17,993 research outputs found

    Flavor Doubling and the Nature of Asymptopia

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    We consider the possibility that QCD with N flavors has a useful low-energy description with 2N flavors. Specifically, we investigate a free theory of 2N quarks. Although the free theory is U(N)_L X U(N)_R invariant, it admits a larger U(2N) invariance. However, when the axial anomaly is accounted for in the effective theory by a 't Hooft interaction, only SU(N)_L X SU(N)_R X U(1)_B \subset U(2N) survives. There is however a residual discrete symmetry that is not a symmetry of the QCD lagrangian. This S_2 subgroup of U(2N) has many interesting properties. For instance, when explicit chiral symmetry breaking effects are present, S_2 is broken unless \bar\theta=0 or pi. By expressing the free theory on the light-front, we show that flavor doubling implies several superconvergence relations in pion-hadron scattering. Implicit in the 2N-flavor effective theory is a Regge trajectory with vacuum quantum numbers and unit intercept whose behavior is constrained by S_2. In particular, S_2 implies that forward pion-hadron scattering becomes purely elastic at high-energies, in good agreement with experiment.Comment: 26 pages TeX, uses mtexsis.te

    Analytical Approach for the Determination of the Luminosity Distance in a Flat Universe with Dark Energy

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    Recent cosmological observations indicate that the present universe is flat and dark energy dominated. In such a universe, the calculation of the luminosity distance, d_L, involve repeated numerical calculations. In this paper, it is shown that a quite efficient approximate analytical expression, having very small uncertainties, can be obtained for d_L. The analytical calculation is shown to be exceedingly efficient, as compared to the traditional numerical methods and is potentially useful for Monte-Carlo simulations involving luminosity distances.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The UV behavior of Gravity at Large N

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    A first step in the analysis of the renormalizability of gravity at Large N is carried on. Suitable resummations of planar diagrams give rise to a theory in which there is only a finite number of primitive superficially divergent Feynman diagrams. The mechanism is similar to the the one which makes renormalizable the 3D Gross-Neveu model at large N. Some potential problems in fulfilling the Slavnov-Taylor and the Zinn-Justin equations are also pointed out.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. To appear on Phys. Rev. D. Two more references, further technical details and the discussion of the KLT relations at large N have been include

    The fate of cannibalized fundamental-plane ellipticals

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    Evolution and disruption of galaxies orbiting in the gravitational field of a larger cluster galaxy are driven by three coupled mechanisms: 1) the heating due to its time dependent motion in the primary; 2) mass loss due to the tidal strain field; and 3) orbital decay. Previous work demonstrated that tidal heating is effective well inside the impulse approximation limit. Not only does the overall energy increase over previous predictions, but the work is done deep inside the secondary galaxy, e.g. at or inside the half mass radius in most cases. Here, these ideas applied to cannibalization of elliptical galaxies with fundamental-plane parameters. In summary, satellites which can fall to the center of a cluster giant by dynamical friction are evaporated by internal heating by the time they reach the center. This suggests that true merger-produced multiple nuclei giants should be rare. Specifically, secondaries with mass ratios as small as 1\% on any initial orbit evaporate and those on eccentric orbits with mass ratios as small as 0.1\% evolve significantly and nearly evaporate in a galaxian age. Captured satellites with mass ratios smaller than roughly 1\% have insufficient time to decay to the center. After many accretion events, the model predicts that the merged system has a profile similar to that of the original primary with a weak increase in concentration.Comment: 19 pages, 10 Postscript figures, uses aaspp4.sty. Submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    On Local Dilatation Invariance

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    The relationship between local Weyl scaling invariant models and local dilatation invariant actions is critically scrutinized. While actions invariant under local Weyl scalings can be constructed in a straightforward manner, actions invariant under local dilatation transformations can only be achieved in a very restrictive case. The invariant couplings of matter fields to an Abelian vector field carrying a non-trivial scaling weight can be easily built, but an invariant Abelian vector kinetic term can only be realized when the local scale symmetry is spontaneously broken.Comment: 3 page

