8 research outputs found

    The practical activity of development of a system of tasks as an important condition for training a future teacher for a digital school

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    The problem and the aim of the study. A teacher of a digital school, according to the requirements of the standard of professional activity, must possess such universal qualities related to information and communication technologies, formed communicative competence, the ability to work in a team. The formation of the relevant skills within the framework of university education is complicated by a number of problems of a different nature. The authors suggest organizing a practice of designing a system of specially selected tasks to improve the training of future teachers of a digital school. Research methods. The most important idea is the acquisition of new knowledge by creation and solving tasks. The solution of the system of educational, specially designed tasks supports the implementation of the provisions of the system-activity approach to learning. The pedagogical experiment involved 120 students of specialty 44.03.01 Pedagogical education (two training profiles, bachelor's degree level), Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia Federation. Statistical verification of the obtained results was made using Fisher's criterion (angular transformation). Results. Students of the experimental group were involved in practical activities to design their own tasks on the example of studying the theory and methods of teaching Informatics (situational-motivational; support; border): self-determination of the plot, the development directions of intensification and extensification. Statistically significant differences were revealed between the experimental and control groups in terms of the level of professional training φcrit< φemp(1.64 < 2.558). In conclusion, the authors generalized the features of the organization of practical activity for the development of a system of own tasks for a digital school: the choice of the first task, the use of information sources of various nature, learning with and without a computer, group discussion of a result, resolving contradictions, "ignorance-knowledge-understanding-skill-proficiency", work in conditions of uncertainty, etc. © 2021 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Использование игровых платформ управления классом при онлайн-обучении для повышения качества образовательных результатов

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    Problem and purpose. Problems of social and environmental nature, requirements for providing high-quality support for online education have revealed new conditions for implementation, difficulties and prospects for learning at a distance. The authors suggest using game technologies for managing information interaction in the classroom to support motivation, activate cognition, involve students in collaborative work, and control attendance. Method of research. Theoretical and methodological analysis and generalization of fundamental scientific works on the research problem, processing of the results of control measures and the content of the ClassDojo service (forms, thank-you letters, stickers, posters) are used. The authors took into account the provisions of the system-activity, personality-oriented and communicative approaches. The pedagogical experiment involved 48 students (75% of girls and 25% of boys) from the "Lyceum of Natural Sciences", Kirov. The G-signs criterion was used as a statistical processing method. Results. The features of online learning based on game technologies for managing information interaction through the ClassDojo service are formulated: the content of the educational material is focused on the peculiarities of perception of the modern schoolchild, the inclusion of mobile services activates cognitive interest, supports research and communication practice, intensifies the process of mutual assistance in the group. The empirical value of Gemp=3 less than Gcr=8 (for p=0.01) confirms that the shift towards improving the quality of educational results after using the ClassDojo game service is not accidental. Conclusion. The inclusion of game technologies to support class management in online-learning will help improve the quality of educational results while providing a set of conditions: activation of knowledge, connecting students to information interaction in new ways, expanding the classroom beyond the school walls, changing the roles of participants in the didactic process, the use of mobile applications. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Возможности интерактивных сервисов для совершенствования подготовки будущих педагогов цифровой школы

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    Problem and purpose. The standard that characterizes the professional functions of a teacher in a digital school defines as necessary requirements: the ability to search, evaluate the quality and effective use of innovative technologies; support the information educational environment; design the trajectory of the student's personal development. The formation of appropriate skills in the framework of University training of teachers is complicated by a number of problems of a software and technical, user and methodological nature. The authors suggest using the capabilities of interactive universal services to improve the training of future digital school teachers and equip them with the necessary tools for implementing professional activities in accordance with the requirements of standards. Method of research. To obtain theoretical generalizations, we used the analysis of theoretical sources and normative documents in the field of education, processing of empirical data and survey materials. The author's questionnaire takes into account the professional, career guidance, and popularization labor functions of the teacher. The study was conducted among bachelors and masters of Vyatka state University in Kirov, Russia. 125 students were involved in the experiment during 2019-2020. the results of the experiment were Processed using Google services (Google class, tables, forms). Statistical verification of the reliability of the obtained results was performed using the Pearson's χ2 (chi-square) criterion. Results. The essence of the concept of "interactive service" and "digital skills" is clarified in the context of training future teachers of digital schools. The potential of interactive resources regarding the effectiveness of teachers 'professional activities is studied: universal opportunities for individualization of the educational process, taking into account the peculiarities of students' thinking; support for cognitive activity; organization of didactic material taking into account the specifics of the subject; accessible representation of fundamental concepts, etc. The formulats problems affecting the formation of digital skills, information competence of future teachers as conditions for a successful professional realization: the difficulty in assessing the quality of services; the need to improve skills; the resource-intensive, fast changing priorities of the digital environment regarding technology, etc. Opportunities of interactive services for the improvement of training of future teachers digital school described in example StudyStack resources and Formative. A qualitative assessment of their impact on the effectiveness of training was carried out in the course of a specially organized questionnaire in the framework of a bi-directional pedagogical experiment. Conclusion. The use of the allocated features of universal interactive services contributes to the formation of digital skills and information competence of future teachers of digital schools, creates additional conditions for increasing the level of ability and readiness of students of pedagogical specialties to carry out work in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Formation of digital literacy of future teachers by means of cloud technologies [Формирование цифровой грамотности будущих педагогов средствами облачных технологий]

