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    Not AvailableIt is often said that we are afraid of dreaming considering it as a fancy, hence avoidable. In fact dream we must, otherwise how else we shall think of going ahead, how shall we chalk out the best strategies and devise the implementation plan ? So, we went ahead with our dream which was to take the Academy – which has served National Agricultural Research System over more than three decades rather well and is recognized, to another level which it has not achieved and the path it had not walked. At the Academy, we are happy that it is happening already. We have been able to launch two One Year PG Diploma Courses, one on Information Technology Management and the other on Intellectual Property & Technology Management. We believe that both these courses will be well taken by the prospective employers. Actually more than these courses, the new path has given our Academy a definite launch pad for bigger things to come in future. One of these is the launch of a Two Year PG Diploma in Management (Agriculture) Course in July this year. I am sure this will instill a great amount of self confidence in our faculty which is already known for its multi-tasking skills. Prior to commencement of these courses, a number of brainstorming were organized for eliciting valuable advice and suggestions from the best experts drawn from reputed institutions / organizations in public and private sector regarding curriculum design, internship etc. Two FOCARS – the flagship course of the Academy were organized and another initiated. This was done to pump in as many bright young scientists into our system as early as possible. Other training courses, both on and off – Campus programmes, were organized by the Academy and its partnering institutions like IIM, Lucknow; MANAGE, Hyderabad and NIRD, Hyderabad especially under L&CB Sub-Project of NAIP. The demand for our off-Campus programmes is large, but as we wish to do them, due to our limited human resource, we could do only few, fully realizing their potential to benefit a large number of participants who all cannot be trained at the Campus. The Academy has six NAIP Sub-Projects in Consortia mode – two as Leader and four as Partner. I must thank NAIP for its considerable financial assistance for these sub-projects which will go a long way in sharpening our training skill, strengthen our research capabilities and further improve already good infrastructure. In order to develop higher capabilities in teaching, training and research, a number of our faculty were sent for varying periods to USA, especially Cornell University and IFPRI which gave them very valuable exposure, contact with the leading exports, learning resources and also identifying Guest faculty for our courses. This effort has been very useful. More of our faculty will visit USA in next financial year. The approval of XI Plan SFC was a watershed for us as it allowed us to initiate teaching course, proceed with our long cherished desire to have a Deemed-to be- University status for NAARM. The relentless quest for excellence and moving ahead with the times It is often said that we are afraid of dreaming considering it as a fancy, hence avoidable. In fact dream we must, otherwise how else we shall think of going ahead, how shall we chalk out the best strategies and devise the implementation plan ? So, we went ahead with our dream which was to take the Academy – which has served National Agricultural Research System over more than three decades rather well and is recognized, to another level which it has not achieved and the path it had not walked. At the Academy, we are happy that it is happening already. We have been able to launch two One Year PG Diploma Courses, one on Information Technology Management and the other on Intellectual Property & Technology Management. We believe that both these courses will be well taken by the prospective employers. Actually more than these courses, the new path has given our Academy a definite launch pad for bigger things to come in future. One of these is the launch of a Two Year PG Diploma in Management (Agriculture) Course in July this year. I am sure this will instill a great amount of self confidence in our faculty which is already known for its multi-tasking skills. Prior to commencement of these courses, a number of brainstorming were organized for eliciting valuable advice and suggestions from the best experts drawn from reputed institutions / organizations in public and private sector regarding curriculum design, internship etc. Two FOCARS – the flagship course of the Academy were organized and another initiated. This was done to pump in as many bright young scientists into our system as early as possible. Other training courses, both on and off – Campus programmes, were organized by the Academy and its partnering institutions like IIM, Lucknow; MANAGE, Hyderabad and NIRD, Hyderabad especially under L&CB Sub-Project of NAIP. The demand for our off-Campus programmes is large, but as we wish to do them, due to our limited human resource, we could do only few, fully realizing their potential to benefit a large number of participants who all cannot be trained at the Campus. The Academy has six NAIP Sub-Projects in Consortia mode – two as Leader and four as Partner. I must thank NAIP for its considerable financial assistance for these sub-projects which will go a long way in sharpening our training skill, strengthen our research capabilities and further improve already good infrastructure. In order to develop higher capabilities