1,042 research outputs found

    Inward and Outward Integral Equations and the KKR Method for Photons

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    In the case of electromagnetic waves it is necessary to distinguish between inward and outward on-shell integral equations. Both kinds of equation are derived. A correct implementation of the photonic KKR method then requires the inward equations and it follows directly from them. A derivation of the KKR method from a variational principle is also outlined. Rather surprisingly, the variational KKR method cannot be entirely written in terms of surface integrals unless permeabilities are piecewise constant. Both kinds of photonic KKR method use the standard structure constants of the electronic KKR method and hence allow for a direct numerical application. As a by-product, matching rules are obtained for derivatives of fields on different sides of the discontinuity of permeabilities. Key words: The Maxwell equations, photonic band gap calculationsComment: (to appear in J. Phys. : Cond. Matter), Latex 17 pp, PRA-HEP 93/10 (exclusively English and unimportant misprints corrected

    A simple formula for the L-gap width of a face-centered-cubic photonic crystal

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    The width L\triangle_L of the first Bragg's scattering peak in the (111) direction of a face-centered-cubic lattice of air spheres can be well approximated by a simple formula which only involves the volume averaged ϵ\epsilon and ϵ2\epsilon^2 over the lattice unit cell, ϵ\epsilon being the (position dependent) dielectric constant of the medium, and the effective dielectric constant ϵeff\epsilon_{eff} in the long-wavelength limit approximated by Maxwell-Garnett's formula. Apparently, our formula describes the asymptotic behaviour of the absolute gap width L\triangle_L for high dielectric contrast δ\delta exactly. The standard deviation σ\sigma steadily decreases well below 1% as δ\delta increases. For example σ<0.1\sigma< 0.1% for the sphere filling fraction f=0.2f=0.2 and δ20\delta\geq 20. On the interval δ(1,100)\delta\in(1,100), our formula still approximates the absolute gap width L\triangle_L (the relative gap width Lr\triangle_L^r) with a reasonable precision, namely with a standard deviation 3% (4.2%) for low filling fractions up to 6.5% (8%) for the close-packed case. Differences between the case of air spheres in a dielectric and dielectric spheres in air are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figs., RevTex, two references added. For more info see http://www.amolf.nl/external/wwwlab/atoms/theory/index.htm

    Resonance-Induced Effects in Photonic Crystals

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    For the case of a simple face-centered-cubic photonic crystal of homogeneous dielectric spheres, we examine to what extent single-sphere Mie resonance frequencies are related to band gaps and whether the width of a gap can be enlarged due to nearby resonances. Contrary to some suggestions, no spectacular effects may be expected. When the dielectric constant of the spheres ϵs\epsilon_s is greater than the dielectric constant ϵb\epsilon_b of the background medium, then for any filling fraction ff there exists a critical ϵc\epsilon_c above which the lowest lying Mie resonance frequency falls inside the lowest stop gap in the (111) crystal direction, close to its midgap frequency. If ϵs<ϵb\epsilon_s <\epsilon_b, the correspondence between Mie resonances and both the (111) stop gap and a full gap does not follow such a regular pattern. If the Mie resonance frequency is close to a gap edge, one can observe a resonance-induced widening of a relative gap width by 5\approx 5%.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figs., RevTex. For more info look at http://www.amolf.nl/external/wwwlab/atoms/theory/index.htm

    Photonic Band Gaps of Three-Dimensional Face-Centered Cubic Lattices

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    We show that the photonic analogue of the Korringa-Kohn-Rostocker method is a viable alternative to the plane-wave method to analyze the spectrum of electromagnetic waves in a three-dimensional periodic dielectric lattice. Firstly, in the case of an fcc lattice of homogeneous dielectric spheres, we reproduce the main features of the spectrum obtained by the plane wave method, namely that for a sufficiently high dielectric contrast a full gap opens in the spectrum between the eights and ninth bands if the dielectric constant ϵs\epsilon_s of spheres is lower than the dielectric constant ϵb\epsilon_b of the background medium. If ϵs>ϵb\epsilon_s> \epsilon_b, no gap is found in the spectrum. The maximal value of the relative band-gap width approaches 14% in the close-packed case and decreases monotonically as the filling fraction decreases. The lowest dielectric contrast ϵb/ϵs\epsilon_b/\epsilon_s for which a full gap opens in the spectrum is determined to be 8.13. Eventually, in the case of an fcc lattice of coated spheres, we demonstrate that a suitable coating can enhance gap widths by as much as 50%.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figs., plain latex - a section on coated spheres, two figures, and a few references adde

