5 research outputs found

    Molecular phylogeny and divergence dates for Australasian elapids and sea snakes (hydrophiinae): evidence from seven genes for rapid evolutionary radiations

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    The definitive version may be found at www.wiley.comOne of the most prolific radiations of venomous snakes, the Australo-Melanesian Hydrophiinae includes approximately 100 species of Australasian terrestrial elapids plus all approximately 60 species of viviparous sea snakes. Here, we estimate hydrophiine relationships based on a large data set comprising 5800 bp drawn from seven genes (mitochondrial: ND4, cytb, 12S, 16S; nuclear: rag1, cmos, myh). These data were analysed using parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian methods to better resolve hydrophiine phylogeny and provide a timescale for the terrestrial and marine radiations. Among oviparous forms, Cacophis, Furina and Demansia are basal to other Australian elapids (core oxyuranines). The Melanesian Toxicocalamus and Aspidomorphus group with Demansia, indicating multiple dispersal events between New Guinea and Australia. Oxyuranus and Pseudonaja form a robust clade. The small burrowing taxa form two separate clades, one consisting of Vermicella and Neelaps calanotus, and the other including Simoselaps, Brachyurophis and Neelaps bimaculatus. The viviparous terrestrial elapids form three separate groups: Acanthophis, the Rhinoplocephalus group and the Notechis-Hemiaspis group. True sea snakes (Hydrophiini) are robustly united with the Notechis-Hemiaspis group. Many of the retrieved groupings are consistent with previous molecular and morphological analyses, but the polyphyly of the viviparous and burrowing groups, and of Neelaps, are novel results. Bayesian relaxed clock analyses indicate very recent divergences: the approximately 160 species of the core Australian radiation (including sea snakes) arose within the last 10 Myr, with most inter-generic splits dating to between 10 and 6 Ma. The Hydrophis sea snake lineage is an exceptionally rapid radiation, with > 40 species evolving within the last 5 Myr.K. L. Sanders, M. S. Y. Lee, R. Leys, R. Foster & J. Scott Keog

    Large size in an island-dwelling bird: intraspecific competition and the Dominance Hypothesis

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    Differences between island- and mainland-dwelling forms provide several classic ecological puzzles. Why, for instance, are island-dwelling passerine birds consistently larger than their mainland counterparts? We examine the 'Dominance hypothesis', based on intraspecific competition, which states that large size in island passerines evolves through selection for success in agonistic encounters. We use the Heron Island population of Capricorn silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis chlorocephalus), a large-bodied island-dwelling race of white-eye (Zosteropidae), to test three assumptions of this hypothesis; that (i) large size is positively associated with high fitness, (ii) large size is associated with dominance, and (iii) the relationship between size and dominance is particularly pronounced under extreme intraspecific competition. Our results supported the first two of these assumptions, but provided mixed evidence on the third. On balance, we suggest that the Dominance Hypothesis is a plausible mechanism for the evolution of large size of island passerines, but urge further empirical tests on the role of intraspecific competition on oceanic islands versus that on mainlands

    Effects of cultural change on health and fertility in Amazonian Indian societies: Recent research and projections

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