104 research outputs found

    Introduction to the proceedings of the Piccola Impresa/Small Business 5th Workshop: “Beyond the crisis: what is the future for small businesses? Challenges, opportunities and lessons learned”

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    In this volume, we are pleased to present the proceedings of the 5th Workshop organised by the journal Piccola Impresa/Small Business in collaboration with the Association for the study of small enterprises (ASPI), the Research Center on Entrepreneurship and Small-medium firms (CRIMPI), the Italian Academy of Business Economics (AIDEA) and the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB). The workshop title was “Beyond the crisis: what is the future for small businesses? Challenges, opportunities and lessons learned”, and it took place online on December 4-5, 2021. The aim of the conference was to bring together scholars of entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized enterprises, to discuss the emerging issues following the Covid-19 pandemic. As we have highlighted in the call for papers of the workshop and a previous editorial published in the journal mentioned above (Pencarelli et al. 2021), the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the largest public health crisis in living memory, with serious—and still unpredictable—consequences for the global economy. Available data clearly shows that SMEs have particularly suffered from economic downturn: their inherent weaknesses have amplified and accelerated the effects of the crisis compared to larger firms (Cowling et al., 2020; OECD, 2020). Notably, in Italy, the Covid-19 outbreak has challenged SMEs’ survival after a decade of a slow and incomplete recovery (CERVED, 2020, 2021)

    Universit\ue0 degli studi di Macerata

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    Sono illustrati i servizi di orientamento, tutorato e job placement delle 4 Universit\ue0 delle March

    Potentialities of Web 2.0 and new challenges for destinations: insights from Italy

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    Web 2.0 influences the relationship between supply and demand even in the tourism sector, forcing those who manage destinations (DMOs) to review the ways in which they enhance a territory’s assets. As an exploratory contribution, this paper aims to answer two research questions: are the daily activities on social networks able to influence the marketing approach of DMOs and in what ways and to what extent can the daily activities on social networks enhance the brand equity of destinations? We will achieve this goal by analysing the digital marketing activities of one of the top Italian destinations (case study method). This paper shows that Web 2.0 offers many opportunities for value creation and promotion, but it also presents important challenges


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    Il saggio funge da introduzione al volume, mettendo in risalto tre questioni chiave. La prima questione riguarda la comunicazione turistica pubblica in Italia, di cui vengono illustrate luci ed ombre al fine di mettere in evidenza la necessità di accrescere sia l’efficienza che l’efficacia dei processi di comunicazione turistica territoriale e di collegare l’agire comunicativo con le strategie di governo delle destinazioni turistiche (destination management). Il tema del destination management e delle implicazioni sulle decisioni di destination branding viene affrontato nel secondo paragrafo, dal quale emerge altresì la criticità di armonizzare le strategie di gestione delle destinazioni turistiche con le politiche territoriali rivolte alla soddisfazione dei molteplici portatori di interesse. Il capitolo prosegue illustrando le problematiche e le sfide organizzative e manageriali del destination branding, inteso come un insieme di attività volte a creare, mantenere e sviluppare l’identità e la reputazione di marca delle destinazioni e dei prodotti turistici avvalendosi dei paradigmi del marketing management e tenendo conto dei contributi rivenienti dal marketing interculturale e del marketing esperenziale. Il capitolo si conclude sottolineando l’imperativo, per le Organizzazioni Turistiche Pubbliche, di assumere prospettive integrate e relazionali alle azioni di comunicazione e di branding, capaci di coordinare le attività comunicative dei vari attori territoriali e di valorizzarne i contributi nella consapevolezza che la comunicazione “è affare di tutti” e che una destinazione comunica anche tramite i residenti, i turisti, l’ambiente, la cultura, le risorse e i prodotti turistici di cui è dotata
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