187 research outputs found

    Low Energy Skyrmion-Skyrmion Scattering

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    We study the scattering of Skyrmions at low energy and large separation using the method proposed by Manton of truncation to a finite number of degrees freedom. We calculate the induced metric on the manifold of the union of gradient flow curves, which for large separation, to first non-trivial order is parametrized by the variables of the product ansatz. (presented at the Lake Louise Winter Institute, 1994)Comment: 6 page

    Low energy dynamics of U(1)^{N} Chern-Simons solitons

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    We apply the adiabatic approximation to investigate the low energy dynamics of vortices in the parity invariant double self-dual Higgs model with only mutual Chern-Simons interaction. When distances between solitons are large they are particles subject to the mutual interaction. The dual formulation of the model is derived to explain the sign of the statistical interaction. When vortices of different types pass one through another they behave like charged particles in magnetic field. They can form a bound state due to the mutual magnetic trapping. Vortices of the same type exhibit no statistical interaction. Their short range interactions are analysed. Possible quantum effects due to the finite width of vortices are discussed.Comment: keywords: vortex, vortices, anyons, fractional statistics, 20 pages in Latex, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D, ( the above keywords missing in the title were added

    Conservation Laws in a First Order Dynamical System of Vortices

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    Gauge invariant conservation laws for the linear and angular momenta are studied in a certain 2+1 dimensional first order dynamical model of vortices in superconductivity. In analogy with fluid vortices it is possible to express the linear and angular momenta as low moments of vorticity. The conservation laws are compared with those obtained in the moduli space approximation for vortex dynamics.Comment: LaTex file, 16 page

    Hypersurface Bohm-Dirac models

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    We define a class of Lorentz invariant Bohmian quantum models for N entangled but noninteracting Dirac particles. Lorentz invariance is achieved for these models through the incorporation of an additional dynamical space-time structure provided by a foliation of space-time. These models can be regarded as the extension of Bohm's model for N Dirac particles, corresponding to the foliation into the equal-time hyperplanes for a distinguished Lorentz frame, to more general foliations. As with Bohm's model, there exists for these models an equivariant measure on the leaves of the foliation. This makes possible a simple statistical analysis of position correlations analogous to the equilibrium analysis for (the nonrelativistic) Bohmian mechanics.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, RevTex. Completely revised versio

    On field theory quantization around instantons

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    With the perspective of looking for experimentally detectable physical applications of the so-called topological embedding, a procedure recently proposed by the author for quantizing a field theory around a non-discrete space of classical minima (instantons, for example), the physical implications are discussed in a ``theoretical'' framework, the ideas are collected in a simple logical scheme and the topological version of the Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity is solved in the intermediate situation between type I and type II superconductors.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, LaTe

    NS5-Branes, T-Duality and Worldsheet Instantons

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    The equivalence of NS5-branes and ALF spaces under T-duality is well known. However, a naive application of T-duality transforms the ALF space into a smeared NS5-brane, de-localized on the dual, transverse, circle. In this paper we re-examine this duality, starting from a two-dimensional N=(4,4) gauged linear sigma model describing Taub-NUT space. After dualizing the circle fiber, we find that the smeared NS5-brane target space metric receives corrections from multi-worldsheet instantons. These instantons are identified as Nielsen-Olesen vortices. We show that their effect is to break the isometry of the target space, localizing the NS5-brane at a point. The contribution from the k-instanton sector is shown to be proportional to the weighted integral of the Euler form over the k-vortex moduli space. The duality also predicts the, previously unknown, asymptotic exponential decay coefficient of the BPS vortex solution.Comment: 26 pages. v2: Fourier modes of multi-vortex fermion zero mode corrected. Reference added. v3: typo correcte

    Unique Arrangement of α- and ÎČ-Cells in Human Islets of Langerhans

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    OBJECTIVE: It is generally admitted that the endocrine cell organization in human islets is different from that of rodent islets. However, a clear description of human islet architecture has not yet been reported. The aim of this work was to describe our observations on the arrangement of human islet cells. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Human pancreas specimens and isolated islets were processed for histology. Sections were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy after immunostaining for islet hormones and endothelial cells. RESULTS: In small human islets (40-60 mum in diameter), beta-cells had a core position, alpha-cells had a mantle position, and vessels laid at their periphery. In bigger islets, alpha-cells had a similar mantle position but were found also along vessels that penetrate and branch inside the islets. As a consequence of this organization, the ratio of beta-cells to alpha-cells was constantly higher in the core than in the mantle part of the islets, and decreased with increasing islet diameter. This core-mantle segregation of islet cells was also observed in type 2 diabetic donors but not in cultured isolated islets. Three-dimensional analysis revealed that islet cells were in fact organized into trilaminar epithelial plates, folded with different degrees of complexity and bordered by vessels on both sides. In epithelial plates, most beta-cells were located in a central position but frequently showed cytoplasmic extensions between outlying non-beta-cells. CONCLUSIONS: Human islets have a unique architecture allowing all endocrine cells to be adjacent to blood vessels and favoring heterologous contacts between beta- and alpha-cells, while permitting homologous contacts between beta-cells

    Slow Schroedinger dynamics of gauged vortices

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    Multivortex dynamics in Manton's Schroedinger--Chern--Simons variant of the Landau-Ginzburg model of thin superconductors is studied within a moduli space approximation. It is shown that the reduced flow on M_N, the N vortex moduli space, is hamiltonian with respect to \omega_{L^2}, the L^2 Kaehler form on \M_N. A purely hamiltonian discussion of the conserved momenta associated with the euclidean symmetry of the model is given, and it is shown that the euclidean action on (M_N,\omega_{L^2}) is not hamiltonian. It is argued that the N=3 flow is integrable in the sense of Liouville. Asymptotic formulae for \omega_{L^2} and the reduced Hamiltonian for large intervortex separation are conjectured. Using these, a qualitative analysis of internal 3-vortex dynamics is given and a spectral stability analysis of certain rotating vortex polygons is performed. Comparison is made with the dynamics of classical fluid point vortices and geostrophic vortices.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Vortex Dynamics in Selfdual Maxwell-Higgs Systems with Uniform Background Electric Charge Density

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    We introduce selfdual Maxwell-Higgs systems with uniform background electric charge density and show that the selfdual equations satisfied by topological vortices can be reduced to the original Bogomol'nyi equations without any background. These vortices are shown to carry no spin but to feel the Magnus force due to the shielding charge carried by the Higgs field. We also study the dynamics of slowly moving vortices and show that the spin-statistics theorem holds to our vortices.Comment: 24 pages + 2 figures ( not included), Cu-TP-611, IASSNS-HEP-93/33, NSF-ITP-93-13
