2,039 research outputs found

    Richardson Extrapolation for Linearly Degenerate Discontinuities

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    In this paper we investigate the use of Richardson extrapolation to estimate the convergence rates for numerical solutions to advection problems involving discontinuities. We use modified equation analysis to describe the expectation of the approach. In general, the results do not agree with a-priori estimates of the convergence rates. However, we identify one particular use case where Richardson extrapolation does yield the proper result. We then demonstrate this result using a number of numerical examples.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figur

    Progress in radar snow research

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    Multifrequency measurements of the radar backscatter from snow-covered terrain were made at several sites in Brookings, South Dakota, during the month of March of 1979. The data are used to examine the response of the scattering coefficient to the following parameters: (1) snow surface roughness, (2) snow liquid water content, and (3) snow water equivalent. The results indicate that the scattering coefficient is insensitive to snow surface roughness if the snow is drv. For wet snow, however, surface roughness can have a strong influence on the magnitude of the scattering coefficient. These observations confirm the results predicted by a theoretical model that describes the snow as a volume of Rayleig scatterers, bounded by a Gaussian random surface. In addition, empirical models were developed to relate the scattering coefficient to snow liquid water content and the dependence of the scattering coefficient on water equivalent was evaluated for both wet and dry snow conditions

    Big Data Analysis of Population Flow between TfL Oyster and Bicycle Hire Networks in London

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    This study seeks to undertake an initial analysis of the likely flow of people between the Tube to bicycle hire network in London. Data for the two networks were extracted for a month (April and June 2012) in order to establish the strength of the relationship between them. The results quantify the extent to which Tube commuters impact the capacity utilization of the bicycle network. We expect this research to have implications in the expansion and maintenance of bicycle hire in London and similar schemes around the world

    Auto-Zero Differential Amplifier

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    An autozero amplifier may include a window comparator network to monitor an output offset of a differential amplifier. The autozero amplifier may also include an integrator to receive a signal from a latched window comparator network, and send an adjustment signal back to the differential amplifier to reduce an offset of the differential amplifier

    Social Versus Financial Performance of Microfinance: Bangladesh Perspective

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    Microfinance is a tool designed for poverty alleviation by providing financial services more specifically small credit to the poor household for income generating activities. One of the better ways to help poor people for poverty alleviation is through giving them financial services that cannot be done in traditional banking system. However, there is a big question whether it is possible to provide those services for a financial institution without being sustainable financially. How far it can go with free lunch that is depending on donors’ fund. These two patterns place microfinance at the intersection. One may wonder whether the microfinance compromises a trade-off between serving the poor as social objective and attaining financial sustainability as financial objective. If microfinance institute wishes to get financial sustainability through profit maximization rather ignoring intended social objective of alleviating poverty, than it loses its momentum and becomes like other traditional financial institute. Fulfilling social objective with financial sustainability will be the optimum outcome of microfinance. Microfinance has been pioneered primarily in Bangladesh and later replicated in rest of the world. By this time, over 33 million of clients are being served with various financial and non-financial services by over 700 registered microfinance institute in Bangladesh. This study intent to measure the social outreach versus financial sustainability of microfinance institute in Bangladesh through panel data analysis. To do this, we have analyzed the relationship between financial performance and depth of outreach of top 20 microfinance institutes of Bangladesh from 2015 to 2017. Our results show that the relationship is positive or neutral in some cases. Therefore, microfinance in Bangladesh has been attaining both social and financial objectives and there appears no mission drift


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    Objective: To monitor errors in current practice and prepare a manual for proper drug administration through the enteral feeding tube.Methods: It is a prospective observational study conducted for a period of 6 mo in eight departments. The current drug administrations were monitored and checked for the errors which include crushed non crushable solid dosage forms, each drug is not prepared separately, incorrect solution used for dilution, drugs mixed with feeding formula, each drug is not administered separately, not flushed before administration of each drug, not flushed after administration of each drug and others (tablets are not crushed with proper device, motors and pestles are not cleaned frequently, spillage during crushing). Using the data, a manual was prepared and submitted to the physicians of each department.Results: The most prominent error was found to be that the drugs were not prepared and administered separately, tube not flushed before drug administration. Uses of noncrushable tablets were high in neurology. Pantoprazole (enteric coated) and prazosin (modified release) tablets were the most commonly used noncrushable drugs.Conclusion: The study observed the need for developing a standard protocol for drug administration through enteral feeding tube by the pharmacist along with the physician, nursing team to improve the quality of enteral therapy