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    The problem and the aim of the study. The implementation of tutoring ideas that are extremely popular in the modern socio-economic situation in the digital educational space requires the teacher to move to a new level of professional skills, communication and information culture, network etiquette and experience in using software and hardware. To ensure the appropriate training of teachers, the development of the necessary personal qualities, improving the quality of education in higher education, new digital technologies are actively used: cloud services, interactive resources, etc. The purpose of the article is to investigate the features of the formation of digital literacy of future teachers by means of cloud technologies. Research methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature were used to identify the features of the training of future teachers, to determine the components of digital literacy. The method of pedagogization of information technologies, group interaction, mutual assessment and self-assessment are used to design and fill the "virtual classroom" with cloud service tools. The experiment involved 64 students of the Vyatka State University of the training program 44.03.01 Pedagogical education (bachelor level). The software tool is Google Classroom. As a method of statistical processing of the experimental data, the Χ2(chi-square) Pearson test was used. Results. In the experimental group, future teachers used Google Classroom tools to differentiate user access rights to content, organize and manage learning in a "virtual classroom" environment. The assessment of the levels of digital literacy formation was made and statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the pedagogical system were revealed, Χ2obs. 2> Χ2crit0.05(7, 07 > 5, 99). In conclusion, the features of the design and use of "virtual classrooms" implemented by Google Classroom tools for the formation of digital literacy of future teachers are summarized. © 2021 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Influence of geological and geochemical conditions of deposits formation on the composition and properties of hydrocarbon fluids (on the example of Bovanenkovo oil and gas condensate field)

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    The article provides an analysis of the variability of the composition of hydrocarbon fluids from the Bovanenkovo field (Yamal, Western Siberia) in order to better understand the geological processes that led to the formation of this field and the reformation of the composition of fluids in the layers of this field. It is shown that geochemical information on the composition and properties of oil, condensate and gas allows to “reconstruct” the geological stages of the formation of deposits in their modern form. The data on the properties of fluids, group and molecular composition of the light and middle parts of oils and condensates of various layers are given. Differences in the composition of hydrocarbons from different reservoirs of the field, the relationship of the composition of fluids with oil deposits and superimposed geological reorganizations in the Yamal area already formed were demonstrated. In terms of composition, three groups of oils were identified: residual, whose composition was formed as a result of the migration of relatively low-molecular components, light oils with a high content of paraffins and light (low-paraffinic) oils and condensates. It is shown that differences in the composition of oils are due both to the composition of the original organic matter for them and to migration processes after the formation of accumulations of hydrocarbon fluids

    Unspecified encephalitis in HIV-infected patients: Clinical and postmortem evaluation [Энцефалиты неясной этиологии у больных ВИЧ-инфекцией: клиническая и патологоанатомическая расшифровка]

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    Background. The search for an aetiology of central nervous system (CNS) lesions In HIV patients can be extremely challenging. Aim. To establish the nature and character of CNS lesion according to the data of pathological examination of deceased HIV-patients who had an antemortem clinical diagnosis of unspecified encephalitis. Materials and methods. We analysed clinical and laboratory data of 225 HIV-patients admitted to the ICU at the Infectious Clinical Hospital №2 (Moscow, 2018). The principal diagnosis was unspecified encephalitis characterized by cerebral oedema. Had died 183 (67.9%) patients. We conducted pathological examination in 43 (23.5%). Results. CNS lesions occurred in 331 patients (58.8% of 563 ICU). The antemortem diagnosis established were as follows: 12.1% - toxoplasmosis; 6.6% - HIV-encephalitis; 5.1% - CNS lymphoma; 3.6% - cryptococcal meningoencephalitis; 3.0% - cytomegaloviral diseases; 2.1% - progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. The cause of the pathology remained unidentified in 225 patients (68% with CNS lesions). Majority of patients were ART-naive. Post-mortem verification was conducted in 29 (67.4%) deceased patients, of which HIV-encephalitis - 34.5%, toxoplasmosis - 10.3%, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy - 3.4%. The nature of brain damage in the remaining 20.7% cases was not established even after post-mortem investigation. Productive lepto-meningitis - 8 (27.6%), indicating a prolonged duration of the inflammatory process. In the brain 48.1% patients with subacute and productive changes, had a pre-hospital time of more than 30 days, in contrast to 11.1% of patients who had acute pathological processes in the CNS (p<0.05). Autopsy didn't reveal any inflammatory changes in the brain in 14 (32.6%) patients, though cerebral oedema - 93.3%, haemorrhagic syndrome - 60% cases. Conclusion. Accurate retrospective identification of the aetiology of CNS lesions combined with assessing in vivo characterisation of the pathological process plays an essential role in subsequent formation of diagnostic approaches in pathologies of the CNS in HIV-patients. © 2021 Consilium Medikum. All rights reserved

    Strzeleckia major n. g., n. sp. and S. minor n. sp. (Digenea: Hasstilesiidae) from Antechinus swainsonii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) in Australia

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    Strzeleckia major n. g., n. sp. and S. minor n. sp. are described from the dusky antechinus Antechinus swainsonii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) from the Kosciusko National Park in southern New South Wales, Australia. The two species were found together in the same individual host animals but occupy different sites in the intestine. The new genus is placed within the Hasstilesiidae, where it differs from the only other genus, Hasstilesia, by being more elongate and in having larger suckers, tandem testes, the ovary between rather than opposite the testes, and in having the caeca not reaching the posterior end of the body. It is suggested that the life-cycles of these species are similar to those of other hasstilesiids. Pupillid snails may act as sole intermediate hosts

    Upper Devonian conodonts of northeastern European Russia

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