160 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Penggunaan Konsentrasi Larutan Asam Sitrat Dalam Pembuatan Gelatin Tulang Rawan Ikan Pari Mondol (Himantura Gerrardi)

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    Gelatin merupakan protein hasil hidrolisis kolagen tulang dan kulit. Gelatin memiliki sifat yang khas, yaitu berubah secara reversible dari bentuk sol ke bentuk gel. Konsentrasi Asam Sitrat dapat mempengaruhi mutu gelatin. Penggunaan asam yang terlalu tinggi dapat mengakibatkan kolagen yang terdapat di dalam tulang tidak dapat berubah menjadi gelatin. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan larutan Asam Sitrat terhadap karakteristik gelatin tulang rawan ikan Pari Mondol dan mengetahui konsentrasi terbaik Asam Sitrat yang ditambahkan pada proses pembuatan gelatin tulang rawan ikan Pari Mondol. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Perlakuan yang diterapkan yaitu perendaman tulang ikan Pari dengan Asam Sitrat 4%, 5%, 6% dan tanpa perlakuan asam sitrat (kontrol) selama 48 jam. Parameter utama yang diamati adalah kekuatan gel, viskositas, pH, dan kadar air, sedangkan parameter pendukung adalah kadar protein, kadar lemak, dan kalsium. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan Asam Sitrat pada pembuatan gelatin tulang ikan Pari Mondol terdapat pengaruh perbedaan nyata (P<0,05) terhadap nilai kekuatan gel, viskositas, pH, kadar air, kadar protein, kadar lemak, dan kalsium. Konsentrasi Asam Sitrat 4% merupakan perlakuan konsentrasi yang terbaik dengan kriteria mutu: kekuatan gel 103,03 g.bloom; viskositas 4,74 (cP); pH 5,79%; kadar air 8,07%; kadar protein 76,49%; kadar lemak 0,59%; dan kalsium 3,26%. Gelatin is a protein hydrolysis from bone collagen and skin. Gelatin has distinctive characteristics, namely a reversible change from sol to form a gel. Citric Acid concentration can affect the quality of gelatin.The use of acid that is too high can lead the collagen contained in the bone can not be transformed into gelatin. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding solution of Citric Acid on the characteristics of Stingrays cartilage gelatin and determine the best concentration of Citric Acid was added to the gelatin manufacturing process Stingrays cartilage gelatin. The research used was Completely Randomized Design. Treatment applied was immersion Stingrays cartilage with Citric Acid 4 % , 5 % , 6 %, and without citric acid treatment (control) for 48 hours. The main parameters measured were gel strength, viscosity , pH, and moisture content while supporting parameters are the protein content, fat content, and calcium. The results showed that the use of Citric Acid in the manufacture of Stingrays cartilage gelatin significant effect (P < 0.05) to the value of gel strength, viscosity, pH, moisture content, protein content, fat content, and calcium. Citric Acid 4% concentration was the best treatment of concentration with the quality criteria: gel strength 103,03 g.bloom; 4,73 viscosity (cP); pH of 5,793%; moisture content of 8.073%; protein content of 76,49%; fat content of 0.59%; and 3.263% calcium

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Konsentrasi Garam Pada Peda Ikan Kembung (Rastrelliger Neglectus) Terhadap Kandungan Asam Glutamat Pemberi Rasa Gurih (Umami)

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    Peda merupakan produk fermentasi berbahan baku ikan yang diolah dengan penambahan garam. Garam berfungsi menyeleksi mikroorganisme yang menghasilkan enzim proteolitik. Selama proses fermentasi terjadi pemecahan protein oleh enzim proteolitik menjadi molekul-molekul yang lebih sederhana terutama asam glutamat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi garam terhadap kadar asam glutamat pada ikan peda. Materi dalam penelitian adalah ikan kembung (panjang ±15 cm dan berat ±180 g) yang diperoleh dari Pasar Kobong Semarang dan garam rosok (berat 2700 g). Metode penelitian bersifat experimental laboratories menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 3 perlakuan (konsentrasi garam 20%, 30% dan 40 %). Parameter uji yang diamati adalah uji hedonik, kadar asam glutamat, kadar garam, pH serta analisis proksimat (kadar protein, lemak dan air). Data parametrik (glutamat, garam dan pH) dianalisa dengan uji ANOVA, sedangkan data nonparametrik (hedonik) menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari uji hedonik menunjukkan bahwa peda dengan konsentrasi garam 20% paling disukai. Perbedaan konsentrasi garam memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata (P≤0,05) terhadap nilai kadar asam glutamat, garam dan pH. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh asam glutamat 4,06±0,04 - 3,80±0,10%; garam 15,82±0,37 - 19,36±0,29%; pH 6,01±0,02 - 6,17±0,06; protein 24,06±0,20 - 25,38±0,02% (berat basah); lemak 2,77±0,33 - 4,51±0,29% (berat basah); air 57,09±0,23 - 53,83±2,69%. Perlakuan konsentrasi garam 20% menghasilkan kadar asam glutamat tertinggi. Serta dari segi tekstur dan rasa ikan peda paling disukai untuk pengujian hedonik. Peda is a product of fermentation made of fish prepared with the addition of salt. One of the function of salt is to select microorganisms which produce proteolytic enzymes. During fermentation process occurring protein breakdown by proteolytic enzymes into molecules much simpler especially glutamic acid. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different salt concentrations of glutamic acid content in mackarel fermented fish. The material in this study are mackerel fish (length ±15 cm and Weights ±180 g) Ade obtained krom Pasar Kobong Semarang and salt (weights 2700 g). The research method is an experimental laboratories using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 3 treatments (salt concentration of 20%, 30% and 40%). Test parameters were observed hedonic test, glutamic acid levels, NaCl, pH and proximate analysis (protein content, fat and water). Parametric data (glutamate, salt and pH) were analyzed by ANOVA, nonparametric while data (hedonic) using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed that of the hedonic test showed that peda with 20% salt concentration of the most favored. Different Salt concentration gives a significant different effect (P≤0,05) to the value of the glutamic acid content, NaCl and pH. Based on the results obtained of glutamic acid 4,06±0,04 - 3,80±0,10%; NaCl 15,82±0,37 - 19,3587±0,29%; pH 6,01±0,02 - 6,17±0,06; protein 24,06±0,20 - 25,38±0,02% (wet basis), fat 2,77±0,328 - 4,51±0,29% (wet basis); moisture 57,09±0,23 - 53,83±2,69%. Treatment of the salt concentration of 20% resulted in the highest of glutamic acid. As well as in terms of texture and taste of the peda most preferred for testing hedonic

