20,165 research outputs found

    Non-Quadratic Gauge Fixing and Global Gauge Invariance in the Effective Action

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    The possibility of having a gauge fixing term in the effective Lagrangian that is not a quadratic expression has been explored in spin-two theories so as to have a propagator that is both traceless and transverse. We first show how this same approach can be used in spontaneously broken gauge theories as an alternate to the 't Hooft gauge fixing which avoids terms quadratic in the scalar fields. This "non-quadratic" gauge fixing in the effective action results in there being two complex Fermionic and one real Bosonic ghost fields. A global gauge invariance involving a Fermionic gauge parameter, analogous to the usual BRST invariance, is present in this effective action.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4 (submitted to Phys. Rev. D

    The structure of the graviton self-energy at finite temperature

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    We study the graviton self-energy function in a general gauge, using a hard thermal loop expansion which includes terms proportional to T^4, T^2 and log(T). We verify explicitly the gauge independence of the leading T^4 term and obtain a compact expression for the sub-leading T^2 contribution. It is shown that the logarithmic term has the same structure as the ultraviolet pole part of the T=0 self-energy function. We argue that the gauge-dependent part of the T^2 contribution is effectively canceled in the dispersion relations of the graviton plasma, and present the solutions of these equations.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    On Restricting to One Loop Order the Radiative Effects in Quantum Gravity

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    The dimensionful nature of the coupling in the Einstein-Hilbert action in four dimensions implies that the theory is non-renormalizable; explicit calculation shows that beginning at two loop order, divergences arise that cannot be removed by renormalization without introducing new terms in the classical action. It has been shown that, by use of a Lagrange multiplier field to ensure that the classical equation of motion is satisfied in the path integral, radiative effects can be restricted to one loop order. We show that by use of such Lagrange multiplier fields, the Einstein-Hilbert action can be quantized without the occurrence of non-renormalizable divergences. We then apply this mechanism to a model in which there is in addition to the Einstein-Hilbert action, a fully covariant action for a self-interacting scalar field coupled to the metric. It proves possible to restrict loop diagrams involving internal lines involving the metric to one-loop order; diagrams in which the scalar field propagates occur at arbitrary high order in the loop expansion. This model also can be shown to be renormalizable. Incorporating spinor and vector fields in the same way as scalar fields is feasible, and so a fully covariant Standard Model with a dynamical metric field can also be shown to be renormalizableComment: 8 pages. This version contains more background materia
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