381 research outputs found

    Modeling toothpaste brand choice: An empirical comparison of artificial neural networks and multinomial probit model

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    Copyright @ 2010 Atlantis PressThe purpose of this study is to compare the performances of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Multinomial Probit (MNP) approaches in modeling the choice decision within fast moving consumer goods sector. To do this, based on 2597 toothpaste purchases of a panel sample of 404 households, choice models are built and their performances are compared on the 861 purchases of a test sample of 135 households. Results show that ANN's predictions are better while MNP is useful in providing marketing insight

    High-order harmonic generation from Rydberg states at fixed Keldysh parameter

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    Because the commonly adopted viewpoint that the Keldysh parameter γ\gamma determines the dynamical regime in strong field physics has long been demonstrated to be misleading, one can ask what happens as relevant physical parameters, such as laser intensity and frequency, are varied while γ\gamma is kept fixed. We present results from our one- and fully three-dimensional quantum simulations of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) from various bound states of hydrogen with nn up to 40, where the laser intensities and the frequencies are scaled from those for n=1n=1 in order to maintain a fixed Keldysh parameter γ\gamma<1< 1 for all nn. We find that as we increase nn while keeping γ\gamma fixed, the position of the cut-off scales in well defined manner. Moreover, a secondary plateau forms with a new cut-off, splitting the HHG plateau into two regions. First of these sub-plateaus is composed of lower harmonics, and has a higher yield than the second one. The latter extends up to the semiclassical Ip+3.17UpI_p+3.17U_p cut-off. We find that this structure is universal, and the HHG spectra look the same for all n≳10n\gtrsim 10 when plotted as a function of the scaled harmonic order. We investigate the nn-, ll- and momentum distributions to elucidate the physical mechanism leading to this universal structure

    Phase-dependent interference fringes in the wavelength scaling of harmonic efficiency

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    We describe phase-dependent wavelength scaling of high-order harmonic generation efficiency driven by ultra-short laser fields in the mid-infrared. We employ both numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation and the Strong Field Approximation to analyze the fine-scale oscillations in the harmonic yield in the context of channel-closing effects. We show, by varying the carrier-envelope phase, that the amplitude of these oscillations depend strongly on the number of returning electron trajectories. Furthermore, the peak positions of the oscillations vary significantly as a function of the carrier-envelope phase. Owing to its practical applications, we also study the wavelength dependence of harmonic yield in the "single-cycle" limit, and observe a smooth variation in the wavelength scaling originating from the vanishing fine-scale oscillations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum network of neutral atom clocks

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    We propose a protocol for creating a fully entangled GHZ-type state of neutral atoms in spatially separated optical atomic clocks. In our scheme, local operations make use of the strong dipole-dipole interaction between Rydberg excitations, which give rise to fast and reliable quantum operations involving all atoms in the ensemble. The necessary entanglement between distant ensembles is mediated by single-photon quantum channels and collectively enhanced light-matter couplings. These techniques can be used to create the recently proposed quantum clock network based on neutral atom optical clocks. We specifically analyze a possible realization of this scheme using neutral Yb ensembles.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Chemical Abundances Of Open Clusters From High-Resolution Infrared Spectra. I. NGC 6940

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    We present near-infrared spectroscopic analysis of 12 red giant members of the Galactic open cluster NGC 6940. High-resolution (R≃\simeq45000) and high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N > 100) near-infrared H and K band spectra were gathered with the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS) on the 2.7m Smith Telescope at McDonald Observatory. We obtained abundances of H-burning (C, N, O), α{\alpha} (Mg, Si, S, Ca), light odd-Z (Na, Al, P, K), Fe-group (Sc, Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni) and neutron-capture (Ce, Nd, Yb) elements. We report the abundances of S, P, K, Ce, and Yb in NGC 6940 for the first time. Many OH and CN features in the H band were used to obtain O and N abundances. C abundances were measured from four different features: CO molecular lines in the K band, high excitation C I lines present in both near-infrared and optical, CH and C2C_2 bands in the optical region. We have also determined 12C/13C^{12}C/^{13}C ratios from the R-branch band heads of first overtone (2-0) and (3-1) 12CO^{12}CO (2-0) 13CO^{13}CO lines near 23440 \overset{\lower.5em\circ}{\mathrm{A}} and (3-1) 13CO^{13}CO lines at about 23730 \overset{\lower.5em\circ}{\mathrm{A}}. We have also investigated the HF feature at 23358.3 \overset{\lower.5em\circ}{\mathrm{A}}, finding solar fluorine abundances without ruling out a slight enhancement. For some elements (such as the α{\alpha} group), IGRINS data yield more internally self-consistent abundances. We also revisited the CMD of NGC 6940 by determining the most probable cluster members using Gaia DR2. Finally, we applied Victoria isochrones and MESA models in order to refine our estimates of the evolutionary stages of our targets.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure
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