5 research outputs found

    Multilevel System of Studying Plague Microbe Strains Proprties in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    The study of freshly isolated cultures is necessary to form an objective idea of the properties of plague microbe natural populations. The analysis of the levels of investigating the properties of strains has been carried out and the characteristics of Yersinia pestis in Kazakhstan are presented. The results of studying the phenotypic and genetic properties of plague microbe natural strains are provided. Following the epizootiological survey of natural plague foci, the museums of live cultures at plague control stations annually receive strains of plague pathogen, which are transferred to the National Collection of Microorganisms of the National Scientific Center of Particularly Dangerous Infections (NSCPDI). One of the main points of Y. pestis strains analysis is the determination of their typicality/atypicality. The study of strains begins at the moment of their isolation by anti-epidemic units. The primary identification of strains is carried out in laboratories of anti-epidemic units by morphology, sensitivity to plague and pseudotuberculosis bacteriophages, fermentation of glycerol, rhamnose and sucrose. In the laboratories of plague control stations and departments, fermentation of maltose and arabinose, denitrification, amino acid requirements, virulence, sensitivity to antibiotics are additionally investigated. Analysis of strains virulence includes determination of calcium dependence, the presence and amount of F1, pesticinogenicity and sensitivity to pesticin 1 and virulence for white mice. The assessment and preservation of the collected gene pool in the NSCPDI National Collection includes various activities, one of the main ones is an in-depth study of all features using standard microbiological methods, molecular methods for complete identification and creation of a data bank containing information about the genome of strains at different intensity of the epizootic process. The NSCPDI has a digital database on the registration and movement of strains, equipment for molecular research. The collection evaluates properties, systematizes information, and ensures the viability of plague pathogen strains for longterm storage

    International Cooperation of Kazakhstan in the Prevention of Particularly Dangerous Infections

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    The dependence of the incidence of various nosologies on the epidemic situation in neighboring countries has been a feature of the epidemic process in recent years. In this regard, it is of particular importance to carry out joint anti-epidemic and preventive measures in border areas in order to prevent the importation of dangerous infections into the territory of neighboring states. The aim of the work was to analyze the results of international cooperation in the prevention of particularly dangerous infections. Presented are the areas of cooperation and outcomes of joint research activities. Measures for cooperation between the relevant institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Rospotrebnadzor on the operational exchange of information in case of emergencies, joint research work on the monitoring of particularly dangerous and other natural-focal infectious diseases in the border areas, joint seminars, scientific and practical conferences on the introduction of modern methods of laboratory diagnostics into practice, internships on the exchange of experience in epizootiological survey in foci of particularly dangerous infections are described in the paper. Examples of Russian-Kazakh cooperation are provided. The results of a joint epizootiological survey of the territory of the Kazakh part of the Altai Mountains are presented. On a global scale, cases of plague and other particularly dangerous infections in any geographic region can constitute international public health emergencies and this type of threat requires international cooperation

    Anthrax in the East Kazakhstan Region

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    Almost every year in Kazakhstan, cases of diseases of animals and people with anthrax are recorded. The incidence rate of people with anthrax in the period from 2000 to 2018 ranged from 0.01 to 0.24 per 100 thousand people. In the territory of the East Kazakhstan region, the incidence rate is higher than in the republic.Objective: a retrospective analysis of anthrax outbreaks in the East Kazakhstan region from 2000 to 2018.Methods: a retrospective analysis using statistical, cadastral data, archival funds, the results of participation in the investigation of outbreaks of infection.Results. Since 1938, cases of animal and human disease of anthrax have been recorded in East Kazakhstan. Infection of humans occurs during the slaughter of animals. In Zharma, Urjar, and Ayagozskiy areas most of all are anthrax foci of soil. In 67 % of cases, outbreaks of anthrax were recorded in these areas.Conclusion. The relative incidence rate of anthrax in people in East Kazakhstan is from 0.07 to 0.27, since 2001 it is higher than the republican indicator.In the East Kazakhstan region from 1997 to 2018, 37 people fell ill with anthrax. The form of the disease is skin, in 8.1 % secondary sepsis. In the remaining patients, the diseases were mild (70.3 %), ended in recovery. The source of human infection is mainly cattle. The isolated strains of B. anthracis have typical properties, they are included in cluster A1a, A3b (MLVA-8). The strains isolated in 2016 are similar to the strains isolated in the Almaty region (MLVA-25). Grouped with a number of European, Asian and African strains from France, Germany, Italy, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Korea and Namibia. The presence of a significant number of soil foci of anthrax in the territory of the East Kazakhstan region, not fully the implementation of veterinary and sanitary preventive measures leads to an exacerbation of the situation for anthrax

