3,281 research outputs found

    Shifting a Quantum Wire through a Disordered Crystal: Observation of Conductance Fluctuations in Real Space

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    A quantum wire is spatially displaced by suitable electric fields with respect to the scatterers inside a semiconductor crystal. As a function of the wire position, the low-temperature resistance shows reproducible fluctuations. Their characteristic temperature scale is a few hundred millikelvin, indicating a phase-coherent effect. Each fluctuation corresponds to a single scatterer entering or leaving the wire. This way, scattering centers can be counted one by one.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Nonperturbative Superpotentials and Compactification to Three Dimensions

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    We consider four-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories with gauge group U(N) on R^3 x S^1, in the presence of a classical superpotential. The low-energy quantum superpotential is obtained by simply replacing the adjoint scalar superfield in the classical superpotential by the Lax matrix of the integrable system that underlies the 4d field theory. We verify in a number of examples that the vacuum structure obtained in this way matches precisely that in 4d, although the degrees of freedom that appear are quite distinct. Several features of 4d field theories, such as the possibility of lifting vacua from U(N) to U(tN), become particularly simple in this framework. It turns out that supersymmetric vacua give rise to a reduction of the integrable system which contains information about the field theory but also about the Dijkgraaf-Vafa matrix model. The relation between the matrix model and the quantum superpotential on R^3 x S^1 appears to involve a novel kind of mirror symmetry.Comment: LaTeX, 45 pages, uses AmsMath, minor correction, reference adde

    Evolution of electronic and ionic structure of Mg-clusters with the growth cluster size

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    The optimized structure and electronic properties of neutral and singly charged magnesium clusters have been investigated using ab initio theoretical methods based on density-functional theory and systematic post-Hartree-Fock many-body perturbation theory accounting for all electrons in the system. We have systematically calculated the optimized geometries of neutral and singly charged magnesium clusters consisting of up to 21 atoms, electronic shell closures, binding energies per atom, ionization potentials and the gap between the highest occupied and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals. We have investigated the transition to the hcp structure and metallic evolution of the magnesium clusters, as well as the stability of linear chains and rings of magnesium atoms. The results obtained are compared with the available experimental data and the results of other theoretical works.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Zero Modes and the Atiyah-Singer Index in Noncommutative Instantons

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    We study the bosonic and fermionic zero modes in noncommutative instanton backgrounds based on the ADHM construction. In k instanton background in U(N) gauge theory, we show how to explicitly construct 4Nk (2Nk) bosonic (fermionic) zero modes in the adjoint representation and 2k (k) bosonic (fermionic) zero modes in the fundamental representation from the ADHM construction. The number of fermionic zero modes is also shown to be exactly equal to the Atiyah-Singer index of the Dirac operator in the noncommutative instanton background. We point out that (super)conformal zero modes in non-BPS instantons are affected by the noncommutativity. The role of Lorentz symmetry breaking by the noncommutativity is also briefly discussed to figure out the structure of U(1) instantons.Comment: v3: 24 pages, Latex, corrected typos, references added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Multi-gap superconductivity in a BaFe1.84Co0.16As2 film from optical measurements at terahertz frequencies

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    We measured the THz reflectance properties of a high quality epitaxial thin film of the Fe-based superconductor BaFe1.84_{1.84}Co0.16_{0.16}As2_2 with Tc_c=22.5 K. The film was grown by pulsed laser deposition on a DyScO3_3 substrate with an epitaxial SrTiO3_3 intermediate layer. The measured RS/RNR_S/R_N spectrum, i.e. the reflectivity ratio between the superconducting and normal state reflectance, provides clear evidence of a superconducting gap ΔA\Delta_A close to 15 cm1^{-1}. A detailed data analysis shows that a two-band, two-gap model is absolutely necessary to obtain a good description of the measured RS/RNR_S/R_N spectrum. The low-energy ΔA\Delta_A gap results to be well determined (ΔA\Delta_A=15.5±\pm0.5 cm1^{-1}), while the value of the high-energy gap ΔB\Delta_B is more uncertain (ΔB\Delta_B=55±\pm7 cm1^{-1}). Our results provide evidence of a nodeless isotropic double-gap scenario, with the presence of two optical gaps corresponding to 2Δ/kTc\Delta/kT_c values close to 2 and 7.Comment: Published Versio

    N=1 G_2 SYM theory and Compactification to Three Dimensions

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    We study four dimensional N=2 G_2 supersymmetric gauge theory on R^3\times S^1 deformed by a tree level superpotential. We will show that the exact superpotential can be obtained by making use of the Lax matrix of the corresponding integrable model which is the periodic Toda lattice based on the dual of the affine G_2 Lie algebra. At extrema of the superpotential the Seiberg-Witten curve typically factorizes, and we study the algebraic equations underlying this factorization. For U(N) theories the factorization was closely related to the geometrical engineering of such gauge theories and to matrix model descriptions, but here we will find that the geometrical interpretation is more mysterious. Along the way we give a method to compute the gauge theory resolvent and a suitable set of one-forms on the Seiberg-Witten curve. We will also find evidence that the low-energy dynamics of G_2 gauge theories can effectively be described in terms of an auxiliary hyperelliptic curve.Comment: 27 pages, late

    A Note on Domain Walls and the Parameter Space of N=1 Gauge Theories

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    We study the spectrum of BPS domain walls within the parameter space of N=1 U(N) gauge theories with adjoint matter and a cubic superpotential. Using a low energy description obtained by compactifying the theory on R^3 x S^1, we examine the wall spectrum by combining direct calculations at special points in the parameter space with insight drawn from the leading order potential between minimal walls, i.e those interpolating between adjacent vacua. We show that the multiplicity of composite BPS walls -- as characterised by the CFIV index -- exhibits discontinuities on marginal stability curves within the parameter space of the maximally confining branch. The structure of these marginal stability curves for large N appears tied to certain singularities within the matrix model description of the confining vacua.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, 6 eps figures; v2: references adde

    Superconducting zero temperature phase transition in two dimensions and in the magnetic field

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    We derive the Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson theory for the superconducting phase transition in two dimensions and in the magnetic field. Without disorder the theory describes a fluctuation induced first-order quantum phase transition into the Abrikosov lattice. We propose a phenomenological criterion for determining the transition field and discuss the qualitative effects of disorder. Comparison with recent experiments on MoGe films is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    SRAO CO Observation of 11 Supernova Remnants in l = 70 to 190 deg

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    We present the results of 12CO J = 1-0 line observations of eleven Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) obtained using the Seoul Radio Astronomy Observatory (SRAO) 6-m radio telescope. The observation was made as a part of the SRAO CO survey of SNRs between l = 70 and 190 deg, which is intended to identify SNRs interacting with molecular clouds. The mapping areas for the individual SNRs are determined to cover their full extent in the radio continuum. We used halfbeam grid spacing (60") for 9 SNRs and full-beam grid spacing (120") for the rest. We detected CO emission towards most of the remnants. In six SNRs, molecular clouds showed a good spatial relation with their radio morphology, although no direct evidence for the interaction was detected. Two SNRs are particularly interesting: G85.4+0.7, where there is a filamentary molecular cloud along the radio shell, and 3C434.1, where a large molecular cloud appears to block the western half of the remnant. We briefly summarize the results obtained for individual SNRs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science. 12 pages, 12 figures, and 3 table