60 research outputs found

    How and when does personal life orientation predict well-being?

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    Abstract We examined the direct and indirect––as mediated by job satisfaction––effects of personal life orientation on life satisfaction. We also examined whether these direct and indirect associations differed between employees working onsite or remotely. Using data from 432 employees (152 working onsite and 280 working remotely), our results revealed that personal life orientation was positively related to life satisfaction and negatively related to job satisfaction. Moreover, both of these direct associations were stronger among onsite employees than among remote employees. As a result, the indirect effects of personal life orientation on life satisfaction were significantly mediated by job satisfaction among employees working onsite, but not among employees working remotely. This study thus reveals that working remotely may act as a double-edged sword by buffering the negative effects of personal life orientation on job satisfaction, but also by limiting the positive effects of personal life orientation on life satisfaction

    On the nature, predictors, and outcomes of longitudinal work passion profiles

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    Abstract Based on the dualistic model of passion, this study relies on person-centered analyses to assess how harmonious passion and obsessive passion for work combine within specific profiles of employees. We also documented the stability of these profiles over time and their associations with theoretically relevant predictors and outcomes, among a sample of 442 employees who completed a questionnaire twice over a period of 3 months. Finally, we examined whether these associations differed as a function of working remotely or onsite. Four profiles were identified and found to be highly stable over time: harmonious passion dominant, obsessive passion dominant, mixed passion-average, and low passion. Work centrality, family orientation, and supervisor expectations regarding work-related messages were all found to be related to employees’ likelihood of membership into the profiles in a way that generally supported our hypotheses. Moreover, and as expected, the harmonious passion dominant profile was associated with the highest levels of work–family enrichment, family–work enrichment, and job and life satisfaction. Lastly, none of these associations differed among employees working onsite or remotely

    Mitigating Supply Chain System Entropy by the Implementation of RFID

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    Cahier de recherche du CERAG 2011-05 E5Information transfer in the supply chain is complex and causes instability and unpredictable behavior, when information transferred is incomplete or incorrect. This instability is characterized by the Bullwhip Effect that represents concretization of entropy, namely the degree of disorder within a system. In this paper we assume that "complete" and "accurate" real-time information sharing concerning product and inventory levels through RFID reduces entropy and limits its effects on the supply chain. RFID can reduce information loss and increase accuracy. From the literature we show that RFID can improve visibility, reduce uncertainty and complexity of the supply chain permitting us to conclude that it represents a regulatory mechanism of informational entropy in the supply chain

    Étude de l'influence des pertes par hystérésis dans les circuits ferrorésonnants

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    Des nouvelles méthodes mathématiques issues de la théorie des bifurcations ont été récemment développées pour résoudre les problèmes des circuits ferrorésonnants et tracer les diagrammes et lignes de bifurcations. Dans le cadre de ces méthodes et grâce aux possibilités qu'offre le code Auto qui permet notamment d'effectuer des résolutions par méthode de continuation, le présent article traite du problème des pertes par hystérésis dans les circuits ferrorésonnants. Pour ce faire, un modèle mathématique du cycle d'hystérésis a été adopté, ce qui a permis de simuler d'une manière globale un circuit ferrorésonnant en présence du phénomène d'hystérésis et de déceler l'influence de ce dernier sur l'acuité de la ferrorésonance
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