18 research outputs found

    Calpain-mediated degradation of p35 to p25 in postmortem human and rat brains

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    AbstractTau in Alzheimer neurofibrillary tangles has been shown to be hyperphosphorylated and CDK5, GSK3, MAP kinase and SAP kinases are the candidate kinases for the phosphorylation of tau. Recently, it was reported that the conversion of p35, the activator of CDK5, to p25 was upregulated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brains, and that p35 is cleaved to yield p25 by calpain. Here we show that p35 is rapidly cleaved to p25 in rat and human brains within a short postmortem delay and that the conversion of p35 to p25 is partially dependent on calpain activity. Immunoblot analysis of brains prepared from patients with AD or age-matched control individuals with a short postmortem delay revealed no specific increase in the levels of p25 in AD brains, whereas the levels of active form of calpain were increased in AD brains compared to the those in controls. These observations suggest that the conversion of p35 to p25 is a postmortem degradation event and may not be upregulated in AD brains

    Looking beyond the standard version of the Morris water task in the assessment of mouse models of cognitive deficits

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    Most studies investigating hippocampal-dependent learning and memory in mouse models of disease use the standard version of the Morris water task (MWT), in which a place is learned over several days. While useful in determining if there are learning and memory deficits, often it is not clear if memory acquisition, consolidation, or retrieval is affected. For rats, we developed a variant of the task in which we added a single-massed training session to a new location after the standard distributed version of the MWT. Using this version of the task, competition between these two spatial representations can then be assessed in a probe trial. We have found in rat models of Alzheimer's disease that this paradigm can detect subtle impairments that are often missed in the standard version of the MWT. To the best of our knowledge, MWT paradigm with a single-massed training session have never been used for mice. We sought to validate this paradigm for the use of assessing mouse models of disease. In the first two experiments, control mice did not have a preference for the new platform location, but instead with extensive training in the massed session displayed a preference for both the old and new locations. In the third experiment, a novel mouse model of Alzheimer's disease was impaired in the standard version of the MWT, but not in the massed training phase of this paradigm. Importantly, these data demonstrate that our paradigm is more informative in characterizing spatial learning and memory in mouse models of disease. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc