26 research outputs found

    The kink-turn: a new RNA secondary structure motif

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    Analysis of the Haloarcula marismortui large ribosomal subunit has revealed a common RNA structure that we call the kink-turn, or K-turn. The six K-turns in H.marismortui 23S rRNA superimpose with an r.m.s.d. of 1.7 Å. There are two K-turns in the structure of Thermus thermophilus 16S rRNA, and the structures of U4 snRNA and L30e mRNA fragments form K-turns. The structure has a kink in the phosphodiester backbone that causes a sharp turn in the RNA helix. Its asymmetric internal loop is flanked by C–G base pairs on one side and sheared G–A base pairs on the other, with an A-minor interaction between these two helical stems. A derived consensus secondary structure for the K-turn includes 10 consensus nucleotides out of 15, and predicts its presence in the 5′-UTR of L10 mRNA, helix 78 in Escherichia coli 23S rRNA and human RNase MRP. Five K-turns in 23S rRNA interact with nine proteins. While the observed K-turns interact with proteins of unrelated structures in different ways, they interact with L7Ae and two homologous proteins in the same way