10,178 research outputs found

    CRAB Cavity in CERN SPS

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    Beam collisions with a crossing angle at the interaction point have been applied in high intensity colliders to reduce the effects of parasitic collisions which induce emittance growth and beam lifetime deterioration. The crossing angle causes the geometrical reduction of the luminosity. Crab cavity can be one of the most promising ways to compensate the crossing angle and to realize effective head-on collisions. Moreover, the crab crossing mitigates the synchro-betatron resonances due to the crossing angle. Crab cavity experiment in SPS is proposed for deciding on a full crab-cavity implementation in LHC. In this paper, we investigate the effects of crab crossing on beam dynamics and its life time with the global scheme.Comment: 3 pp. 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference: IPAC'10, 23-28 May 2010: Kyoto, Japa

    Beam-beam simulation code BBSIM for particle accelerators

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    A highly efficient, fully parallelized, six-dimensional tracking model for simulating interactions of colliding hadron beams in high energy ring colliders and simulating schemes for mitigating their effects is described. The model uses the weak-strong approximation for calculating the head-on interactions when the test beam has lower intensity than the other beam, a look-up table for the efficient calculation of long-range beam-beam forces, and a self-consistent Poisson solver when both beams have comparable intensities. A performance test of the model in a parallel environment is presented. The code is used to calculate beam emittance and beam loss in the Tevatron at Fermilab and compared with measurements. We also present results from the studies of two schemes proposed to compensate the beam-beam interactions: a) the compensation of long-range interactions in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN with a current-carrying wire, b) the use of a low energy electron beam to compensate the head-on interactions in RHIC

    Tachyon Tunnelling in D-brane-anti-D-brane

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    Using the tachyon DBI action proposal for the effective theory of non-coincident Dp_p-brane-anti-Dp_p-brane system, we study the decay of this system in the tachyon channel. We assume that the branes separation is held fixed, i.e. no throat formation, and then find the bounce solution which describe the decay of the system from false to the true vacuum of the tachyon potential. We shall show that due to the non-standard form of the kinetic term in the effective action, the thin wall approximation for calculating the bubble nucleation rate gives a result which is independent of the branes separation. This unusual result might indicate that the true decay of this metastable system should be via a solution that represents a throat formation as well as the tachyon tunneling.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Latex file, minor changes, reference adde

    Tachyon Kink on non-BPS Dp-brane in the General Background

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    This paper is devoted to the study of the tachyon kink on the worldvolume of a non-BPS Dp-brane that is embedded in general background, including NS-NS two form B and also general Ramond-Ramond field. We will explicitly show that the dynamics of the kink is described by the equations of motion that arrise from the DBI and WZ action for D(p-1)-brane.Comment: 28 page

    Electromagnetic String Fluid in Rolling Tachyon

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    We study Born-Infeld type effective action for unstable D3-brane system including a tachyon and an Abelian gauge field, and find the rolling tachyon with constant electric and magnetic fields as the most general homogeneous solution. Tachyonic vacua are characterized by magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields and the angle between them. Analysis of small fluctuations in this background shows that the obtained configuration may be interpreted as a fluid consisting of string-like objects carrying electric and magnetic fields. They are stretched along one direction and the rolling tachyon move in a perpendicular direction to the strings. Direction of the propagating waves coincides with that of strings with velocity equal to electric field.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 1 figure, minor correction

    Rolling of Modulated Tachyon with Gauge Flux and Emergent Fundamental String

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    We investigate real-time tachyon dynamics of unstable D-brane carrying fundamental string charge. We construct the boundary state relevant for rolling of modulated tachyon with gauge fields excited on the world-volume, and study spatial distribution of the fundamental string charge and current as the D-brane decays. We find that, in contrast to homogeneous tachyon rolling, spatial modulation of the tachyon field triggers density wave of strings when electric field is turned on, and of string anti-string pairs when magnetic field is turned on. We show that the energy density and the fundamental string charge density are locked together, and evolve into a localized delta-function array (instead of evolving into a string fluid) until a critical time set by initial condition of rolling tachyon. When the gauge fields approach the critical limit, the fundamental strings produced become BPS-like. We also study the dynamics via effective field theory, and find agreement.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, 7 .eps figures v2: stability discussion update

    D-brane anti-D-brane effective action and brane interaction in open string channel

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    We construct the effective action of a DpD_p-brane-anti-DpD_p-brane system by making use of the non-abelian extension of tachyonic DBI action. We succeed the construction by restricting the Chan-Paton factors of two non-BPS DpD_p-branes in the action to the Chan-Paton factors of a DpDˉpD_p\bar{D}_p system. For the special case that both branes are coincident, the action reduces to the one proposed by A. Sen. \\The effective DpDˉpD_p\bar{D}_p potential indicates that when branes separation is larger than the string length scale, there are two minima in the tachyon direction. As branes move toward each other under the gravitational force, the tachyon tunneling from false to true vacuum may make a bubble formation followed by a classical evolution of the bubble. On the other hand, when branes separation is smaller than the string length scale, the potential shows one maximum and one minimum. In this case, a homogeneous tachyon rolling in real time makes an attractive potential for the branes distance. This classical force is speculated to be the effective force between the two branes.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, 1 figure, the version appears in JHE

    A multi-channel fixed point for a Kondo spin coupled to a junction of Luttinger liquids

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    We study a system of an impurity spin coupled to a junction of several Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids using a renormalization group scheme. For the decoupled S-matrix at the junction, there is a range of Kondo couplings which flow to a multi-channel fixed point for repulsive inter-electron interactions; this is associated with a characteristic temperature dependence of the spin-flip scatterings. If the junction is governed by the Griffiths S-matrix, the Kondo couplings flow to a strong coupling fixed point where all the wires are decoupled.Comment: 7 pages including 3 figures; the RG equations have been corrected, and the discussion of the muti-channel fixed point has been suitably modifie

    Two-charge small black hole entropy: String-loops and multi-strings

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    We investigate the inclusion of 10-dimensional string loop corrections to the entropy function of two-charge extremal small black holes of the heterotic string theory compactified on S^1 x T^5 and show that the entropy is given by \pi\sqrt{a q_1 q_2+b q_1} where q_1 and q_2 are the charges with q_1 >> q_2 >> 1 and a and b are constants. Incorporating certain multi-string states into the microstate counting, we show that the new statistical entropy is consistent with the macroscopic scaling for one and two units of momentum (winding) and large winding (momentum). We discuss our scaling from the point of view of related AdS_3 central charge and counting of chiral primaries in superconformal quantum mechanics as well.Comment: 18 page