    Inferring Demographics from Spatial-Temporal Activities Using Smart Card Data

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    On the Parameter of the Burr Type X under Bayesian Principles

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    A comprehensive Bayesian analysis has been carried out in the context of informative and non-informative priors for the shape parameter of the Burr type X distribution under different symmetric and asymmetric loss functions. Elicitation of hyperparameter through prior predictive approach is also discussed. Also we derive the expression for posterior predictive distributions, predictive intervals and the credible Intervals. As an illustration, comparisons of these estimators are made through simulation study

    Experience of Anti-VEGF Treatment and Clinical Levels of Depression and Anxiety in Patients With Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    PURPOSE: To investigate detailed patient experiences specific to receiving vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors (anti-VEGF) for wet age-related macular degeneration (wAMD), and to acquire a snapshot of the frequency of clinically significant levels of depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress among patients and levels of burden in patients’ carers. DESIGN: Observational cross-sectional mixed-methods study. METHODS: Three hundred patients with wAMD receiving anti-VEGF treatment and 100 patient carers were recruited. Qualitative data on patients’ experience of treatment were collected using a structured survey. Standardized validated questionnaires were used to quantify clinically significant levels of anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress, as well as cognitive function and carers’ burden. RESULTS: Qualitative data showed that 56% of patients (n =132) reported anxiety related to antiVEGF treatment. The main sources of anxiety were fear of going blind owing to intravitreal injections and concerns about treatment effectiveness, rather than around pain. From validated questionnaires, 17% of patients (n= 52) showed clinical levels of anxiety and 12% (n =36) showed clinical levels of depression. Depression levels, but not anxiety, were significantly higher in patients who received up to 3 injections compared with patients who received from 4 to 12 injections (analysis of variance [ANOVA] P = .027) and compared with patients who received more than 12 injections (ANOVA P = .001). CONCLUSIONS: Anti-VEGF treatment is often experienced with some anxiety related to treatment, regardless of the number of injections received. Clinical levels of depression seem to be more frequent in patients at early stages of anti-VEGF treatment. Strategies to improve patient experience of treatment and minimize morbidity are suggested

    A Near-Infrared and Thermal Imager for Mapping Titan's Surface Features

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    Approximately 10% of the solar insolation reaches the surface of Titan through atmospheric spectral windows. We will discuss a filter based imaging system for a future Titan orbiter that will exploit these windows mapping surface features, cloud regions, polar storms. In the near-infrared (NIR), two filters (1.28 micrometer and 1.6 micrometer), strategically positioned between CH1 absorption bands, and InSb linear array pixels will explore the solar reflected radiation. We propose to map the mid, infrared (MIR) region with two filters: 9.76 micrometer and 5.88-to-6.06 micrometers with MCT linear arrays. The first will map MIR thermal emission variations due to surface albedo differences in the atmospheric window between gas phase CH3D and C2H4 opacity sources. The latter spans the crossover spectral region where observed radiation transitions from being dominated by thermal emission to solar reflected light component. The passively cooled linear arrays will be incorporated into the focal plane of a light-weight thin film stretched membrane 10 cm telescope. A rad-hard ASIC together with an FPGA will be used for detector pixel readout and detector linear array selection depending on if the field-of-view (FOV) is looking at the day- or night-side of Titan. The instantaneous FOV corresponds to 3.1, 15.6, and 31.2 mrad for the 1, 5, and 10 micrometer channels, respectively. For a 1500 km orbit, a 5 micrometer channel pixel represents a spatial resolution of 91 m, with a FOV that spans 23 kilometers, and Titan is mapped in a push-broom manner as determined by the orbital path. The system mass and power requirements are estimated to be 6 kg and 5 W, respectively. The package is proposed for a polar orbiter with a lifetime matching two Saturn seasons
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