    A superconvergent representation of the Gersten-Nitzan and Ford-Webber nonradiative rates

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    An alternative representation of the quasistatic nonradiative rates of Gersten and Nitzan [J. Chem. Phys. 1981, 75, 1139] and Ford and Weber [Phys. Rep. 1984, 113, 195] is derived for the respective parallel and perpendicular dipole orientations. Given the distance d of a dipole from a sphere surface of radius a, the representations comprise four elementary analytic functions and a modified multipole series taking into account residual multipole contributions. The analytic functions could be arranged hierarchically according to decreasing singularity at the short distance limit d ---> 0, ranging from d^{-3} over d^{-1} to ln (d/a). The alternative representations exhibit drastically improved convergence properties. On keeping mere residual dipole contribution of the modified multipole series, the representations agree with the converged rates on at least 99.9% for all distances, arbitrary particle sizes and emission wavelengths, and for a broad range of dielectric constants. The analytic terms of the representations reveal a complex distance dependence and could be used to interpolate between the familiar d^{-3} short-distance and d^{-6} long-distance behaviors with an unprecedented accuracy. Therefore, the representations could be especially useful for the qualitative and quantitative understanding of the distance behavior of nonradiative rates of fluorophores and semiconductor quantum dots involving nanometal surface energy transfer in the presence of metallic nanoparticles or nanoantennas. As a byproduct, a complete short-distance asymptotic of the quasistatic nonradiative rates is derived. The above results for the nonradiative rates translate straightforwardly to the so-called image enhancement factors Delta, which are of relevance for the surface-enhanced Raman scattering.Comment: 30 pages including 6 figure

    How many orthonormal bases are needed to distinguish all pure quantum states?

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    We collect some recent results that together provide an almost complete answer to the question stated in the title. For the dimension d=2 the answer is three. For the dimensions d=3 and d>4 the answer is four. For the dimension d=4 the answer is either three or four. Curiously, the exact number in d=4 seems to be an open problem

    Persistent currents in multicomponent Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid: application to mesoscopic semiconductor ring with spin-orbit interaction

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    We study persistent currents in semiconductor ballistic rings with spin-orbit Rashba interaction. We use as a working model the multicomponent Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid which arises due to the nonparabolic dispersion relations of electrons in the rings with rather strong spin-orbit coupling. This approach predicts some new characteristic features of persistent currents, which may be observed in experimental studies of semiconductor ballistic rings.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure


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    In Ukraine, the cheapest technology for waste collection to organized landfills and landfills continues to prevail. This is harmful to the environment.Untimely removal of solid waste worsens the sanitary condition of settlements, can cause diseases and epidemics. At the same time, solid waste is a source of secondary resources, which necessitates a scientific approach to the choice of means of their disposal and utilization in relation to the specific conditions of settlements of Ukraine.The description of the problem at the state level is mainly reduced to the annual regional report on the state of the environment, and as rightly noted by domestic scientists, is limited to data on the number and area of landfills, the amount of waste placed in specially designated areas. But this "standard" presentation of information does not allow to fully characterize the environmental consequences of the existing waste situation. Another group of scientists, after analyzing the state of waste storage, concluded that the introduction of landfill monitoring system will: analyze the location of landfills, not only in relation to settlements – cities, towns and villages, cottages, etc., as well as features of geosystems in the areas of these landfills, the state of landfills, the causes of spontaneous combustion of garbage, threats to engineering structures at landfills, the conditions in which waste is stored. It should be noted that the assessment of the impact on the environment and the contribution to the formation of the level of environmental safety of environmental sources of solid waste are engaged in the identification of unauthorized landfills based on remote sensing materials and multispectral space images, health impact assessments of people , the consequences of soil pollution adjacent to landfills, as well as integrated assessments of the actual and potential impact of solid waste on the environment.The article calculated the environmental safety categories of waste disposal sites of the Hoshcha district of the Rivne region. The assessment of the level of load of the territory It was established that the load level is average, while the majority of the studied objects are classified as dangerous. The results obtained indicate the existing environmental hazard in the area.В Україні продовжує переважати найбільш дешева з можливих технологій – вивіз відходів на організовані полігони й звалища, при цьому вплив такого підходу завдає шкоду навколишньому середовищу. В статті визначено категорії екологічної безпеки місць видалення відходів Гощанського району Рівненської області та проведено оцінку рівня навантаження території. З’ясовано, що рівень навантаження є середнім, однак більшість досліджуваних об’єктів належать до категорії небезпечних, що свідчить про існуючу екологічну небезпеку в районі

    Current progress in pneumonia research

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