25 research outputs found
Spectral purity of pulsed dye lasers
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Yb3+-doped 200 μm diameter core, gain guided index-antiguided fiber
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Refractive indices and thermo-optical properties of dye laser solvents
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Gallium scanning by conventional imaging and emission computed tomography in the pretreatment evaluation of lung cancer.
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Antidiabetic and antioxidant effects of Picrorhiza kurrooa rhizome extracts in diabetic rats
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Overview of randomised trials of diuretics in pregnancy.
- Author
- Campbell D.M.
- CE Jr, Flowers
- Chamberlain G.
- Chesley L.C.
- Crosland D.M.
- Cuadros A.
- FA Jr, Finnerty
- Fallis N.E.
- Ferris T.F.
- Fidler J.
- Goldman J.A.
- Gray M.J.
- Harley J.D.
- Introduction
- Johnston D.H.
- Kraus G.W.
- Lindheimer M.D.
- MacGillivray I.
- MacGillivray I.
- Menzies D.
- Menzies D.N.
- Miller J.N.
- Minkowitz S.
- Nelson T.R.
- Office of
- Pritchard J.A.
- R Collins
- R Peto
- Redman C.W.G.
- Rodriguez S.U.
- Rubin P.C.
- S Yusuf
- Tervila L.
- Weseley A.C.
- Zuspan F.P.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
X-linked recessive type of pure spastic paraplegia in a large pedigree: absence of detectable linkage with Xg.
- Author
- Aaganaes 0
- Appel L.
- Bayley W.D.
- Becker P.E.
- Bell J.
- Blumel J.
- Bremer F.W.
- C Penha-Serrano
- Emery A.E.H.
- Emery A.E.H.
- Fowler W.M.
- Funk Jr, F.J.
- Futer D.
- Garland H.G.
- Haldane J.B.S.
- Hariga J.
- Hess J.W.
- Heyck H.
- Johnston A.W.
- M Zatz
- Maynard-Smith S.
- Michaux L.
- Morton N.E.
- P A Otto
- Raggio J.F.
- Rhein J.H.W.
- Saldanha P.H.
- Schwarz G.A.
- Schwarz G.A.
- Seeligmiiller A.
- Sigma
- Skinner R.
- Strumpell A.
- Thurmon T.F.
- Van Bogaert L.
- Van Gehuchten P.
- Zatz M.
- Zatz M.
- Zatz M.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Virale Infektionen
- Author
- A. Coutsoudis
- A. Hviid
- A. Langer-Gould
- A. Marx
- A. Redfearn
- A. Servant
- A. Vaheri
- A.J. McCarthy
- A.J. Wagstaff
- A.L. Brodsky
- A.L. Forni
- A.M. Knott
- B. Gruhn
- B. König
- B. Vandvik
- B. Vollmer
- B.A. Willis
- B.G. Hoogen van den
- C. Miller
- C.B. Hall
- C.B. Hall
- C.D. Brandt
- D. Boutolleau
- D. Gilden
- D. Kimberlin
- D.C. Pigott
- D.E. Dwyer
- D.M. Zerr
- D.W. Kimberlin
- E. Avota
- E. Clave
- E. Flechsig
- E. Meijer
- E.D. Belay
- E.D. Heegaard
- E.E. Wang
- F. Broccolo
- F. Watzinger
- G. Enders
- G. Enders
- G. Reed
- G.L. Kearns
- H. Bielefeldt-Ohmann
- H. Kimura
- H. Kretzschmar
- H.B. Jenson
- H.J. Bueving
- H.W. Lehmann
- I. Kautner
- IMpact-RSV Study Group
- J.A. Hoffman
- J.A. Levy
- J.E. Crowe Jr.