    The Solar Proton Burning Process Revisited In Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    The proton burning process p + p -> d + e(+) + \nu(e), important for the stellar evolution of main-sequence stars of mass equal to or less than that of the Sun, is computed in effective field theory using chiral perturbation expansion to the next-to-next-to leading chiral order. This represents a model-independent calculation consistent with low-energy effective theory of QCD comparable in accuracy to the radiative np capture at thermal energy previously calculated by first using very accurate two-nucleon wavefunctions backed up by an effective field theory technique with a finite cut-off. The result obtained thereby is found to support within theoretical uncertainties the previous calculation of the same process by Bahcall and his co-workers.Comment: 30 pages, 2 eps files, aaspp4.sty needed, slightly modified, to be published in Ap.

    Static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions in f(R)f(R) theories of gravity

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    Static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions are studied in metric f(R)f(R) theories of gravity. We show that pressure and density do not uniquely determine f(R)f(R) ie. given a matter distribution and an equation state, one cannot determine the functional form of f(R)f(R). However, we also show that matching the outside Schwarzschild-de Sitter-metric to the metric inside the mass distribution leads to additional constraints that severely limit the allowed fluid configurations.Comment: 5 page

    Cosmic Acceleration from Causal Backreaction with Recursive Nonlinearities

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    We revisit the causal backreaction paradigm, in which the need for Dark Energy is eliminated via the generation of an apparent cosmic acceleration from the causal flow of inhomogeneity information coming in towards each observer from distant structure-forming regions. This second-generation formalism incorporates "recursive nonlinearities": the process by which already-established metric perturbations will then act to slow down all future flows of inhomogeneity information. Here, the long-range effects of causal backreaction are now damped, weakening its impact for models that were previously best-fit cosmologies. Nevertheless, we find that causal backreaction can be recovered as a replacement for Dark Energy via the adoption of larger values for the dimensionless `strength' of the clustering evolution functions being modeled -- a change justified by the hierarchical nature of clustering and virialization in the universe, occurring on multiple cosmic length scales simultaneously. With this, and with one new model parameter representing the slowdown of clustering due to astrophysical feedback processes, an alternative cosmic concordance can once again be achieved for a matter-only universe in which the apparent acceleration is generated entirely by causal backreaction effects. One drawback is a new degeneracy which broadens our predicted range for the observed jerk parameter j0Obsj_{0}^{\mathrm{Obs}}, thus removing what had appeared to be a clear signature for distinguishing causal backreaction from Cosmological Constant Λ\LambdaCDM. As for the long-term fate of the universe, incorporating recursive nonlinearities appears to make the possibility of an `eternal' acceleration due to causal backreaction far less likely; though this does not take into account gravitational nonlinearities or the large-scale breakdown of cosmological isotropy, effects not easily modeled within this formalism.Comment: 53 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. This paper is an advancement of previous research on Causal Backreaction; the earlier work is available at arXiv:1109.4686 and arXiv:1109.515

    Effective Field Theory of pure Gravity and the Renormalization Group

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    The general structure of the renormalization group equations for the low energy effective field theory formulation of pure gravity is presented. The solution of these equations takes a particular simple form if the mass scale of the effective theory is much smaller than the Planck mass (a possibility compatible with the renormalization of the effective theory). A theory with just one free renormalized parameter is obtained when contributions suppressed by inverse powers of the Planck mass are neglected.Comment: latex, 9 pages, minor correction, version publishe

    Effective Nonlocal Euclidean Gravity

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    A nonlocal form of the effective gravitational action could cure the unboundedness of euclidean gravity with Einstein action. On sub-horizon length scales the modified gravitational field equations seem compatible with all present tests of general relativity and post-Newtonian gravity. They induce a difference in the effective Newton's constant between regions of space with vanishing or nonvanishing curvature scalar (or Ricci tensor). In cosmology they may lead to a value Ω<1\Omega<1 for the critical density after inflation. The simplest model considered here appears to be in conflict with nucleosynthesis, but generalizations consistent with all cosmological observations seem conceivable.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe
