44 research outputs found

    On Question about Conditions of Development of Creativity in Senior Pupils of Secondary Schools

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    The issue of creating the conditions in school for development of creative potential of students is considered. It is noted that the development of creative thinking of senior pupils is the basis for the formation of innovative potential of the future specialist, therefore, currently this is one of the main tasks of school education. The results of search of conditions for development of creative potential of senior pupils are presented, using a modified technique by George Guildford, subtext “Use items,” offering the task on listing the most complete set of options for the use of any object. The author reveals the conditions that promote the creative potential of senior students, among which there are support of visual-figurative thinking in the process of creative activities and use of tasks focused on the development of visual-figurative thinking associated with creative expression, imagination, manifestation of personality, internal motivation, interest, goal, conversion, research, creation of the new. It is indicated that the development of creativity contributes to the rejection of rigid guidelines for the students that allows them to express individuality. It is noted that the development of creative potential of students can be carried out on sectarian activities. It is shown that the result of the experiment will allow to improve the forms of organization of extra-curricular clubs and classes, and creative homework

    Comparative Analysis of Peculiarities of Thinking of Urban and Rural Schoolchildren

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    The results of the comparative analysis of the peculiarities of thinking of urban and rural schoolchildren of primary and senior levels of education are presented. In order to identify differences in the levels of formation of individual characteristics of thinking linked, inter alia, with the characteristics of social, physical and physiological development of students in urban and rural schools, a number of works were studied on the comparison of functional indicators of hemodynamics, psycho-emotional stability, verbal and logical thinking and characteristics of educational and cognitive activity among urban and rural schoolchildren. The results of the interpretation of the data obtained during the experiment conducted by the authors (54 respondents, 27 rural and urban high school students) are presented. It is concluded that rural pupils are characterized by higher level of development of abilities and qualities of the personality, providing them successful performance of the main types of mathematical activity: low level of psychoemotional tension, qualitative analysis of visual and visually-spatial information, logical conclusions, generalization of information, interest in the correct solution of a problem, etc. In the future, it is expected to find out possible reasons for “lagging” of urban schoolchildren from rural ones in terms of individual indicators of formation of mathematical thinking operations


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    The article contains the results of the first clinical experience of application of original method of surgical treatment of stomach cancer by performing a gastrectomy and formation of artificial jejunum reservoir. The relevance of the study consists in the imposition of a submerged organ of the esophageal-jejunal anastomosis hanging down the lumen of the organ, anastomosing the stump of the pancreas with the jejunum by "end-to-side" type, with a mucosal mucosa seam with a sleeve-shaped anastomosis peritoneisation and a lean jejunum loop at the level of the choledochus stump - creating anti-reflux "end-to-side" choledochojejunoanastomosis, followed by the formation of Braun anastomosis with 20 cm reservoir, by Hoffman's stomach type, performing a function of the removed stomach. The method proposed by the authors of the present study is based on more than 15years of practice in the use of refluxing anastomoses in trans-abdominal surgery and 70-year-old practice of applying diaphragm crurotomy by A.G. Savinykh, as the only method of access to the esophagus. The treatment results were assessed using X-ray contrast techniques, endoscopic and ultrasound equipment, as well as traditional laboratory, radiographic and clinical tests. The results of treatment of 6 patients in terms from 6 months to 5years were estimated. Successful outcome of the surgery was achieved in all cases. The effectiveness of the intervention is confirmed throughout the range of clinical and instrumental criteria used. The authors conclude that the method shows a good clinical perspective

    Genetic variation of RFXANK gene in Stavropol sheep breed

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    Using of NimbleGen sequencing technology for detection of polymorphisms RFXANK gene in Stavropolsheep breed, we found 20 SNPs. That is, two SNP in exons - c.63C>A (non synonymous) in exon II and c.498G>A in exon VI (synonymous). Others SNP is in introns: c.-343T>C, c.- 111T>G, c.187+328G>A, c.338-94G>A, c.632–124G>A, c.713-82G>A, c.187+62G>A, c.188-588G>C, c.188- 127C>T, c.565-44A>G, c.712+309C>T, c.712+354C>T, c.712+309C>T, c.187+394C>T, c.187+469A>G, c.187+71G>C, c.188-670A>G, c.713-107G>T. Some of them are presented together

    Determine the effectiveness of lipid-lowering therapy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease combined with coronary heart disease