in teaching, training and research, a number of our faculty were sent for varying periods to USA, especially Cornell University and IFPRI which gave them very valuable exposure, contact with the leading exports, learning resources and also identifying Guest faculty for our courses. This effort has been very useful. More of our faculty will visit USA in next financial year. The approval of XI Plan SFC was a watershed for us as it allowed us to initiate teaching course, proceed with our long cherished desire to have a Deemed-to be- University status for NAARM. The relentless quest for excellence and moving ahead with the times has kept fire in our stomachs burning which I am happy to share. In this Plan , a big boost to our infrastructure is envisaged like PG and Sports Complexes which were badly needed. All necessary work has been undertaken and we hope to lay their Foundation Stones also in July. A Language Lab is under final stages of establishment, it is hoped to provide a valuable support for training in communication and virtually in developing skills in foreign languages. Besides the training programmes, a number of researches are being conducted here. One such important project is on the rating of AUs – a project which if receives sufficient support from Aus, will come out with scientifically tested parameters which will be immensely helpful in attracting top students both from India and abroad and boost our export of education which we need to do more and more, besides of course getting better resources and funding from donor agencies. Another project which is assessing manpower requirement in agriculture , which is expected to provided valuable information which may become a basis for manpower planning in ICAR institutes and AUs. Other research projects are also expected to provide valuable information on agricultural research management .Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableWhile presenting the Annual Report 2007-08, I feel extremely happy as it gives us the opportunity to give the account for entire year’s accomplishments in training, research, consultancy and policy support. It also gives us occasion to see where we stood last year and what efforts would be needed to achieve ever more. The last year was, in real sense, a watershed period when the Academy started making earnest efforts to do some out of box thinking which was given spurt by the Academy’s Quinquennial Review Team (QRT). As we gained confidence in our own capabilities, we thought it would be worth making the paradigm shift from a training institution since last more than three decades to a global learning institution with an aim to produce global thought leaders. But our quest for excellence in capacity building programmes for individuals and institutions of India National Agricultural Research System ( NARS )and others will go unabated. So, it has been a truly exciting period for all of us at the Academy. Our Vision-2025 and XI Plan SFC documents were prepared after much deliberation and reflect our aspirations for the future. The Academy was entrusted with the responsibility of Consortium Leader of NAIP sub-project in ‘Learning and Capacity Building’ in partnership with Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow; National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad and National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, Hyderabad as Consortium Partners. A number of programmes were organized, mainly by the Academy but also by the partnering institutions. The Academy is also a partner in three NAIP Consortia led by ICRISAT, Hyderabad; NCAP, New Delhi and NBPGR, New Delhi. A Help Desk was created at the Academy for providing support to prospective institutions in preparing their concept notes and full proposals of approved concept notes and their on-line submission and through a number of workshops with proposed Lead institutions and their partners under Components 2 and 3 of NAIP. Our support to PIU of NAIP has been strong and well recognized. On the training front, three FOCARS courses – the flagship programme of the Academy, were organized, one of the batches was quite large. There have been some innovations in the FET Programme for the FOCARS trainees, for instance we tried theme based FET this time, the theme being GI. Other programmes included EDPs, MDPs, Summer and Winter Schools in which research managers and different levels of scientists and teachers participated. Besides our regular client institutions under NARS, we also had participants from other organizations as well. The Council has been laying much emphasis on sensitization about the IP and technology management issues. First training-cum-workshop on this theme was organized at the Academy which dealt with important issues. The Academy also organized a number of off-Campus programmes for the benefit of larger number of scientists, teachers, technical and administrative staff of SAUs and ICAR institutes who otherwise could not come to NAARM at a time in such number. These courses have been well appreciated. Besides our national level programmes, international programmes for foreign nationals were also organized. An Expert Consultation on Agricultural Research Networks and Consortia in Asia-Pacific – a joint ICAR-ICRISAT-APAARI programme organized at the Academy had the participation of delegates from a large number of countries of the Region. Besides providing logistics for the Meet, we saw it as an opportunity to showcase the Academy to the participating countries / institutions with whom there could be future collaborations. The ICAR South Zone Sports Tournament, organized by the Academy had a record number of participants from 21 institutes. The redeeming feature of this Tournament was that NAARM bagged the Overall Team Championship, Best Woman All Rounder and Best Woman Athlete, Second Best Man All Rounder Awards and the Champions’ Trophy. All the officials including our FOCARS Probationers, who brought laurels to the Academy, deserve my highest praise.