24 research outputs found

    Creativity of the Cultural Heritages and the Landscapes. Redevelopment experiences at compared

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    This study intends to present some Sicilian realities in which good practices of protection and enhancement of material and immaterial heritage have been actualized. Enchanting places in the Agrigento territory, of great interest and beauty, destination for many travelers. Sites in which art, history, culture and traditions are inextricably combined becoming engines of economic development and promoters of experiential and emotional tourism

    Paths and Erratic Emotions of Natural and Cultural Landscapes: Mobility, Slow Fruition and Exploration of Economic Potentiality

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    In recent years there is greater awareness of the need to match up the large amount of historical and environmental heritage of the Italian territory with the quality and concentration of cultural heritage and tourist services and put them into a network, through a new system of mobility. Urban and territorial policies should identify strategies and projects favoring the connections and use of sites, the perception of landscapes and the subjective emotions they arouse in the community. This interdisciplinary paper aims to rediscover the values and diversity of natural and cultural landscapes in Sicily by following slow routes immersed in valuable rural and urban areas. The proposed investigation by micro-economic method provides the private and public parties interested with initial useful information on the potentiality of implementing services enabling visitors to enjoy environmental and cultural goods, which often represent the true side of territories

    The promotion of the historical, cultural, and landscape heritage - Active citizenship

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    In Italy, the management of the historic, artistic, cultural and landscape heritage and the issues related to its conservation and sustainability are an increasingly urgent issue to discuss, especially in light of the economic crisis of recent years. The policy, in the past, has focused mainly on large restorations, neglecting investments in conservation, an improved accessibility to the heritage, the dissemination of good practices for the protection and maintenance of the same, the enhancement of the landscape. Moreover, to make matters worse, the continuous risk of deterioration, caused by environmental conditions of the context in which the assets are located, and the lack of appropriate forms of prevention of natural disasters, make the situation even more critical. This study, through the literature and comparison of certain urban realities - Italian and European - aims to present a path towards active citizenship, in which underutilized public spaces and abandoned buildings are transformed, redeveloped and requalified. Virtuous examples of planning, protection, and enhancement achieved through collaboration among the different social actors, public and private, where the application of good management practices, conservation and development of the historic, cultural and landscape heritage has produced well-being to the community and has increased the economic development and tourism to the city

    Le trasformazioni del territorio in mezzo secolo di scempi.

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    Valorizzare il patrimonio paesaggistico e territoriale, fermare il consumo di suolo, coinvolgere i cittadini nel processo di partecipazione nelle procedure di formazione dei piani urbanistici, puntare ad uno sviluppo regionale sostenibile e durevole, sono i temi dell'attuale e acceso dibattito sulla riduzione del consumo di suolo in cui si inserisce il Disegno di legge "Contenimento del consumo del suolo e riuso del suolo edificato", approvato recentemente dal Consiglio dei Ministri.Le risorse sono limitate e il suolo libero non è riproducibile ma va preservato e tutelato nelle sue funzioni produttive e paesaggistico ambientali nella consapevolezza che prima di trasformarlo occorrono soluzioni alternative. Ecco perché sono necessari interventi normativi, decisivi e risolutivi, tali da bloccare e mettere un freno agli scempi causati dall’azione antropica. La pubblicazione raccoglie le riflessioni dei relatori sul tema in occasione del convegno tenutosi ad Agrigento

    AGRIGENTO SMART - Integration and sustainability in the regeneration of an urban public space. A case study.

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    Agrigento, city of the Valley of the Temples, for a few decades it is only known for the "unauthorised development" (or sacco edilizio between the '50s and' 70s of the twentieth century). Today is trying to regain possession of those urban spaces subtracted from a foolish speculation, assigning to them a renewed urban and social connotation, beauty and utility, trying to heal some of the major wounds of the past. With the awareness that it is not a path easy, nor immediate. The issue of public space, and its renewed use today, assumes a crucial role in the process of urban regeneration. Our focus, of multidisciplinary approach, is aimed at the southern edge of the old town called "Square Ravanusella". The area, in recent years, welcomed numerous immigrant community, for residences and commercial activites. This space, once used as market square until mid '900, it is included between the historic buildings and newer ones, preserved by the "sacco" of '60s, which represent the ugly skyline of the city view from the sea and of the Valley of the Temples. The complex design solutions proposed, through a participatory management of the common heritage, have the objective of recovering aesthetically, functionally and economically the site, following a precise technical and cultural path of socio-economic integration, full of "beauty, but also useful, functional and for all\u201d. In this sense, they want to engage and configure certain receptive/commercial services, car parks and public transport, for a multi-ethnic citizenship with complex needs and differentiated, and a severely degraded area of the city and underutilized, despite its central and panoramic

    Analisi e riqualificazione urbana di spazi pubblici

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    Negli ultimi venti anni alcune citt\ue0 europee, hanno investito molto sui programmi di riqualificazione urbana, partendo dalla definizione di un'armatura strutturale di spazi pubblici da recuperare. Questa pubblicazione vuole mettere a confronto citt\ue0 italiane ed europee, analizzando gli spazi aperti pubblici privi ormai della loro identit\ue0 e verso cui non si \ue8 riusciti a generare un \u201crapporto\u201d tra il cittadino e il luogo. In alcuni casi, le scelte progettuali compiute si sono rivelate fallimentari a causa anche di una cattiva gestione e scarsa manutenzione. Ecco perch\ue9 bisogna compiere delle scelte capaci di restituire e, talvolta, attribuire identit\ue0 a questi luoghi, sensibilizzando la collettivit\ue0 e promuovendo una cultura che punti a rendere fruibili tali spazi al servizio dei cittadini. Questa \ue8 un\u2019operazione molto delicata frutto di una accurata interpretazione dei caratteri naturali e culturali che il territorio possiede