9 research outputs found

    Aplicación de un modelo para predecir las reservas de carbono orgánico en un suelo monocultivado con caña de azúcar en condiciones tropicales de cuba

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    Para la simulación del carbono orgánico del suelo se utilizó el modelo RothC26.3 (Coleman y Jenkinson, 1999), que trabaja a una escala de tiempo mensual y permite determinar el recambio mensual del C mediante procesos cinéticos de primer orden, donde las tasas de descomposición de sus cuatro reservorios activos, son moduladas por la temperatura, la humedad y la cubierta de residuos. La investigación se realizó tomando como base la información de carbono orgánico del  suelo  y rendimientos  agrícolas  de experimentos  desarrollados  en áreas  agrícolas  de la Estación Provincial de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (EPICA) ubicada en Jovellanos, provincia  Matanzas  en el periodo  comprendido entre  1981  y 2010.  Los datos  de  carbono orgánico de la capa cultivable del suelo (0-20 cm), clasificado como Ferralsol plantado con caña de azúcar, correspondientes al ciclo caña planta, sirvieron de base para parametrizar el modelo, cuyo comportamiento fue modificado por las variables climáticas, procedentes de la estación meteorológica asociada al lugar. La comparación entre los datos de carbono orgánico del suelo simulados y los observados en el período 1981-2010, resultó en que los primeros expresaron 95,58% de la varianza de los datos experimentales. Se encontró que la cantidad necesaria de carbono orgánico para mantener el nivel que tenía el suelo en 1981fue de 6,28 t ha-1 año-1. Los resultados soportan el uso del modelo RothC26.3 como una herramienta para predecir el comportamiento del COS en condiciones tropicales

    Results of may measurement Month 2018 campaign in Venezuela.

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    Cardiovascular diseases, mainly coronary heart disease and stroke, are the main cause of death in Venezuela; hypertension is the primary risk factor. The May Measurement Month (MMM) study is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness of elevated blood pressure (BP). The previous MMM 2017 campaign showed 48.9% of participants had hypertension, higher than previous Venezuelan epidemiological studies. The MMM 2018 campaign included 28 649 participants screened [mean age: 54.2 (SD 15.13) years; female 62.8%] carried out mainly in pharmacies in 61 sites. Physical measurements included height, weight, and BP, taken in sitting position three times. After multiple imputations, 48.4% had hypertension, of which 87.7% were aware of their diagnosis. Of the individuals not receiving antihypertensive medication, 14.0% had hypertension and 33.7% of those receiving treatment had uncontrolled hypertension. Overall, the percentage of hypertensives with controlled hypertension was 54.8%. Body mass index was calculated for the total population, and it was on average 25.2 (SD: 4.65) kg/m2. Of all, 14.2% was classified as obese and 32.6% as overweight; meanwhile 4.8% as underweight. Diabetes was reported by 9.5%. These results suggest that repeated screening like the MMM campaign can routinely identify hypertension and consequently implement programmes of treatment in Venezuela, also other common risk factors, like obesity or diabetes

    Results of the May measurement month 2017: blood pressure campaign in Venezuela-Americas.

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    Cardiovascular diseases, mainly coronary heart disease and stroke, are the first cause of death in Venezuela; and hypertension is the main risk factor. May Measurement Month (MMM) is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness of elevated blood pressure (BP) and to act as a temporary solution to the lack of regular screening programmes. Some representative studies indicate prevalence of hypertension in Venezuela between 24 and 39%, and control rate around 20%. Sixty-four sites were included to participate in MMM, mainly in pharmacies. Physical measurements included height, weight, and abdominal circumference. Blood pressure was measured in the sitting position three times after resting for 5 min, 1 min apart, using validated oscillometric devices. 21 644 individuals were screened. After multiple imputation, 10 584 individuals [48.9% (50.7% male; 47.7% female)] had hypertension. Of individuals not receiving antihypertensive medication, 1538 (12.2%) were hypertensive. Of individuals receiving antihypertensive medication, 2974 (32.9%) had uncontrolled BP. About 16% had obesity calculated by body mass index; 43.8% of women and 20.7% of men had abdominal obesity. This was the largest BP screening carried out in Venezuela, in which 48.9% of the individuals had elevated BP, untreated hypertension was 12.2%, and one-third of subjects taking treatment were not controlled. About 16% had obesity by body mass index, and abdominal obesity is more common in women. These results suggest that repeated screening like MMM17 can identify hypertension in important numbers and can also evaluate programmes of hypertension treatment and control in Venezuela