512 research outputs found

    Modelling control of avian influenza in poultry: the link with data

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    In this paper the authors discuss the use of modelling in the evaluation of strategies designed to control epidemics of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in poultry. Referring to a number of published models for HPAI transmission in poultry, the authors describe the different ways that modellers use quantitative information. Quantitative information can be used for model building, parameter estimation, and model validation. The authors emphasise that in the case of HPAI transmission in poultry there are important gaps in our understanding. Due to these gaps the models for the effects of certain control strategies, especially those involving vaccination of poultry, need to be based on provisional assumptions. Hence, it is necessary to validate these models and to do research to improve our understanding of the underlying processes in order to better parameterise the models and better estimate the parameter

    Investigations on an RF-plasma related to plasma etching

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    Optical Measurements of Lateral Tire Deformations

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    Between-farm transmission routes of highly transmissible diseases in livestock: a literature study on the quantitative knowns and unknowns = Routes van tussen-bedrijfstransmissie van zeer besmettelijke dierziekten: een literatuurstudie van de kwantitatieve kennis en kennislacunes

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    Dit rapport inventariseert de kwantitatieve kennis die beschikbaar is in de literatuur, alsmede de huidige kennislacunes, over de rol van specifieke transmissieroutes in de tussen-bedrijfstransmissie van bestrijdingsplichtige dierziekten in Nederland. Dit om na te gaan in hoeverre een kwantitatieve inschatting van de effecten van specifieke hygienemaatregelen (zowel in vredestijd als in crisis) en contact- en vervoersverboden (in crisistijd) mogelijk is. Op basis van zo’n kwantitatieve inschatting zou namelijk de (kosten)effectiviteit van maatregelenpakketten kunnen worden bestudeerd en mogelijk verbeterd. Daarnaast zou deze informatie ook meer houvast kunnen bieden om voor nieuwe dierhouderijsystemen risico’s van tussen-bedrijfstransmissie in te schatten. Tenslotte zou deze kennis het draagvlak voor naleving van de maatregelen kunnen vergrote

    Verslag van de workshop "Indirecte transmissie", 25 september 2008

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    Een samenvatting van 10 presentaties met de bijbehorende discussies: Introduction: indirect transmission; Indirect transmission, implications from a policy point of view; Transmission by air of micro-organisms in poultry: experimental and hatchery studies; Indirect transmission of Campylobacter in broilers; Experimental studies to evaluate the transmission of Classical Swine Fever; Underlying mechanisms of transmission - quantification of CSFV excretion; Experimental quantification of transmission over a distance: an evolutionary point of view; Use of data on contact-structure in InterSpread simulation; Go with the flow: water and foodborne health risks; Avian influenza: survival studie

    Bridging the Gap in Relation to Nerve Injury

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    __Abstract__ The title of this thesis has been chosen after careful reflection. The different meanings reflect the research performed in this thesis: - Nerve regeneration after bridging a large nerve defect is an important subject of this thesis. - The second interpretation of this title should be sought in the translational aspect of this thesis. We tried to implement the use of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells (BMSCs) in nerve reconstruction in a conduit often used in clinical setting. A bench to bedside approach! - The third interpretation refers to the bridge between experimental and human research. In this thesis both types of studies have been conducted to answer research questions related to nerve injury and one aspect of clinical follow-up, i.e. cold intolerance
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