29 research outputs found


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    Polymorphisms of gene-candidates of hemostasis disorder (F2:20210 G>A, F5:1691 G>A, F7:10976 G>A, F13:103 G>T, FGB:455 G>A, ITGA2:807 C>T, ITGB3:1565 T>C, PAI-1:675 5G>4G) and frequency of 14 groups of alleles of the HLA-DRB1 locus were study in women, suffered from flu А(H1N1)pdm09 during pregnancy. Significant association between heterozygotes genotype F7: 0976G/A and complicated forms of influenza was found (OR = 1,5). Mutant homozygotes with PAI-1:675 4G/4G genotype also had high risk of severe complicated influenza A(H1N1) (OR = 1,5). Genotypes HLA DRB1*07*15 and DRB1*16*16 were associated with complicated influenza. We assume, that сombined F7:0976GA, PAI-1:6754G4G and HLA DRB1*07*15, *16*16, DRB1*01*01 genotypes may be genetic predictor of severe complicated flu А(H1N1)pdm09 in pregnancy


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    We examined lymphocyte subsets, levels of A, M, G immunoglobulins and Human leucocyte antigens of I-st class (A, B) in 90 patients with endometriosis. The most significant decrease of CD3+, CD4+ lymphocytes number, immunoregulatory index (CD4+/CD8+), increase of levels of immunoglobulins A, G, M was determined in patients with endometriosis at the length of disease up to 3 years. Endometriosis was associated with А28, В5, В16, В37, В41 Human leucocyte antigens. HLA-antigens А32, В44, В61 were found in endometriosis women only


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    The structure of gynecologic disease for the reasons of hospitalization, of590 female students is studied. The leading place in students gynecologic disease structure was occupied, the spontaneous and not specified abortions in I—II trimesters of gestation (21,53 %), threats of interruption, of pregnancy till 26 weeks of gestation (20,00 %), artificial abortions (18,14 %) and. complications of abortions (12,03 %). Conclusion: a gynecologic pathology of students is associated, to gender risk behavior and. low level of reproductive and. contraceptive knowledge

    Gene polymorphism associated with risk of development of homocysteine exchange disorders among young healthy women in Transbaikal kray: ethnic and reproductive aspects

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    The frequency characteristics of gene polymorphisms of MTHFR677T, MTHFR1298C, MTRRA66G that determinate folate metabolism and are associated with perinatal or pregnancy complications were studied in 50 Russian and 50 Buryatyoung healthy women of 19-27 years. The frequency of MTHFR677TT mutant genotype was 6 % (10 % among Russian, 2 % among Buryat women). MTHFR1298CC and MTRR66GG mutant genotypes were detected in 9 % and 31 % respectively without any differences between ethnic groups. Multigenic inheritance of MTHFR677TT and MTH-FR 1298CC, MTHFR677CT and MTRR66AG that multiply increase risks of miscarriage and development of defects of nervous tube of fetus were found only in the group of Russian women (2 %)

    Modern approach to primary cervical cancer screening (literature review)

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    The problem of morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer is one of the leading in the world medical practice. Many countries began to reconsider the approach to primary screening for cervical cancer after etiological role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical carcinogenesis was determined. Most studies have shown that the identification of HPV DNA has a high prognostic value and can be used both as a co-testing and a primary test. However, the unwillingness of many women to visit a gynecologist due to subjective reasons makes it difficult to implement programs on prevention of cervical cancer. Women associate their unwillingness with the lack of time, discomfort and sickliness, a feeling of shame and confusion, when performing a vaginal examination. To solve this problem, in recent years, self-sampling systems for HPV-testing were devised. Self-sampling systems for HPV-testing are comparable with taking cervical sampler by a doctor; they increase the participation of women in cervical screening. Countries have a reduction in morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer due to the inclusion of the HPV-test in national screening programs. At present, many countries consider the introduction of self-sampling devices for vaginal content for HPV-testing in cervical screening. HPV-self-sampling has the potential to improve participation in screening programs, to reduce socioeconomic barriers to care and to improve the subjective patient experience

    An innovative approach to the treatment of high-risk HPV patients using allokin-alpha

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    Introduction. In the research literature, there have been recorded instances of imbalance of interleukins and tumour necrosis factors in the cervix tissues, endocervical mucus, suggestive of the potential feasibility of the use of immunomodulatory therapy.Purpose of the study. To assess the effectiveness of the use of the domestic drug allokin-alpha in the treatment of high-risk HPV infection (HPV) in patients of reproductive age, without elimination of the virus within more than 6–12 months and planning pregnancy.Materials and methods. The study included 60 patients of reproductive age with chronic HPV carriage – BP infection. They are represented in the study by two groups: 1st: 30 people in whose therapy allokin-alpha was not used (control group); and 30 patients without HPV BPV elimination in terms of more than 6–12 months, planning pregnancy and taking the domestic cytokiton-like immunomodulator allokin-alpha.Results. Spontaneous pregnancy occurred in 2/30 (6.7%) in the group without immunomodulator and in 9/30 patients in the group with allokin-alpha (30%) cases (c² = 5.45; p = 0.02; OR = 6.0 [1.17–30.72])Conclusion. The sustained virological response that we have achieved indicates the advisability of the use of allokin-alpha, a domestic immunomodulator of natural origin, in patients with high-risk chronic HPV infection and reproductive planning