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThis document is a comprehensive record of the Academy’s activities and accomplishments during 2005-2006. The Academy has completed 29 years of dedicated service to the nation. During these years the Academy has made significant contribution in manpower development in National Agricultural Research System (NARS) of India, and also other developing countries in South Asia and Africa. The Academy has also taken up research and consultancy projects and services, depending upon the specific needs of the clientele organizations. A significant achievement of the year was that the Academy has been identified as the major center for Learning and Capacity Building (L & CB) activities. At the behest of the Council, the Academy through a series of policy dialogues, developed guidelines for material transfer in inter institutional collaborative projects under the overall framework of BD Act 2002. During this period, 44 programmes were held, and a total of 969 scientists, teachers, administrators and finance officers were trained. Six off-campus programmes, one international programme for administrative and finance officers of Nepal Agricultural Research Council and five ICAR sponsored Summer Schools were the other highlights of the year. This year, many of our faculty and staff members participated and presented papers in various workshops and seminars at various institutes in the country. Research projects were prioritized with reference to the current needs. Broad outline for the protection of various forms of intellectual property (IP) in the ICAR system at the level of individual scientists, institutes and headquarters was prepared, which may serve as a background material for the Special Task Force constituted by ICAR for developing guidelines for IP protection. The efforts brought recognition to the Academy in different forms. Dr T. Balaguru, Head, ARSMP Division received “The World Medal of Freedom” for significant accomplishments in the field of Agricultural Research Management. Dr Jagannadham Challa was awarded Fellow of the National Academy of Veterinary Sciences for his contribution as a Veterinarian. The ICAR Inter-institutional Tournament (Southern Zone) was hosted by the Academy, and NAARM won several prizes in various events. The Academy also bagged several trophies at the Annual Rose Show organized by Hyderabad and Secunderabad Rose Societies.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIt gives me immense pleasure in presenting this document as a comprehensive record of the Academy’s activities and accomplishments during 2006-2007. This report details the progress and achievements of the Academy in its mandated areas of training, research, collaboration, consultancy and policy support. A significant achievement of the year was that the Academy was recognized as the focal point for initiating activities under National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) and working as an extended arm of its PIU. A Help Desk was created at the Academy for facilitating the concept note and proposal writing under the key components of NAIP. National Workshop on Training Needs Assessment for Learning and Capacity Building (L&CB) (under NAIP), NAIP Awareness Building Workshop, Induction Workshop-cum-Training on Development of Research Proposals in Public–Private Consortia mode (under NAIP), Sensitization Workshop on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Projects under (NAIP) were organized. During this period, 62 programmes were held, and a total of 1547 scientists, teachers, administrators and finance officers were trained. Thirteen off-campus programmes, one international programme on Research Extension Linkages for Effective Delivery of Agricultural Technologies in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Countries (in collaboration with SAARC Agricultural Information Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh), five ICAR sponsored Summer Schools and two Winter Schools, were the other highlights of the year. This year, one of our colleagues was deputed abroad for training and many of our faculty and staff members participated and presented papers in various workshops and seminars at various institutes in the country and abroad. The research papers, technical bulletins and other materials published by the scientists of the Academy are appreciable. Research projects were prioritized with reference to the current needs. Application of GRAM GIS in micro-level planning and development for sustainable agriculture was streamlined, a new methodology is being developed and standardized for qualitative rating of colleges under the Agricultural Universities, recommendations were drawn on various aspects of higher education in agriculture to face the challenges of GATS. The ICAR Inter-institutional Tournament (Southern Zone) was hosted by the Academy, and NAARM won several prizes in various events. The Overall Team Championship was awarded to NAARM. The Academy also bagged several trophies at the Annual Rose Show organized by Hyderabad and Secunderabad Rose SocietiesNot Availabl