- J.E. Gern
- J.E. Nasemann
- J.J. Vandersteenhoven
- J.S. Mackenzie
- J.V. Williams
- J.V. Williams
- K. Domes
- K. Hamprecht
- K. Helmke
- K. Zwiauer
- K.B. Fowler
- K.E. Brown
- K.E. Gendelman
- K.L. McClain
- K.N. Ward
- L.E. Markowitz
- L.J. Anderson
- L.M. Frenkel
- L.M. Frenkel
- M. Bitzan
- M. Bitzan
- M. Bray
- M. Hosoya
- M. Korppi
- M. Schleuning
- M.C. Milone
- M.F. Callan
- M.H. Sawyer
- M.J. Abzug
- M.J. Anderson
- M.M. Mustafa
- M.R. Denison
- M.T. Caserta
- M.T. Caserta
- N.J. Cooper
- N.S. Young
- P. Brown
- P. Wutzler
- P.K. Chan
- R. Casella
- R. Hall
- R. Levy
- R. Martin
- R.B. Turner
- R.G. Will
- R.L. Chen
- R.S. Roß
- R.T. Perry
- S. Arenz
- S. Bhaduri-Mclntosh
- S. Imashuku
- S. Kling
- S. Plancoulaine
- S. Suga
- S. Tokimasa
- S. Torigoe
- S. Yoshihara
- S.B. Boppana
- S.B. Prusiner
- S.E. Robertson
- S.L. Johnston
- S.W. Lindquist
- T. Jartti
- T. Jartti
- T. Jefferson
- T. Ozaki
- T.F. Feltes
- T.F. Leung
- T.F. Tsai
- T.F. Tsai
- T.M. Uyeki
- T.P. Monath
- T.W. Geisbert
- T.Y. Lin
- V. Schuster
- V. Schuster
- V.M. Steelman
- W.H. Wheat
- W.J. Bellini
- W.L. Bayer
- Y. Asano
- Y. Camcioglu
- Y. Takahashi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
- Author
- A. Benchekroun
- A. Boari
- A. Kelami
- A. Kelami
- A. McIndoe
- A. Orandi
- A. Palomo
- A.A. Limberg
- A.D. Perlmutter
- A.F. Borges
- A.F. Borges
- A.I. Sagalowsky
- A.J. Paquin Jr
- A.J. Pereyra
- A.R. Mundy
- A.T. Cole
- A.Y. Mason
- B. Goldwasser
- B. Johanson
- B.W. Snow
- C. Thiersch
- C.A. Burow
- C.A. Politano
- C.C. Winter
- C.E. Flack
- C.J. Devine Jr
- C.J. Devine Jr
- C.J. Devine Jr
- C.J. Devine Jr
- D. Gilpin
- D.A. Bloom
- D.D. Gaur
- D.E. Bejany
- D.F. Paulson
- D.I. Williams
- D.M. Davis
- D.M. Wallace
- D.M. Wilbert
- D.T. Mininberg
- E. Michalowski
- E. Zingg
- E.A. Tanagho
- E.A. Tanagho
- E.A. Williams
- E.D. Vaughan Jr
- E.M. Bricker
- E.W. Overstreet
- F. Marconi
- F.E.B. Foley
- F.V. Cantwell
- G. Nagamatsu
- G.D. Webster
- G.H. Jordan
- G.J. D’Angio
- G.T. Klauber
- G.V. Burkholder
- G.W. Kaplan
- G.W. Leadbetter Jr
- H. Anderl
- H. Conway
- H. Lepor
- H. Martius
- H. Mildenberger
- H.-G. Mesrobian
- H.H. Young
- H.M. Hasson
- H.M. Spence
- H.M. Spence
- H.M. Spence
- H.M. Weyrauch
- H.N. Winfield
- H.W. Jones Jr
- I.D. Sharlip
- J. Barcat
- J. Barcat
- J. Lapides
- J. Money
- J. Pfannenstiel
- J. Wagget
- J.A. Smith Jr
- J.B. Erich
- J.C. Anderson
- J.C. Burch
- J.C. Mustardé
- J.F. Baldwin
- J.F. Glenn
- J.F. Redman
- J.G. Blaivas
- J.H. Johnston
- J.H. Kelley
- J.J. Mulcahy
- J.K. Lattimer
- J.K. Light
- J.K.M. Quartey
- J.L. Lockhart
- J.L. Marmar
- J.L.P. Salle
- J.M. Barry
- J.M. Barry
- J.M. Gil-Vernet
- J.M. Gil-Vernet
- J.M. Ingram
- J.P. Blandy
- J.P. Blandy
- J.P. Gearhart
- J.P. Mettauer
- J.P. Pryor
- J.S. Ansell
- J.S. Ansell
- J.T. Grayhack
- J.V. Thomalla
- J.W. Duckett
- J.W. Duckett
- J.W. Duckett
- J.W. Duckett
- J.W. Duckett Jr