    System of Monitoring and Response to Public Health Emergencies of Sanitary-Epidemiological Character in the CIS Countries

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    The most important component of strengthening the potential for responding to biological threats both at the national and interstate levels is the formation of a unified system for monitoring and responding to emergencies (ES) of sanitary-epidemiological nature in the CIS territory.The aim of the work was to review the systems for monitoring and responding to emergencies of sanitary-epidemiological character in the CIS countries by the example of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic, to characterize the main areas of international cooperation on countering biological threats and coordinating international response measures in the CIS countries.Materials and methods. Information and analytical materials provided by organizations responsible for epidemiological surveillance and control in the CIS countries, Internet sources, and publications were used for the study.Results and discussion. The organization and functioning of the systems for monitoring and responding to emergencies in the CIS countries is a state function. It includes, as a rule, the national, regional (sub-national) and territorial (local) levels, which have horizontal and vertical connections. The legal framework is made up of documents of the legislative level. Interdepartmental interaction in response to emergencies is carried out both at the republican level and in administrative territories; the basis for interaction is the integrated planning of preventive and anti-epidemic measures and the functioning of the relevant organizational structures on an ongoing basis. Since 2015, with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, programs have been implemented aimed at assisting partner countries in the implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) in order to increase national response capacity and form a unified sanitaryepidemiological emergency response system in the CIS countries. The main areas of collaboration are strengthening the material and technical base and human resources of specialized institutions and scientific cooperation. As a result of the program implementation, a unified system for monitoring and prompt response to emergencies in the field of public health of sanitary-epidemiological nature has essentially been formed in the CIS countries to date, uniting more than 15 specialized institutions from 8 CIS countries

    Demarcation of the Boundaries of the Central Asian Desert Natural Focus of Plague of Kazakhstan and Monitoring the Areal of the Main Carrier, <I>Rhombomys opimus</I>

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    The aim of the study was to clarify the boundaries of the Central Asian natural plague focus of Kazakhstan and the modern boundaries of the areal of the great gerbil (Rhombomys opimus) in order to improve epizootiological monitoring and increase the effectiveness of preventive (anti-epidemic) measures.Materials and methods. Data from the epizootiological monitoring of the great gerbil populations in 14 autonomous foci of the Central Asian desert natural plague focus in the Republic of Kazakhstan between 2010 and 2020 were used for the analysis. An epizootiologic survey of an area of 875350 km2 was carried out. When processing the data, epidemiological, epizootiological, statistical research methods, as well as GIS technologies were used.Results and discussion. An increase in the total area of the Central Asian desert natural plague focus of the Republic of Kazakhstan by 79710 km2 (9.98 %) has been established for the period of 1990–2020. It is noted that the change in the area of plague-enzootic territory was a consequence of the ever changing areal of the main carrier of plague pathogen – the great gerbil – under the influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors. The most significant changes were found in the southeastern part of the plague-enzootic territory, including those for the Betpakdala (50 %), Balkhash (34.3 %), Taukum (13.3 %) and Mojynkum (0.32 %) autonomous foci. The area of the Aryskum-Dariyalyktakyr autonomous focus decreased by 2100 km2 (4 %). In 2000–2002, new Alakol’sky and Ili intermountain autonomous foci with a total area of 26759 km2 were discovered. It is shown that due to the regression of the Aral Sea, the areal of the great girbil expanded and the area of the North Aral and Kyzylkum natural plague foci increased by 10500 km2 (29.2 %) and 560 km2 (0.4%), respectively. The areas of the Aral-Karakum and UralEmba desert autonomous foci, on the contrary, decreased by 2000 km2 (2.6 %) and 12300 km2 (17.6 %), respectively. Passportization and landscape-epizootiologic zoning of the territory of the Central Asian desert natural plague focus of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been completed