37 research outputs found

    Acceptance and expectance: Cultural norms for alcohol use in Denmark

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    Alcohol consumption levels in Denmark are high with the risk of increased morbidity and mortality in the population. It is suggested that people's views of “normal” use of alcohol must be the platform for formulating effective alcohol education and prevention strategies. However, little is known about the cultural norms for alcohol use. The aim of this article is to examine the perceptions of cultural norms for alcohol use in Denmark among different age groups and the similarities and differences between the groups, including examining how people construct and negotiate the cultural norms for drinking. Five focus group interviews were conducted with one group per the following age groups: 16–20; 21–34; 35–44; 45–64; and 65–82. These groups consisted of both men and women with five to six participants in each group (a total of 27). Thematic analysis was performed with the aim of developing themes that reflected the cultural norms for alcohol use. The unifying theme of this research was Danish people's acceptance and expectance of social drinking. Alcohol is widely accepted and associated with mutual expectations to drink, leading to identification of cultural influences and facilitation to drink. The social drinking context plays an important role in people's perceptions of the normality of drinking. This includes the selection of particular beverages, and regularly leads to consumption above the recommended levels for low risk to health. This calls for public health attention that promotes low risk drinking in the social context and aims to prevent and reduce serious alcohol-related harm and health problems across the population

    Translating research in elder care: an introduction to a study protocol series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The knowledge translation field is undermined by two interrelated gaps – underdevelopment of the science and limited use of research in health services and health systems decision making. The importance of context in theory development and successful translation of knowledge has been identified in past research. Additionally, examination of knowledge translation in the long-term care (LTC) sector has been seriously neglected, despite the fact that aging is increasingly identified as a priority area in health and health services research.</p> <p>Aims</p> <p>The aims of this study are: to build knowledge translation theory about the role of organizational context in influencing knowledge use in LTC settings and among regulated and unregulated caregivers, to pilot knowledge translation interventions, and to contribute to enhanced use of new knowledge in LTC.</p> <p>Design</p> <p>This is a multi-level and longitudinal program of research comprising two main interrelated projects and a series of pilot studies. An integrated mixed method design will be used, including sequential and simultaneous phases to enable the projects to complement and inform one another. Inferences drawn from the quantitative and qualitative analyses will be merged to create meta-inferences.</p> <p>Outcomes</p> <p>Outcomes will include contributions to (knowledge translation) theory development, progress toward resolution of major conceptual issues in the field, progress toward resolution of methodological problems in the field, and advances in the design of effective knowledge translation strategies. Importantly, a better understanding of the contextual influences on knowledge use in LTC will contribute to improving outcomes for residents and providers in LTC settings.</p

    A highly hydrolyzed formula based on whey protein with the prebiotics galactooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides effectively abolishes the symptoms of atopic dermatitis: Results of a multicenter open-label trial in Russia

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    Most cases of atopic dermatitis are caused by allergy to cow’s milk proteins in babies in their first year of life. Dietotherapy with highly hydrolyzed formulas is the basis for timely and adequate medical care to these children. The objective of the open-label multicenter prospective postregistration trial was to evaluate the efficacy of a formula based on the in-depth hydrolysis of whey proteins with the prebiotics GOS/lcFOS 0,8 g/100 ml for infants within their first year of life who received artificial nutrition and suffered from topical dermatitis presumably associated with allergy to cow’s milk proteins. The trial enrolled 51 babies aged 193,64 (SD 73,95) days with mild and moderate atopic dermatitis (SCORAD&lt;40). Results. During a 4-week dietotherapy cycle, there was abolishment of the skin symptoms of atopic dermatitis (SCORAD 26,66 (SD 9,19) and 6,63 (SD 4,36)) at the beginning and end of the trial and a reduction in the needs for topical glucocorticosteroids, zinc-containing topical agents and antihistamines (p&lt;0,01). The individual visual analogue scale efficiency of the dietotherapy was 8,53 (SD 1,51) and 8,72 (SD 1,20) scores as assessed by the parents and physicians, respectively. During the dietotherapy, the physiological rate of defecations was 1,88 (SD 0,94) times/day, the characteristics of stool significantly improved. The average daily formula intake was 786,13 (SD 169,21) ml. Weight-for-height in all the infants was in the normal range. Conclusion. The test formula is well tolerated and effective in more than 90% of the infants with atopic dermatitis presumably associated with allergy to cow’s milk proteins and ensures a child’s growth and development