19 research outputs found

    Reduced platelet aggregation in losartan-treated patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome

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    To assess the angiotensin II blocker effects on platelet (PL) aggregation in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and metabolic syndrome (MS). In total, 35 patients received losartan for 16 weeks. Dynamics of plasma and PL lipid peroxidation, blood and PL antioxidant protection, and PL aggregation activity was investigated and analyzed using Student t-test. Losartan therapy improved peroxidation and PL aggregation parameters in patients with AH and MS

    Comparison of platelet hemostasis effects for angiotensin receptor blockers in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome

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    The authors compared platelet hemostasis effects for two angiotensin receptor blockers, valsartan and eprosartan, in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and metabolic syndrome (MS). For 16 weeks, 34 patients received valsartan, and 32 - eprosartan. Plasma and platelet lipid peroxidation products, blood and platelet antioxidant potential, platelet hemostasis parameters were investigated. Data were analyzed using Student t statistics. Valsartan therapy in AH and MS patients reduced peroxidation syndrome and optimized primary hemostasis. To reduce body weight in such patients, valsartan should be combined with non-pharmaceutical methods

    Eprosartan effects on intravascular platelet activity in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome

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    Aim: To study therapeutic effects of eprosartan on intravascular platelet activity in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and metabolic syndrome (MS). Material and methods: In total, 32 participants received eprosartan (600 mg/d) for 4 months. Dynamics of lipid peroxidation in plasma and platelets, antioxidant potential of blood serum and platelets, intravascular platelet activity were assessed. The data were analyzed using Student’s t test. Results: In individuals with AH and MS, eprosartan therapy reduced lipid peroxidation and optimized intravascular platelet activity. Long?term eprosartan treatment could strengthen this beneficial effect. Conclusion. To decrease body weight in persons with AH and MS, eprosartan should be combined with non?pharmaceutical methods

    Valsartan effects on platelet activity in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrom

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    То assess angiotensin II receptor blocker effects on platelet aggregation in arterial hypertension (AH) and metabolic syndrome (MS), 34 patients were administered valsartanfor 16 weeks. The dynamics of anthropometry parameters, blood lipids, plasma and platelet lipid peroxidation, blood and blood cell antioxidant potential, as well as platelet aggregation was investigated. Statistical analysis included Student and systemic multi-factor analysis methods. In AH and MS patients, valsartan improved peroxidation syndrome and platelet aggregation. For weight reduction, valsartan should be combined with non-pharmaceutical methods

    Rapid normalization of platelet hemostasis in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome

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    The study aimed at identifying rapid methods of platelet (PL) hemostasis normalization in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and metabolic syndrome (MS). Three-month therapy course, including hypocaloric diet, dosed physical exercise, pioglar and valsartan, was administered to 35patients with AH and MS. Plasma and PL lipid peroxidation dynamics, blood and PL antioxidant potential, PL hemostasis parameters were assessed. Statistical analysis included Student's t-test. Three-month complex therapy normalized primary hemostasis and reduced peroxidation syndrome in AH and MS patients. Longer treatment will strengthen the achieved beneficial effect