    Pengaruh Lama Perendaman Naoh Pada Proses Penghilangan Lemak Terhadap Kualitas Gelatin Tulang Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus)

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    Gelatin merupakan salah satu bahan yang semakin luas penggunaannya, baik untuk produk pangan maupun produk non pangan. Tulang ikan merupakan salah satu limbah industri fillet ikan beku. Tulang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan gelatin, karena tulang mengandung kolagen. Natrium hidroksida (NaOH) diketahui dapat mengikis minyak dan lemak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman larutan NaOH terhadap kualitas gelatin ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) serta untuk mengetahui konsentrasi dan lama perendaman terbaik larutan NaOH yang ditambahkan pada proses degreasing pembuatan gelatin ikan nila. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian pendahuluan adalah dengan cara pembuatan gelatin tulang ikan nila menggunakan konsentrasi NaOH 0,2 %, 0,4 % dan 0,6 % lama perendaman 3 hari. Hasil dari penelitian pendahuluan didapatkan konsentrasi terbaik 0,6 % melalui pengujian kadar lemak dan kekuatan gel. Penelitian utama menggunakan konsentrasi 0,6% lama perendaman 0 hari, 2 hari, 3 hari dan 4 hari. Analisis data menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan aplikasi SPSS 17.0. Uji lanjut menggunakan metode Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ). Hasil terbaik yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah gelatin dengan perendaman NaOH konsentrasi 0,6 % dengan lama perendaman 4 hari, dengan kriteria mutu: kadar lemak 0,64 %; kekuatan gel 86,47 bloom; viskositas 12,17 cP; kadar protein 84,37 %; dan derajat putih 79,93 %. Gelatin is one of ingredients that is widely used, both for food product and non-food products. Fish bone is one of the waste frozen from fish fillets industry. Bones can be used as a raw material for producting gelatin, because it contains collagen. Natrium hydroxide (NaOH) is able to remove oils and fats. The purpose of this study was to knowing the effects of NaOH solution soaking time to the quality of gelatin from tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and to knowing the best concentration and soaking time of NaOH solution in degreasing process. The method used in the preliminary study was a way of making gelatin from tilapia bone using different NaOH concentrations namely 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% soaking time during 3 days. The results of the preliminary study showed that the best concentration was 0.6%. The main research using 0.6% of NaOH with different soaking times i.e. 0 days, 2 days, 3 days and 4 days. The data analysis using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with SPSS 17.0. Application than it was analyzed with Honestly Significant Difference Test (HSDT). The best results of this study was gelatin with soaking of 6% NaOH for 4 days, with quality criteria: the fat content (0.64%); gel strength (86.47 bloom); viscosity (12.17 cP); protein content (84.37%); and whiteness (79.93%)

    Deterioration Quality Observations of Milk Fish (Chanos Chanos Forsk) and Short-bodied Mackerel (Rastrelliger Neglectus) at Various Storage Temperatures Using Freshness Testing Paper (Ftp III)