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    Introduction: In complex treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) combined with ischemic heart disease (IHD) more and more attention is drawn to pleiotropic effect of statins. The aim of our researches became determining the effectivity of utilization of rosuvastatin (Crestor®, IPR Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) in complex treatment of COPD combined with IHD. Materials and methods: Basing on pulmonology department of Poltava regional clinical hospital, 30 patients with COPD combined with IHD have been examined (stable effort angina FC II) aged from 51 to 67 y.o. (average age was 57,03±3,51). The patients were divided into two age compatible groups. Patients of the main group (n=15) underwent regular COPD and IHD treatment, addind 20 mg of rosuvastatin per night. The observed group (n=15) didn't receive rosuvastatin. The examination of patients was held before and half year of treatment, included the estimation of respiratory symptoms of the disease, the degree of intensity of dyspnea (Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale). The tolerance to physical exercise was studied with 6 minute walking test. The cholesterine level, HDL, LDL, function of ventilation have been tested as well. The average frequency of aggravations during the year was estimated through retrospective examination of anamnesis. Results: After the treatment the improvement of clinical state has been noticed at both groups due to decrease of intensity of respiratory symptoms of the disease, such as cough, amount of expectoration, dyspnea and also increase of tolerance to physical exercise and improvement of laboratory-instrumental indexes. Though the patients of the main group were noticed to have significantly less amount of expectoration and cough. The distance covered in 6 minutes was positively longer (р<0,05). It has to be noted that the patients of the main group had positive decrease of wheezing after treatment, due to increase of FEV1, GI (р<0,01). The retrospective studying of the anamnesis revealed that the frequency of arrogations during the year was 1-2 times a year (1,6±0,48). Conclusions: Including rosuvastatin into the treatment scheme allows to decrease and stabilize the main clinical symptoms of this constellation of diseases, improving the quality of life, reduce the frequency of exacerbations

    Predictors of serum dioxin levels among adolescent boys in Chapaevsk, Russia: A cross-sectional pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: Toxicological studies and limited human studies have demonstrated associations between exposure to polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and adverse developmental and reproductive health effects. Given that children may be particularly susceptible to reproductive and developmental effects of organochlorines, and the paucity of information available regarding childhood exposures to dioxins in particular, we undertook a pilot study to describe the distribution of, and identify potential predictors of exposure to, dioxin-like compounds and dioxins among adolescent boys in Chapaevsk, Russia. The pilot study was also designed to guide the development of a large prospective cohort study on the relationship of exposure to PCDDs, PCDFs, and PCBs with growth and pubertal development in peri-pubertal Chapaevsk boys. METHODS: 221 boys age 14 to 17 participated in the pilot study. Each of the boys, with his mother, was asked to complete a nurse-administered detailed questionnaire on medical history, diet, and lifestyle. The diet questions were used to measure the current and lifetime consumption of locally grown or raised foods. Blood samples from 30 of these boys were sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for analysis of dioxins, furans and PCBs. RESULTS: The median (25(th), 75(th )percentile) concentrations for total PCDDs, PCDFs and coplanar PCBs were 95.8 pg/g lipids (40.9, 144), 33.9 pg/g lipids (20.4, 61.8), and 120 pg/g lipids (77.6, 157), respectively. For WHO-TEQs, the median (25(th), 75(th )percentile) for total PCDDs, PCDFs, and coplanar PCBs were 0.29 (0.1, 9.14), 7.98 (5.27, 12.3), and 7.39 (4.51, 11.9), respectively. Although TCDD was largely non-detectable, two boys had high TCDD levels (17.9 and 21.7 pg/g lipid). Higher serum levels of sum of dioxin-like compounds and sum of dioxin TEQs were positively associated with increased age, consumption of fish, local meats other than chicken, PCB 118, and inversely with weeks of gestation. CONCLUSION: The total TEQs among Chapaevsk adolescents were higher than most values previously reported in non-occupationally exposed populations of comparable or even older ages. Dietary consumption of local foods, as well as age and weeks of gestation, predicted dioxin exposure in this population

    Применение селективной гемоперфузии при лечении токсического рабдомиолиза, осложненного острым повреждением почек