    Features of the interrelationships of some molecular parameters of cervical epithelium cells with biological characteristics of tumor cells in the process of cervical carcinogenesis

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    Background. Despite the known trigger and identified risk factors, the screening program developed, many aspects of the pathogenesis of cervical cancer are still being studied. In particular, recently in the literature there are data on the participation of short-chain fatty acids in the tumor process. The aim of the study was to perform a correlation analysis of the level of TNF-A., its soluble sTNF-RI receptor, the spectrum of SCFA and some biological parameters (apoptosis, necrosis, proliferation, cell cycle) in the exocervical cells during dys- and neoplastic transformation. Materials and methods: the laboratory data obtained by us earlier were used to perform the Spearman correlation analysis. The groups of research: IA - the focus of the pre-tumor lesion of exocervix; IB - paradysplastic cells; IIA - locus of cervical cancer; IIB - paraneoplastic cells. Results. The correlation relationships between the parameters studied were multidirectional, determined by the state of the cell (healthy, dysplastic, malignant) and varied within one study, depending on the location in relation to the pathological focus. Conclusions. The revealed interrelations are important for expanding the already available information on cervical carcinogenesis, for discovery of new diagnostic methods and treatment of cervical neoplasia. Summarizing, it is possible to judge the presence of pathogenetic relationships between the processes of cervical carcinogenesis (proliferation, apoptosis, necrosis, modulation of the phases of the cell cycle), the level of short-chain fatty acids and cytokine production at the local level


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    We studied polymorphisms of candidate genes of hemostasis disorders in 205 pregnant women after having A(H1N1) pdm2009 influenza during pregnancy and in 75 pregnant women who didn't have acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy. Pregnant women with influenza were more often carriers of mutant alleles F2, genotypes F7:0976GA and F13:W3G> . Severe course of influenza is associated with genotypes F7:0976GA and PAI-1:4G4G. It was revealed that polymorphisms of genes F7:0976G>A, F13:103G>T and PAI-1:6755G>4G can be molecular predictors of complicated course of A(HlNl)pdm09 influenza in pregnant women


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    Cytokines levels, lymphocyte subsets and phagocytosis activity of peripheral blood neutrophils were studied in young puerperal women (aged 18—26 years). The level of IL-1a, TNFa, IL-8 was significant decrease, the number of CD4+ lymphocytes and immunoregulatory index (CD4+/CD8+) were increase, neutrophils phagocytosis activity rised in patients with puerperal endometritis

    The recurrences of cervical cancer: Possibilities of molecular prediction

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    The incidence of recurrence of cervical cancer ranges from 10 to 40 %. The 5-year survival rate for patients with recurrent cervical cancer is about 5–15 % against the background of current drug therapy. Clinical and morphological characteristics of the tumor process are known, which are used as markers of an unfavorable prognosis for the development of cervical cancer recurrence. The search for molecular prognostic markers of the course of cervical cancer continues.The aim. To determine the level of immune cycle proteins in patients with cervical cancer 0–IV stages, depending on the occurrence of a relapse of the disease.Materials and research methods. A retrospective analysis of previously obtained results of a study on the local level of immune cycle proteins in patients with cervical cancer was performed. Three years after follow-up, 2 groups were formed: group 1 – patients treated for cervical cancer without signs of disease progression (n = 83); group 2 – patients with cervical cancer with local or systemic recurrence (n = 18). Used statistical methods: non-parametric methods of statistics using the Kruskal – Wallis test; ROC-analysis for significant values in order to calculate threshold values; determination of the quality of the identified predictive markers by calculating the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy.Results. Local initial threshold values have a predictive value for predicting the occurrence of cervical cancer recurrence: B7.2 < 10.7 pg/ml (Se = 0.87; Sp = 0.73; Ac = 0.76; AUC = 0.78), PD-L1 ≤ 5.1 pg/ml (Se = 0.87; Sp = 0.68; Ac = 0.71; AUC = 0.76), sCD27 ≥ 32.0 pg/ml (Se = 0.75; Sp = 0.78; Ac = 0.78; AUC = 0.75).Conclusion. Determination of local levels of B7.2, PD-L1, sCD27 in patients with cervical cancer before treatment can be used to predict the development of disease recurrence during 3 years of follow-up