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    Freshness of fish is crucial in determining the nutritional value and sale value of fishery products.Assessment of fish freshness can be done with various methods based on several principles of chemistry,physics, microbiology, and organoleptic. K value is one of freshness test based on ATP degradation.Analysis of K values can be done with Freshness Testing Paper (FTP III). This method is relativelypractical, easy, fast and the results can be accountable. The material that used in this study are fish milk fish(Chanos chanos Forsk) and short-bodied mackerel (Rastrelliger neglectus) with total 90 fish with anaverage weight of 99 grams / fish (milk fish) and 85 g / fish (short-bodied mackerel). The fish raw materialpurchased from Rejomulyo fish market (Semarang) and taken to the laboratory in a Styrofoam box that wasgiven ice on the inside. This research used an experimental method called descriptive exploration. Storageof samples was handled at different temperatures namely 30oC ± 2oC, 15oC ± 2oC and 1oC ± 0oC. Theobserved parameters include organoleptic test and analysis of K Value (FTP III). The results showed that Kvalues for all samples increased during storage at different temperatures. The highest K values of milk fishand short-bodied mackerel fish during storage at a temperature of 0°C was on 96-hours storage time. Thehighest K values of milk fish and short-bodied mackerel fish during storage at a temperature of 15 ° C wason 72-hours storage time. Whereas the highest K values in milk fish and short-bodied mackerel fish duringstorage at 30°C temperatures, was on the 24-hours storage time. The fastest increase in K value was observed at a temperature of 30°C compared to storage at a temperature of 15°C and 0°C for all the fish samples. This means that the deterioration quality of fish will be faster at high temperatures. K values of mackerel increased more rapidly than milk fish

    Quantitative imaging of 124I and 86Y with PET

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    The quantitative accuracy and image quality of positron emission tomography (PET) measurements with 124I and 86Y is affected by the prompt emission of gamma radiation and positrons in their decays, as well as the higher energy of the emitted positrons compared to those emitted by 18F. PET scanners cannot distinguish between true coincidences, involving two 511-keV annihilation photons, and coincidences involving one annihilation photon and a prompt gamma, if the energy of this prompt gamma is within the energy window of the scanner. The current review deals with a number of aspects of the challenge this poses for quantitative PET imaging. First, the effect of prompt gamma coincidences on quantitative accuracy of PET images is discussed and a number of suggested corrections are described. Then, the effect of prompt gamma coincidences and the increased singles count rates due to gamma radiation on the count rate performance of PET is addressed, as well as possible improvements based on modification of the scanner’s energy windows. Finally, the effect of positron energy on spatial resolution and recovery is assessed. The methods presented in this overview aim to overcome the challenges associated with the decay characteristics of 124I and 86Y. Careful application of the presented correction methods can allow for quantitatively accurate images with improved image contrast

    Time resolution of the plastic scintillator strips with matrix photomultiplier readout for J-PET tomograph

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    Recent tests of a single module of the Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomography system (J-PET) consisting of 30 cm long plastic scintillator strips have proven its applicability for the detection of annihilation quanta (0.511 MeV) with a coincidence resolving time (CRT) of 0.266 ns. The achieved resolution is almost by a factor of two better with respect to the current TOF-PET detectors and it can still be improved since, as it is shown in this article, the intrinsic limit of time resolution for the determination of time of the interaction of 0.511 MeV gamma quanta in plastic scintillators is much lower. As the major point of the article, a method allowing to record timestamps of several photons, at two ends of the scintillator strip, by means of matrix of silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) is introduced. As a result of simulations, conducted with the number of SiPM varying from 4 to 42, it is shown that the improvement of timing resolution saturates with the growing number of photomultipliers, and that the 2 x 5 configuration at two ends allowing to read twenty timestamps, constitutes an optimal solution. The conducted simulations accounted for the emission time distribution, photon transport and absorption inside the scintillator, as well as quantum efficiency and transit time spread of photosensors, and were checked based on the experimental results. Application of the 2 x 5 matrix of SiPM allows for achieving the coincidence resolving time in positron emission tomography of \approx 0.170 ns for 15 cm axial field-of-view (AFOV) and \approx 0.365 ns for 100 cm AFOV. The results open perspectives for construction of a cost-effective TOF-PET scanner with significantly better TOF resolution and larger AFOV with respect to the current TOF-PET modalities.Comment: To be published in Phys. Med. Biol. (26 pages, 17 figures

    The future of hybrid imaging—part 2: PET/CT

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    Since the 1990s, hybrid imaging by means of software and hardware image fusion alike allows the intrinsic combination of functional and anatomical image information. This review summarises the state-of-the-art of dual-modality imaging with a focus on clinical applications. We highlight selected areas for potential improvement of combined imaging technologies and new applications. In the second part, we briefly review the background of dual-modality PET/CT imaging, discuss its main applications and attempt to predict technological and methodological improvements of combined PET/CT imaging. After a decade of clinical evaluation, PET/CT will continue to have a significant impact on patient management, mainly in the area of oncological diseases. By adopting more innovative acquisition schemes and data processing PET/CT will become a fast and dose-efficient imaging method and an integral part of state-of-the-art clinical patient management

    FDG PET/CT in carcinoma of unknown primary

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    Carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP) is a heterogeneous group of metastatic malignancies in which a primary tumor could not be detected despite thorough diagnostic evaluation. Because of its high sensitivity for the detection of lesions, combined 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET)/computed tomography (CT) may be an excellent alternative to CT alone and conventional magnetic resonance imaging in detecting the unknown primary tumor. This article will review the use, diagnostic performance, and utility of FDG PET/CT in CUP and will discuss challenges and future considerations in the diagnostic management of CUP