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    The objective: to improve treatment results in patients with toxic rhabdomyolysis (RM) complicated by acute kidney injury (AKI) through using selective hemoperfusion (НР).Subjects and Methods. The study included 45 patients aged 18 to 55 years diagnosed with toxic RM complicated by AKI. The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 received standard conservative therapy. In Group 2, during the first day of treatment, HP was used to prevent AKI progression. Changes in clinical and laboratory parameters of RM and renal damage as well as treatment outcomes between the groups were analyzed and compared.Results. Significantly better decrease in myoglobin blood level was revealed in Group 2 from day 1 to day 7 of treatment. In Groups 1 and 2, these parameters made 26.3% and 52.1%, respectively. The use of НР allowed reducing the urine concentration of KIM-1 by day 3 of treatment in Group 2 by 16.9%, in Group 1, the urine concentration of KIM-1 increased by 15.5%. The frequency of RRT initiation for urgent indications decreased from 75% to 52.9% when using HP, as a result, duration of inpatient treatment decreased from 19.5 (14; 22) to 16.5 (13; 19) days, as well as the period of ICU stay from 11 (9; 15) to 8 (6; 11) days.Conclusions. The early use of НР as part of the complex intensive therapy of toxic RM complicated by the development of AKI is accompanied by an earlier and significant decrease in laboratory markers of RM and AKI compared to standard treatment, as well as shorter ICU and hospital stayЦель исследования: улучшить результаты лечения пациентов с токсическим рабдомиолизом, осложненным острым повреждением почек (ОПП), путем применения селективной гемоперфузии (СГ).Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 45 пациентов в возрасте от 18 до 55 лет с диагнозом «токсический рабдомиолиз, осложненный ОПП». Пациенты разделены на 2 группы: в 1-й группе проводили стандартную консервативную терапию; во 2-й группе в течение 1-х сут лечения применяли СГ с целью предупреждения прогрессирования ОПП. Выполняли сравнительный анализ динамики клинико-лабораторных показателей рабдомиолиза и почечного повреждения, а также исходов лечения между группами.Результаты. Выявлена достоверно лучшая динамика снижения уровня миоглобина в крови во 2-й группе с 1-х по 7-е сут лечения. В 1-й и 2-й группах данные показатели составили 26,3 и 52,1% соответственно. Применение СГ позволило снизить концентрацию KIM-1 (молекулы повреждения почек) в моче к 3-м сут лечения во 2-й группе до 16,9%, в 1-й группе отмечался рост концентрации KIM-1 в моче на 15,5%. Частота потребности в заместительной почечной терапии по неотложным показаниям при применении СГ снизилась с 75 до 52,9%, что привело к уменьшению сроков стационарного лечения с 19,5 (14; 22) до 16,5 (13; 19) сут, а также периода пребывания ОРИТ с 11 (9; 15) до 8 (6; 11) сут.Выводы. Раннее применение СГ в составе комплексной интенсивной терапии токсического рабдомиолиза, осложненного развитием ОПП, сопровождается более ранним и существенным снижением уровней лабораторных маркеров рабдомиолиза и частоты ОПП по сравнению со стандартным лечением, а также более короткими сроками лечения в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии и в стационаре

    Результаты 3-месячного лечения метформином пациентов с сахарным диабетом 2 типа в сочетании c ишемической болезнью сердца

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    У 52 пацієнтів, що страждають на цукровий діабет 2 типу та ІХС вивчено вплив включення метформіну (1 г на добу) до комплексної терапії протягом 3-х місяців, порівняно з вихідним рівнем та результатами, отриманими через 1 місяць лікування. Через 3 місяці у хворих зберігається тенденція до поліпшення клінічних показників: зниженню функціонального класу стенокардії напруги, ступеня тяжкості серцевої недостатності, артеріального тиску, а також зберігається досягнуте зниження індексу маси тіла. Відзначається подальше поліпшення показників ліпідного обміну: зниження рівня загального холестерину, тригліцеридів та індексу атерогенності. Зберігається досягнутий за 1 місяць рівень глікозильованого гемоглобіну, С-пептиду, індексу інсулінорезистентності та системного запалення. Отримані результати свідчать про те, що призначення метформіну пацієнтам, які страждають на ЦД 2 типу та ІХС протягом 3 місяців, є ефективним і безпечним методом лікування таких пацієнтів

    Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Graduates in Process of Preparation for Unified State Examination on Informatics

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    It is noted that in 2016 in Russia the record number of students wishing to take informatics in the format of the unified state examination is fixed over the past few years. It is emphasized that the average score of the exam on the subject “falls” from year to year. With the aim of identifying conditions for the solution to this problem, the authors consider the question of organizing comprehensive support for students of 11 classes in preparation for the final assessment (on the example of the subject “Informatics and ICT”). A mechanism to solve the problem of providing psychological and pedagogical readiness of graduates to pass the unified state examination on computer science is developed through the formation of high school students subject, procedural and psychological readiness for the exam. Experimentally the main causes of failure of students on the exam are identified: the majority of graduates (72 %) has increased and high level of anxiety, mostly linked with fear not to meet the expectations of others and need to achieve success. It is found that individual students exhibit a low level of physiological resistance to stress. The authors see a solution in the development of psycho-pedagogical support of senior pupils at the stage of preparation for final certification