврологічного стану у три роки від кількості балів за шкалою у віці 3,6 та 10,5 місяця.Висновки. Для дітей, народжених із ДНМТ та ЕНМТ, кількість балів за шкалою C. Amiel-Tison у віці 3,6 та 10,5 місяця визначена як значущий фактор прогнозу неврологічного стану у віці трьох років. Запропоновані дві моделі прогнозування їх неврологічного стану, які дозволяють оцінити вже на першому році життя необхідність подальшого подовження реабілітаційних заходів, своєчасно корегувати їх склад