- J.W. McAninch
- J.W. McAninch
- K.A. Kropp
- L. Gecelter
- L. Zinman
- L.G. Gottlieb
- L.H. Banowsky
- L.P. Gambee
- L.R. Kavoussi
- L.R. Kavoussi
- L.R. King
- L.T. Byars
- L.T. Byras
- M. Fisch
- M. Kozminski
- M. Malament
- M.A. Ghoneim
- M.A. Keating
- M.A. Lesavoy
- M.E. Mitchell
- M.E. Mitchell
- M.J.V. Smith
- M.K. Hanna
- M.L. Ritchey
- M.M. Bailet
- M.R. Zaontz
- M.R. Zaontz
- M.S. Steiner
- M.S. Steiner
- M.T. Edgerton
- N. Johnson
- N.B. Hodgson
- N.B. Hodgson
- N.G. Kock
- N.G. Kock
- N.J. Bonnin
- N.N. Stone
- O. Ivenissevich
- O.S. Culp
- P. Mathieu
- P. Mitrofanoff
- P.A. Nash
- P.C. Cartwright
- P.C. Walsh
- P.G. Ransley
- P.G. Ransley
- P.H. Lord
- P.K. Reddy
- P.S. Malone
- R. Asopa
- R. Fowler
- R. Gonzales
- R. Gonzales
- R. Lich Jr
- R. Quackles
- R. Turner-Warwick
- R. Turner-Warwick
- R.A. Bürger
- R.C. Rink
- R.D. Jeffs
- R.D. Jeffs
- R.E. Hautmann
- R.E. Symmonds
- R.H. Flocks
- R.M. Nesbit
- R.M. Nesbit
- R.O. Parra
- R.T. Frank
- R.V. Clayman
- S. Arap
- S. Arap
- S. Duplay
- S. Perovic
- S. Raz
- S.A. Koff
- S.A. Kramer
- S.B. Streem
- S.J. Cohen
- S.J. Kogan
- S.L. Schwartz
- S.Q. Li
- S.R. Shapiro
- S.V. Perovic
- T. Millin
- T.-S. Chang
- T.D. Allen
- T.D. Allen
- T.D. Allen
- T.F. Lue
- T.G. Vancaillie
- T.S. Parrott
- T.W. Hensle
- U.E. Studer
- V. Michal
- V. Michal
- V.F. Marshall
- V.J. O’Connor Jr
- V.J. O’Conor Jr
- W. Gegoir
- W. Gregoir
- W. Latzko
- W.E. Goodwin
- W.F. Leadbetter
- W.H. Hendren
- W.H. Hendren
- W.H. Hendren
- W.H. Hendren
- W.H. Hendren
- W.T. Snodgrass
- W.W. Schuessler
- Z.H. Kalicinski
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Effective process management through performance measurement: part I – applications of total quality-based performance measurement
- Author
- Anthony R.N.
- Brignall S.
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
- Churchman C.W.
- Crawford K.M.
- Daniels A.C., Rosen, T.A.
- David Sinclair
- Dixon J.R., Nanni, A.J. , Vollmann, T.E.
- Eccles R.G.
- Edson N.W.
- Eisenhardt K.M.
- Euske K.J.
- Euske K.J., Lebas, M.J. , McNair, C.J.
- Fitzgerald L., Johnston, R., Brignall, S., Silvestro, R., Voss, C.
- Geanuracos J., Meiklejohn, I.
- Goold M., Quinn, J.J.
- Green F.B., Amenkhienan, F. , Johnson, G.
- Harrington H.J.
- Hronec S.M.
- Johnson H.T., Kaplan, R.S.
- Juran J.M.
- Kaplan R.S.
- Kaplan R.S.
- Kaplan R.S., Norton, D.P.
- Lockamy A. III
- Locke E.A., Shaw, K.N. , Saari, L.M., Latham, G.R.
- Lynch R.L., Cross, K.F.
- Maisel L.S.
- McNair C.J., Lynch, R.L. , Cross, K.F.
- McNair C.J., Mosconi, W. , Norris, T.F.
- Merchant K.A., Bruns, W.J. Jr
- Miller J.A.
- Mohamed Zairi
- Oakland J.S.
- Olian J.D., Rynes, S.L.
- Schuler R.S., Fulkerson, J.R., Dowling, P.J.
- Sieger J.M.
- Sinclair D.A.C.
- Sink D.
- Sink D.S., Tuttle, T.C.
- Talley D.J.
- Thor C.G.
- White E.M., Flores, B.
- Zairi M.
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1995
- Field of study